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Posts posted by Gust0o

  1. Indeed, and I believe I know which thread you refer to - and there may be other instances, all of which have their specific considerations.

    Which is why this isn't going to be a thread on moderation policy or practice. It would get awfully long, and ultimately fail to please everyone - but you should challenge, via PM to either the relevant Global Moderator for the section you have an issue with or an Administrator.

  2. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1380705421' post='2229112']
    Is it BC worry about defamation? No-one posted any false negative info did they?

    Of course, there's very little means to identify false information from accurate - all feedback is, by it's nature, subjective. Which presents issues on occasion :)

    Within recent memory, you all may recall a member posting about a couple of brands with which they had had an issue - and which did generate a threat of legal action against the individual. Thus, I think it's only fair to urge caution - both for the individual member posting, and for the administrator considering the issue.

    I suspect someone has made a judgement call and erred on the side of caution, which I think is the safe thing to do, to protect either site or membership - and Charic has reviewed that decision and responded.

  3. Worth aiming for a Pro over the standard Epiphone Thunderbird?

    I'll admit, mine was cute... but didn't really cut it; and some of the fitting was suspect. All the feedback has been that the neckthrough Pro versions are a real cut above.

  4. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1380052772' post='2220253']
    Can we combine these two and delete mine?


    Topics merged :)

  5. I could ruffle some feathers with QOTSA, then? :lol:

    Still, the title of the thread was [i]disappointing[/i] not [i]worst[/i] - and it's by no means the worst, I just expected a bit more from it; it feels a little like a wander through some dark lands. Which is perhaps, given the context, what it is.

    I think I'm still wedded to the earlier material, living out some old glories :)

  6. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1379408346' post='2212199']
    My old Lakland Darryl Jones had one of the slimmest neck profiles I've used. My preference is for something a bit chunkier nowadays though!

    Would agree, it's a great neck on the DJ.

    Even slimmer, perhaps, is my ESP-LTD Surveyor - nice Satin finish on the neck, which tends to remain fast despite heavy playing.

    My old MTD Kingston Heir had a slim and very [i]flat[/i] neck, not much curvature. That was a superb player, and had it been a 4-string it would still have been on the rack. They're not well know to a lot of players, so it's hard to point people at a music shop to try one.

  7. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1379408346' post='2212199']
    My old Lakland Darryl Jones had one of the slimmest neck profiles I've used. My preference is for something a bit chunkier nowadays though!

    Would agree, it's a great neck on the DJ.

    Even slimmer, perhaps, is my ESP-LTD Surveyor - nice Satin finish on the neck, which tends to remain fast despite heavy playing.

    My old MTD Kingston Heir had a slim and very [i]flat[/i] neck, not much curvature. That was a superb player, and had it been a 4-string it would still have been on the rack. They're not well know to a lot of players, so it's hard to point people at a music shop to try one.

  8. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1379573420' post='2214242']
    errr..... wait! Has anyone seen this video? The more I see and hear about this bass the more I am liking it


    Crikey, HH? Am now fully sold.

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