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Posts posted by SMV

  1. For Sale my 2 year old and heavily gigged Ashdown Electric Blue Evo II Combo.

    The cab is in the 'old' style - cloth finish, plastic corner guards (the bottom corner guards on this one are quite scuffed and one is cracked - no feet on this combo... though the 'top' ones are fine) and the grille is metal.

    180 watts (RMS) workhorse Ashdown amp, 15" Blue speaker cone.

  2. I think they both [url="http://www.fender.com/en-GB/products/search.php?partno=0148600506"]look brilliant[/url]. I had a (passive) Vox Standard bass that had a single P-Pup at the bridge, it sounded pretty fat...

    Defintely gonna try these out!

  3. I was messing around with the sounds in my new Zoom B2.1u, which is a great bit of kit (look out for a little review coming soon...) and it got me in the mood for a bit of Mr Graham's 'Hair' with a bit of Wah and tube-dirt. (The dirt is actually from the RH450's 'tubetone' though, not the Zoom) the drums are the ones built in to the Zoom.

    Thanks for watching, hope you enjoy!

  4. I've used these two amps for all my teaching during the past couple of years, so consequently they've gotten a bit 'weathered' going from school to school. Now selling as I've replaced them with a single Roland 'Monitor' cube which takes the inputs of three basses + an iPod, which is why I needed the two below. They're cracking little amps, they sound good and have been very reliable.

    The Line 6 is in perfect working order, and there is only minor cosmetic damage - no deep scratches, just scuffs. [b]£95 collected[/b]. [b]Now sold![/b]

    [url="http://line6.com/lowdownstudio110/"]Specification on Line6 Website[/url]

    The Carlsbro is a little worse for wear... the gaffa tape on the handle isn't to hold it together, it's covering the bare metal on the part that holds the handle on. Also, the 'Mic' jack socket has a broken jack lead-end-bit in it, so can't be used. All other I/O's are working perfectly however! And it works perfectly well with two basses plugged in to it (used in this config. when teaching pairs of students). Other than that I've used it with my acoustic bass plugged in for small jazz gigs, and has plenty enough 'oomf' to hold its own in that live setting against keys, jazz drums, guitar and a couple of horns. Carlsbro have stopped making this little beauty now - who'll give me [b]£35 collected[/b]? [b]Gave this one away to a needy bassist
    [url="http://www.dv247.com/keyboards-and-midi/carlsbro-colt-journeyman-multi-purpose-amplifier--18875"]Specification on Digital Village Website[/url]

    If you buy both together... [b]£120[/b]
    [url="http://www.dropbox.com/gallery/19196358/1/Amps%20for%20sale?h=5d3388"]Pictures Here[/url]

  5. Hey folks, just thought I'd share this old gig recording of my having a go at that 'pretty song' we all know so well!

    Yes, I know I chickened out of attempting [i]that[/i] final harmonic... but the rest is ok I think.

  6. Bass anatomy 101, a video for beginners.

    A brief insight into what the bass is, the anatomy of a bass, and a quick look at some of the sonic possibilities of the instrument.
    And even if you already know all that stuff, you might find it entertaining anyway :)

  7. Also, thinking about what Burritobass said:

    I'll just add that I get the most work from schools that offer subsidised lessons, and also with a local youth centre that offers significantly subsidised tuition with me - £2.50 for a weekly half hour lesson in a group of 3, which is surprisingly very popular and has been going for about a year now. The centre doesn't offer many slots at this price though!

  8. +1 on the skill swapping. I've given bass lessons to a drummer and a double bass player, and now I can play their instruments too :) So I can recommend that to Bilbo, if you can find a willing Double Bassist that wants some bass guitar lessons...

    The only way I've been able to make a decent income from teaching is to work in schools as a peripatetic instructor and get paid by the school.

    I've found a lot of people balk when I ask for £25 or even £20 an hour for private tuition - As this irritating 'music should be free' culture grows, is this attitude spreading into the value of music tuition? I would love to teach for free because I love it so much, but gigs are pretty thin at the moment so it's my main income source, and I am very thankful that I can make a living out of doing it - but only because I work in schools. Hmm... doesn't help the adult learners much.

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