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Posts posted by arsenic

  1. [quote name='spinynorman' post='865642' date='Jun 13 2010, 12:10 AM']Actually has the opposite effect on me, a signature really puts me off.[/quote]


    [quote name='JTUK' post='865694' date='Jun 13 2010, 08:04 AM']Can't think of anything worse............./snip/
    Just don't get it..[/quote]

    ....and this.....

    [quote name='Al Heeley' post='865707' date='Jun 13 2010, 08:45 AM']Due to my natural cynicism, signature instruments put me off as they are just a marketing tool to get more moeny out of punters who may be a fan or follower of the endorsee. Its certainly been a very lucrative strategy for Fender but I'm sure the extra £££'s you spend on a sig model are pretty much wasted.[/quote]

    ......and this.

    [quote name='fender73' post='865713' date='Jun 13 2010, 08:55 AM']so it is just me then...ho hum.[/quote]

    Seems that way so far. :)

  2. Looks about right to me!


    Hello, and welcome to the forum.

    Dont worry about not being a big forum user - that will soon change now you've signed up here :)

  3. Just had a listen to a couple of tracks from their latest offering - seems like they have contiued in their recent vein, with traditional instruments taking second place to lots of keyboard "noises". (Seahawks), and it looks like they are having a hard time writing a full albums worth of material again - a new rendition of "You'd Better Believe It" - way too twee and far too musically removed from the original version, for me.

  4. As a big Hawkwind fan for many years...I have to agree with the first part of your post - Lemmy was one of my main early bass influences.

    from the multitude to follow, came some damn good bass lines - check out High Rise and PXR5 (from the PXR5 album), Freefall(25 years), hell, evern Harvey Bainbridge came up with one or two good ones.

    I lost interest after the Xenon Codex, the whole style went way to self indulgent.

    I must admit to not liking Alan Davey that much - way too far up his own arse for my liking - and just seemed like a poor mans Lemmy - and I am sure I read somewhere where he admitted the whole ricky thing was to be like lemmy.

    During Alan's early period - The Chronicle Of The Black Sword was his crowning glory - I felt he never betterd what he delivered on that album (fantastic tour for that one)

    I know there will be some who disagree with me, but from seeing them in the 70's, 80's and 90's, I have seen them with a few different line-ups, and Lemmy and Adrian Shaw stood out as the best of the bunch.

    but none of them are as bad as the ex techie who took over - Mr Dibs - what a complete tit..poor sound, weak vocals, no stage persence at all and none of the memorable bass lines that had become synonymous with Hawkwind music over the decades.

    70 to 80 was THE Hawkwind era - enough said.

  5. [quote name='tauzero' post='844773' date='May 22 2010, 12:52 AM']Come to think of it, one thing that has declined over the years is second-hand music shops. Musical Exchanges in Brum was a marvellous place. Now it's all gone to ebay and Crack Converters.[/quote]

    Ahh! but which incarnation...

    When they used to be in a little shop on Broad Street with guitars and basses on the ground level and mainly amps in the bassment - the selection was small but ranged from pocket money stuff to high end gear. They had a mint Burns Bison in there for about £25.00, hanging right next to the stairs to the basement. A couple of the guys from local band Cryer used to work there if I recall.

    When they moved to Snow Hill and took over the old Yardleys store, the selection increased, but so did the prices....

    There used to be a small one oppoite Dudley Zoo back in the 80's, I still remember trying out an Aria Cat Pro II in there in about 86/87.

    Thanks for making me think of my younger days - now I do feel old :)

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