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Posts posted by MikeB

  1. [quote name='Mr Cougar' post='18324' date='Jun 15 2007, 03:22 PM']Damn it! I thought this thread was going to be about communism and the failure of the solcialist experiment in Western Europe in the late 20th century![/quote]

    Feel free to take it wherever you want!

  2. [quote name='metaltime' post='18278' date='Jun 15 2007, 02:01 PM']heres a tip leftybass.com dont no if you have seen it. if i saw my dream bass on there i would be willing to go try it out and get it even if it meant traveling in europe.


    Thanks for the tip. This is a really good site and has helped restore my confidence. I will check regularly for my dream bass!

    Amazed at how many people have had to learn to play right handed. What a sad indictment of the bass guitar manufacturing community. I'm far too old to do that (old dog / new tricks etc) but admire your determination. I was always encouraged to write with my right hand at school but never thought that was a good idea either!

    Nice to know I'm not alone.

  3. As a "leftie" (always have been, always will be) I am really p*ssed off by the rest of the world's assumption (particularly music shops) that we barely exist. In virtually every shop I go to there will be a tiny number of cheap, copy basses hidden away somewhere which represent the entire stock of L/H gear. The old lefties shop in Leytonstone used to be the exception but last time I went there the choice of L/H basses had been reduced dramatically. I'm keen to try out / buy an "old" fender model (P or J) but chances of finding anything seem to be virtually nil. Even the Basses For Sale section of Basschat only seems to have one L/H bass in it.

    Am I alone?? Lefties of the world unite!

  4. [quote name='The Burpster' post='17155' date='Jun 13 2007, 07:48 PM']Please trust me as a person that was selected by society to know stuff like that, I know where Swinderby is...... I think you'll find if you read my post again it states "just inside Lincs"........ We may be an agricultural county but we are not stoopid or illiterate!!!![/quote]

    And none taken!!!

    And if you read MY post again you can see I was confirming what you said.

  5. All this local dialect stuff is getting far too confusing - and what's with all the complaints about Lincolnshire. I moved up here from "the smoke" 18 years ago and wouldn't go back if you paid me.

    By the way, Burpster, Swinderby is definitely in Lincs (though only by about 2 miles) I should know - I live in Swinderby!
    Telebass, the RAF camp closed about 12 years ago. Its now being turned into a massive housing estate.

  6. Hi. Recently discovered BT. Sure it's going to be really useful / interesting. I play bass in a "mature" (50 plus) band in the Lincoln area playing blues/rock covers (Cream, Free, Gary Moore, etc). I use Fender gear (Jazz & Precision) and have just bought an Ampeg 450H which is great. We have all been playing quite a while but only got together a few months ago and have only played 3 gigs so far, which leads me on to last night. Weirdest gig I've ever done. School fund raising event starting off with a 36 piece jazz swing band made up of school pupils (very good but a million miles from what we do) followed by us (we were asked to turn down after a couple of songs so we asked the audience and they were very happy with the sound and were dancing around like loonies. We ignored the instruction. Took me back to school days). Then a band possibly even older than us playing MOR early 60's pop covers. Again, pretty good but made for an unusual mix of musical styles. A weird gig, but at least we got paid OK.
    Any more weird gig stories?

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