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fanny adams

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Status Updates posted by fanny adams

  1. "Guitar is for the head, drums are for the chest, but bass gets you in the groin" Suzi Quatro.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Clarky
    3. Marc S

      Marc S

      Yes, that's a great quote :) 

    4. Lowend soldier

      Lowend soldier

      My 8x8 inch cab would argue that one. I was gigging a ancient tiny Wrexham pub with my old Swr Henry the 8th cab. (the chest pounding punch from it when cranked was actually physical) Midway through the 2nd set the pub door flies open and an ambulance crew run in and head for the men,s toilet (its basically a cupboard with a unisex bog). After banging on the door, they boot the door open and in clear sight of everyone in the bar, an elderly guys lying around the toilet with his kegs round his ankles, toilet roll hanging out of his cheeks and a mobile phone in his hand. Poor guy thought the pounding in his chest was another heart attack 😂😂😂

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