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Posts posted by AdamWoodBass

  1. Hi guys,

    I know its a six string g**tar but thought you might be interested in my ebay listing for my Freshman Acoustic. Really really nice guitar but just doesn't really get played anymore so it's a bit of a shame to let it sit in the corner and gather dust.

    If anyone wants to make me an offer I would be happy to pull the auction for the right price. No trade offers please, could do with the money. If anyone wants more pics give me a shout and I'll pop them across for you.

    The listing is here:




  2. I've delisted this on ebay as I screwed up on the listing (rushed it while I was at work and forgot to put a reserve price on it!) I may relist it unless anyone here is interested. I'm open to offers but sorry no trades, please be sensible though as it really is a superb bass and I really am reluctant to have to sell it. In answer to your question redstriper I just put it on the scales in the bathroom and it comes out at a smidge over 5kg so not back breakingly heavy but not super light either.

  3. Thanks HADGE, I will almost definitely buy another one when things have settled down. I've owned quite a few very nice amps in the past but this one is hands down the best. I borrowed a 1x12 extension cab for it for a few gigs a while ago and it was mind blowing, deep and gutsy doesn't even come close to describing it! The only things that stopped me from actually buying an extension cab were that the gigs that I was doing at the time didn't really require it and I didn't really have the room to store one. Tbh you don't need an extension, I've played 200 capacity clubs with just the combo alone and have been asked to turn it down by the sound man! I never really have it any higher than about 1/3 gain and just under halfway volume. It has been plenty loud enough for just about any gig I've put it on.

  4. Hey guys,

    Some of you may have seen my other post in the amps and cabs section. Unfortunately I'm having to sell my gear due to lack of time to play and unforseen financial circumstances. As I said in my other post, don't worry as soon as things settle down I'll be buying some new gear and getting back on the horse so to speak! Until then I have my beautiful Farida FJB-20 to offer you. It's essentially a very similar design to the classic '75 Fender Jazz: 4 strings, blonde body, maple fretboard with block inlays, passive pickups, black scratch plate.

    Basically it looks like this:

    I honestly can't say enough about how this bass feels and sounds. I played a 70's reissue Fender and call me mental but I honestly preferred the Farida! The build quality is superb and the sound is epic. Please be clear, I LOVE THIS BASS! If it wasn't absolutely necessary I simply wouldn't be selling it. It's in great condition too and has been very well looked after, the body has one little ding on the back edge where I bumped it against a music stand but that's it. The scratch plate is a bit scratched where I've been playing slap but that is to be expected from a second hand bass.

    New these fetch about £650 I think. Considering that I need a quick sale and its second hand I reckon £350 is a fair price to ask for it.

    As I said in my other post I will get some pics up this week but for now if you have any questions give me a shout.








  5. Hi guys,

    Haven't posted on here in a while so apologies for not getting in touch with anyone who has pm'd me! Some sad news unfortunately. Due to unforseen financial carnage I'm having to sell my gear. I'm not gigging at the moment and with my job I don't really get time to play as much as I'd like to. When I have the time again I intend to buy some new gear and start playing again but for now my beloved markbass combo will need a good home. Its the older version (mark 1 I think). I'll get some pics uploaded this week for you to oggle over. Its in great condition, a few scuffs here and there but bare in mind it has been gigged. Any blemishes are purely aesthetic, it still sounds as good as the day I bought it. I will be very sad to see it go but I need the money fairly quickly. So I reckon £500 is a decent price for this crazy light and hugely powerful combo.

    Any questions give me a shout.








  6. Unfortunately for the sale but luckily for me I've come to me senses and realised that I love this bass far too much to let it go. Sorry guys but I'm gonna have to withdraw it cos its one of the nicest basses I've ever owned and if all I can get is 200 quid for it then I'd much rather keep it!

