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The Funk

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Posts posted by The Funk

  1. Hehe, you're in trouble now, man. I agree with you but damn.

    Seeing as we're name-checking, Louis Johnson is a monster. In a good way, of course.

    Edit: Parker, seeing as you're still new to slap, try thumbs up too. It just enables you to do slap and pop in one smooth wrist movement rather than an arm movement.

  2. Any experience of their new subwoofer-type cabs? The B-2W and B-4W? I think they may be the solution to my low end problems. The speaker in my Hartke 1x15 just can't handle the amount of movement required. Sounds like the increased Xmax you were talking about in the Acmes might be the answer.

  3. The [url="http://www.eden-electronics.com/products/cabs/indiv/d112xlt.asp"]Eden D112XLT[/url] looks very appealing. Eden cabs are known for having an aggressive mid-range growl.

  4. From the tone of the thread I was worried the video might be complete cr*p.

    For a year's playing that's pretty decent.

    I can't add any more advice to all the good advice you've been given. All I can do is emphasise the importance of what they've already said:
    Time-keeping - practice getting it more precise, in the way Luke and others have described above.

    On the issue of right hand slap technique, there were two main discussions:
    1. Hand placement (ie. thumb up v. thumb down)
    2. Force

    My advice on these two things would be to try out all the different things that people have suggested - that way you'll be able to figure out what sounds best to your ears and what works best for you. And then you'll be able to develop your own style. But if your time-keeping's bad, none of the rest matters.

  5. Thanks man. The Aguilar's lovely but I didn't realise until I got the Eden power amp just how good it is. I honestly didn't expect changing the power amp would make that much difference.

    Hopefully when we don't have a gig clash, you'll be able to come check it out live for yourself - then we can talk tech!

  6. Apologies for the picture quality.

    My rig:

    ETA Power Distributor
    Drawmer DL 241 Stereo Compressor
    Aguilar DB680 Valve Preamp

    Eden WT1000 Stereo Power Amp

    Hartke 2.5XL
    Hartke 115 XL

    In the rack case next to the rig is:
    Warwick Quadruplet Valve Preamp
    QSC RMX 850 Stereo Power Amp

  7. I've heard the Washburn models are good, although I've never tried them. Personally, I've found every acoustic bass guitar I've tried to be cr*p. If anyone does have any recommendations, I'd love to find a good one.

  8. My guitarist just got one of [url="http://www.wesleyguitars.co.uk/StoreFrontProfiles/DeluxeSFItemDetail.aspx?sid=1&sfid=44184&c=519508&i=231365257"]these[/url]. Having tried it out, my thoughts were: looks good, sounds good, plays well and is great value for money. They also do a decent looking Stingray copy.

  9. I use Pro Tools LE on a PC, along with Reason and Cubase SX2 or 3 - can't remember it's been so long since I've actually used it.

    I'm planning on hooking up an equivalent portable set-up on my Macbook.

    Cubase is great for MIDI sequencing and programming, Reason is almost a super plug-in and Pro Tools is just the standard for audio.

    I haven't used Digital Performer (is it Mac only?) but I've heard good things about it. I know a lot of people who swear by Logic. It looks like a great all-rounder. I remember being annoyed when Apple bought it and decided to discontinue the PC version.

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