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Posts posted by KingPrawn

  1. I was in a really great Irish covers band for a while. we were doing a function and there was one guy who was all over the place shouting etc etc. During th gap between a song our drummer who never spoke much said.

    " ok the next dance (he paused) will be on your head if you don't shut the fuc* up" Pointing his sticks at our unwelcome punter.

    Before anyone could respond he shouted 1234.into a pogues song

  2. Venue "Can you turn it down tonight lads we have a noise sensor fitted, some of the neighbours have complained"

    Me "why the fuc* we hav'nt even plugged in yet"

    "you do realise were a metal band"

    I think they get scared when they see the marshall stacks being wheeled in.

  3. Man i have been there so many times. You need to love the songs you play for the most part. The odd sh*tt*r is ok, but to many and every thing suffers. Your singer can clearly sing but her tone does not really change, if that makes sense. Each song is delivered in the same way. its like listening to a monosyllabic voice. its a bit cruise ship. where your playing some classic rock tunes that need drive and energy. keep going though, your so close.

  4. There's nothing worse than enjoying an instrument, but you still can't get the sound . Very frustrating. I think you have the answer in selling the warwick and trying something new. Have you tried a Sandberg? lakland?. its sounds to me like you need to spend a bit of time finding a more versitile bass. or as is suggested if you love the feel of the warwick get some outboard stuff to colour the sound sansamp etc.

  5. I would love to try all of these.
    Warwick thumb
    Xotic 5 string

    No particular order,

  6. Hello all. I need your wizdom.

    I want to build a 2x10 4ohm cab. housing construction is no challenge as in a previous life i was a joiner. However i am becoming increasingly confused regarding what speakers to buy. i assumed two 4ohm speakers would work. However doing some web research it appears not, that this will give me the wrong impedence. can anyone help? i want to make it about 400w. i am really really confused.???? also can any advice on which way to wire the speakers to the sockets? diagrams etc. Im sure amongst you all the answer is out there.


  7. There are so many variables to consider. it endless. you+ability+Bass+pickups+strings+preamp+lead+amp+cab+room =nightmare. each one of these components can be broken down.

    I have been playing many years and the biggest change for me was Quality gear. I stopped struggling for my song. In particular i would say amp and cab. I have high end basses and cheaper ones, they all sound great through great amp and cab. If you took your squire in to your local music shop and put it through some high end stuff it will sound so diffrent. Try changing the pickups its a great way to change the tone of a instrument you enjoy playing.

    Aside from that play with your eq. start flat with everything and go from there. Get used to changing your tone while playing. It takes a second, you don't have to set the tone and walk away. learn to listen and feel the sound you will then develop an ear that picks up the tones that make up your sound.

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