  7. [quote name='cetera' post='1002256' date='Oct 27 2010, 11:55 AM']You do know this is only £299 new online don't you :)[/quote]

    So it is, I had no idea they'd gone down so far in price! I paid nearly £500 for mine!

    I suppose in light of this new info I'd say I'm looking for £200 then. Anything less and I'd be ripping myself off cos this really is an awesome bass. I suppose I'm more interested in trades now too! Anyone got a 5 string they want to swap?

  8. Hi guys,

    Ok reluctant to sell this cos it is a wonderful bass but unfortunately I need a new 5 string cos my Yamaha is on its last legs and I've got loads of gigs coming up!

    Its a Farida FJB20: 4 strings, natural high gloss finish, black scratch plate and black block inlays on a maple fretboard.

    Can't upload any photos at the mo as my internet is down so I'm posting this on my Blackberry!

    A quick google search will show you what it looks like but essentially it looks like a 75 Fender Jazz. The bottom cutaway is quite unique as the bottom horn is much smaller than a standard jazz. This is really good if you play a lot of upper fret stuff as there's nothing getting in your way.

    Price wise I'm looking for £350, its in as new condition as I've not really used it all that much except for studio work.

    I'd be willing to post but obviously buyer pays the postage, I'll sort out a quote if I get any serious interest.

    As for trades it would have to be a decent reliable 5 string, I'm not really looking for anything super high end as it'll be used as a workhorse. Anything like a 5 string MIM Jazz would be ideal.

    As soon as my tinterweb is back up and running I'll get some pics uploaded.

    Cheers guys


  9. If someone takes an interest in my gear I usually offer them a go but only when I'm stood there with them. Can't stand it when people think its cool to just pick up your stuff though. I was doing a wedding once and this kid was gonna play some solo blues guitar. He basically thought he was seasick steve with his completely shafted 2 string guitar. He didn't have a strap so decided to take mine off my bass. I'd fitted some strap locks which he couldn't figure out so started trying to pull the strap off regardless. Gave him a massive verbal arse kicking and made him feel an inch tall.

  10. Fantastic to deal with, he had no problem holding the amp for me after I paid a deposit and sorted out the courier for me too. Excellent comms throughout. Just waiting on delivery of my new Markbass CMD 121H! I would definitely buy from him again.

    Cheers again mate


    • Thanks 1
  11. All comes down to preference in my opinion, I don't like P Basses and I'm yet to play one that I would consider owning but I love jazz basses and have owned 5 of them (not all at once though!) If the P tone and feel does it for you then stick with the P, what I would do is go try some J's in a shop at varying prices and see how they feel to you. With regards to your amp you could probably do with an upgrade, Peavey don't tend to make great gear unless you pay loads for the pro stuff which is actually very very good. As far as a recommendation goes if you're playing rock and funk and you're looking for that classic P Bass sound I'd maybe look into something like an Ampeg? They do some nice combos actually and even the entry level heads and cabs are quite nice too, if money's no object of course go for an SVT and you'll get that really cool 70's sound. If finger style funk is your thing check out Frances Rocco Prestia from Tower of Power, probably the best in the genre (gets ready to avoid the flak for having a controversial opinion lol!) He's used a P Bass for a long time and has this awesome almost "rubbery" sound which just works so well.


  12. Just to stir the pot a little but didn't Metallica sue Music Ground after they bought a load of 70's Marshall heads for a a tour and they turned out to be the just the shells of vintage models but the guts of cheapo Valve State heads? Last time I went in there I was basically asked to leave because I didn't want to buy anything. I'm not sure I would trust a shop which claimed to be selling "Sid Vicious's original P Bass" for 50 grand!!! To me it just looked like a wrecked Mexican P with a bit of gaffer tape on it.

    Back on track though I reckon that £1799 is a fairly realistic price for a 72 jazz. I played a 76 the other week which had had the price cut to £1500 cos it was at a trade show. It was awesome and I wouldn't have grumbled about paying even £1800 for it, just not this close to Crimbo lol!

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