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The Funk

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Posts posted by The Funk

  1. Ok, so the question is how do we sell the festival to the average punter?

    We could do what the promoters always do and urge the bands to generate some of the crowd themselves. If we pick a place like the Vibe Bar in Brick Lane, we could probably get a fair amount of passing trade too.

    [url="http://www.vibebar.co.uk"]Click here[/url]

  2. So, who's our potential audience? As in, why will people want to come and see this - we need to give them a reason.

    There's either the bass fanatic route, which most agree is a bit of a waste, or there's the other route which is a mini-festival which has just happened to be organised by bassists.

    Before we get into volunteers and trying to organise it we should have a clear idea of what the point of it would be (not for us, but for the outside world).

    Just looking back up at CK's post, I can see that all I've done here is expand on his 3rd point. Can we settle this before we get into Points 1, 2 and 4?

  3. And if I got 4 of them I could have one stack on my side of the stage and another on the other side. :)

    Right, I think I need to save a bit of money for the next few months and then invest in a pair of B2s.

  4. Agree 100% with Luke on this. Even working from the same book!

    EDIT: The only thing that isn't that challenging about it (I find) is the rhythm side of things. Although, if you can't swing, you'll have problems.

  5. Is it wrong for a funk player to dream of a double bass stack? :|

    I think I'm sold. Now my only dilemma is which Acme cab or cabs? Hmm... I'm thinking maybe a B2 with a B2W - at the moment I like using the built-in crossover in the DB680 to send lows directly to my 15 and I run the 2x10 full-range.

    If I got 2x B2s, then I suppose I'd keep the option of doing it that way or running both of them full-range.

    You may have solved my low end problem!

  6. Damn, this is some eye-opening stuff.

    So, in theory, if you want the faithful reproduction of true lows that Acmes offer but with a mid-range bump like a lot of cabs have, you could stack two B2s on their sides with the top one upside down?

  7. You're [i]that[/i] dude. Someone posted your clip on here before. That's some cool sh!t man.

    As for thumbs up/thumbs down, I really don't see what the problem with trying it both ways is, especially when you're starting out. One might suit you better than the other.

  8. [quote name='alexclaber' post='25361' date='Jun 30 2007, 06:55 PM']My only bugbear with Acmes were the protection bulbs but now you can have polyswitches which solves that problem.[/quote]

    How can I phrase this... huh? :)

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