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Mikey D

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Posts posted by Mikey D

  1. My signal chain is tbone condensers>spirit 328>m-audio lightbridge>pc and back again to spirit then out through a pair of monitors and they don't seem to hiss at all.

    Nothing I can put up yet as it was done on my mates pc, but I should be able to put some up on myspace or something soon (prob a couple of weeks though as I won't have access to the gear again until then).

  2. I know!! I couldn't believe it either. They aren't bad either...the pianist in my house is thinking of getting some so he can record piano gigs properly as well.

    Only used them as drum overheads so far as an experiment to see what kind they are like, but they have a nice clarity, don't sound too harsh and they were only £35!!!

    Looking forward to the next few weeks so we can get some serious recording done.

  3. I only have experience of two of the t.bone (thomann own brand mics)

    [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/the_tbone_em700_stereoset.htm"]A Pair of condensers for less than £35![/url] and a [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/the_tbone_bd300.htm"]Bass Drum mic (also for brass/sax) for less than £40[/url] and I am actually stunned at the quality of them.

    I bought them so me and my fellow jazz house mates could record a few rough demos, but the quality is so good, we're gonna try and it do it properly and record things ourselves instead of forking out for a studio.

    But with such a price point you have to be careful as quality control is not the best, so there is a chance you may get a duff sounding one.

  4. [quote name='Johnzy' post='79361' date='Oct 25 2007, 01:08 PM']i dont think you get the point about the ibanez, its active!! passive humbuckers can be really good, but the cheap ones are often coupled with a active circuit to make them sound better.
    basswood isnt my thing either.[/quote]

    All I am going to say is for the money you have to spend, you won't find a better playing or sounding fretless than the ibanez or the Squier Modified, surely that matters more than looks.

    You obviously have a very good idea what you want and I wish you luck in finding what you want.

  5. [quote name='Johnzy' post='79316' date='Oct 25 2007, 11:59 AM']I've thought about the ibanez bass, but was put off by the basswood body! plus its active, with humbuckers!! i want jazz pickups and passive controls, ala jaco!
    the squier is nice, but i just cant get round the idea of signature instruments. i dont want to buy a cheap copy of the jaco custom shop! when i turn up to gigs i dont want people thinking i wanna be jaco or even a budget version of him. i'm really opinionated on gear, but i'm loving the ideas you are throwing my way. keep them coming.
    think its still gonna be the cij fender, as nothing i can find matches the specs for the price! plus it will be martins defretting work, so it would be worth much more!!![/quote]

    So you basically want a jaco bass but you don't!?

    It's a shame you are put off by the basswood and single humbucker...if you want the jaco sound out of the ibanez you can get it (well I can). I suppose if looks matter thats fair enough though.

  6. [quote name='BigRedX' post='79143' date='Oct 24 2007, 10:55 PM']+1 for The Squier VM Fretless Jazz.

    If you can go a bit higher than £400 you should also look at the Ibanez Gary Willis GWB35

    These are the only 2 new fretless basses under £1000 that I've liked.[/quote]


    I highly recommend this bass. It is currently the only bass I use and is the best fretless (once i set it up) I have tried under £1000. Then again I tried a roscoe fretless 5, but still prefer the GWB35.

  7. You can also get the 'major' blues scale by adding the b3rd to the major pentatonic. So in C:

    C D Eb E G A

    It is a lot brighter sounding. You just need to bit a bit more careful when using it as the natural 3rd (E) would sound out of place over the IV chord (ie F) in a normal blues.

    Also the 'blue notes' (b3, b5 b7) originally came from african work songs and were classified by musicologists and put in this even tempered scale through their common use. Try bending up to the notes and stopping just short for an even more blues sound.

  8. [quote name='grosa' post='75786' date='Oct 17 2007, 09:49 PM']my bridge doesnt seem weak.

    i like trb's,i wouldn't say they feel cheap or anything.
    but there are some yam's that i wouldnt go near
    but some id really like to have[/quote]

    Agreed. The fretted TRB6s (TRB6, TRB6P, TRB6PII, TRB1006) I have played in the past have been some of my favourite instruments regarding sound, feel and tone, but over the years I also think they have lost something about them. I was gutted when I had to sell mine. Although I can't stand any other Yamaha looks-wise. Although, I was quite impressed with the sound of one of those yamaha BBs when i was convinced by a mate who works at one of the Sound Controls, but it still looked horrible.

    Now that I am back looking for a five string fretted I may check out the current TRB 5s.

  9. All of the options, I 'tend' to use as following, but I don't think about it at all really. What ever my right hand does I just go with as after lots of practice I have got to the point where I am quite free with my right hand technique.

    1 (thumb or index) for walking.
    2 (I & M) for faster walking and whatever feels natural.
    3 (IMR or PIM) for grooves or fast lines
    4 (PIMA) for grooves or fast lines

  10. Donna Lee, but haven't checked out a bass in ages.

    Was going to try a new 5 string today in SC brum, but as soon as I walked in I was asked if I could put my guitar that was on my back and leave it by the counter if I wanted to look further in the shop. Not even a, "Can I help?" first, personally I don't know why they just couldn't watch the fact it wasn't going anywhere from my back, they were obviously just too busy doing nothing at all. So I just left the shop instead.

  11. I think it was a repeat of the tube and saw mark king playing and actually thought it was cool (wrong). The first bassline i learnt was a bach cello suite as it was the only tab I had. No sh*t. I sat there with the tab until I could play at least half of it, although not very smoothly.

  12. There have only been two things I have struggled with that I have tried learning (of course there are more, but I haven't tried them! :) ) and they are:
    The complete Port Of Entry including solo and that synth bass run in Speed Demon by the other Jacko.

    Although, now I use four fingers on my right hand it would appear that the speed demon lick isn't as bad as I remember it to be from years ago...Time to get it up to speed.

    Although, on upright, I am trying to transribe a lot fo NHOP at the moment...scary.

  13. [quote name='guitarnbass' post='67691' date='Sep 30 2007, 03:22 PM']well they said they'd set it up to whatever way I want it for what ever style I'm playing. I have been looking for used cheaper instruments like you mentioned but nothings come up, and I've no vehicle or licence so I'm limited to trying anything I might find in Birmingham only, and of course, there are so many folks looking for exactly the same thing which pushes the prices up a bit too much for me.[/quote]

    For a start that bas is full size (4/4) you should really be looking for a 3/4 size bass.

    I live in birmingham and had the same trouble as you, you just have to be patient and keep an eye out everywhere! Vivastreet, gumtree, ebay, locals adds...on here.

    I'll keep my eye out and there are occasionally people upgrading at uni, so will let you know if anything comes up.

  14. [quote name='machinehead' post='64664' date='Sep 24 2007, 11:31 AM']I think I can take it from this that you aren't interested any longer in buying the suitcase that I was looking at?

    I'll wait until yours is shifted then I'll advertise the suitcase on here. It's a bit of a bargain for someone.

    Good luck with the sale/ trade.


    You know I completely forgot about that. I will still be looking for a second amp as I need one at college and at home, however until i can get my uni finance problem sorted ( a few weeks still...) I can't even think about getting another.

  15. [quote name='rhino' post='64652' date='Sep 24 2007, 10:44 AM']How about a straight exchange for my Walter Woods M100 8 amp., ( incl padded bag), and Markbass 1 x 12" OR Mark Bass 1 x 15" cabinet complete with Roqsolid custom cover ?



    Is it a M100-8 or M100-4? What year is it from? Is it dual channels?

    Do you have a picture of it?



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