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Posts posted by arsenic

  1. From the example that you typed out - you are on the right lines, BUT you need to remove the quotation marks around the word youtube

  2. I have just tried in IE8 on W7 - everything works, but none of the graphics display properly.
    Opera, as has been said, everything looks OK, but the L/H links don't work.
    Looking at the state of the coding, you may be better off starting from scratch.

    As for going official, I would start off by getting the web presence sorted, and then look at accountants and contracts etc - mainly because, in my opinion, there may be potential "customers", who will look at the site, and quickly move on elsewhere. If it were me, I would expect the website to reflect the band.

    As has been said, and accountant can make all the difference to whether you pay the possible additional tax or not.

    You may be better off seeing a solicitor to so out a contact - you want to ensure there are no loopholes - but it also needs to be simple to understand - again, too much legal jargon could put people off.

    Anyway, that's just my 2p worth.

  3. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='879421' date='Jun 28 2010, 12:55 AM']It is true and no they don't offer a replacement, with the exception of the Sting signature model[/quote]

    ....Bugger - I hoped these would hold out for another year 'till I can afford one......and I guess the S/H price will start creeping up.

    As for the Sting Sig, it has two main issues 1- it has his name on it, and, more importantly, 2- it's got 'burst finish.

  4. Focus 3 was one of my favorite albums way back in 72/73, and still get a semi regular playing these days.

    Jan Akkerman and Thejs Van Leer were top class composers and musicians - Moving Waves and Hamburger Concerto were also excellent albums.

  5. Following on from Wayne's idea of a mastic gasket, could you not fill the scratchplate holes at the same time, and when dry, let the screws pierce the mastic?

    This was stop, if not all, most, of the moisture getting through that way - a thin smear of mastic over the top would seal it properly, and make the screws easy to get out. Super glue may make this more problematic, that the smear of mastic.

    Just a thought!

  6. Hello, and welcome to the forum.

    As always, the best thing you can do is get out in the world and try as many bass/amp combinations as you can, and find out what feels and sounds right for you.

    When you have found what you want - you have the option of bying locally - supporting your local shop, which is a good thing, finding what you want on-line - probably paying less, but bear in mind that you may have to pay out for a decent set up, or you can look in the for sale section here, and hopefully find what you want there - again, saving money, but you will probably see a lower depreciation if you decide it is not for you and want to sell it on.

    Edited for my lousy spelling

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