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Everything posted by creature

  1. Thanks Andy, No problem. Tim
  2. Thanks Andy, If you provide me with the length, width and weight of the case with the bass in it, I could also look at options from this end. I have a courier company I use with my company and they do international rates. Also, could you email me a picture of the pick guard and case please? Ta very much! Tim.
  3. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='617876' date='Oct 5 2009, 06:57 PM']Yes, have got a lad in Oldham who offered me £600 then dissapeared. Pm me to discuss options? Andy[/quote] Hi Andy, I'm in New Zealand. Would you be prepared to ship? Cheers, Tim [email protected]
  4. Hi Andy, Just caught your listing. Is the bass still available? Cheers.
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