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Posts posted by fragglefart

  1. Anyone have any thoughts on the MXR M181 Bass Blowtorch?

    I like the look of the Fender Sublime pedal too, but again, no reccommendations here, it seems.

    Trying to decide between those two and a bass Big Muff. I have the Little Big Muff and find it lacks... [i]something[/i], fancy having a go with something else.

  2. Yeah mine is a Warwick Rockbass - passive Corvette 4 string.

    It's the older model with a one piece bridge, polished finish, about 4 years old.

    I love it, it was a present but I'd probably have chosen it myself! :) Very different from the big beasty posted above, much smaller body, lighter, longer and thinner neck. Nice warm modern growl but less output than the Fret-King. The new models look slick, especially the $$ model, would like to have a go on that myself!

  3. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='1181130' date='Mar 29 2011, 06:24 PM'][url="http://www.fret-king.com/venturasuper80car_spec.html"]http://www.fret-king.com/venturasuper80car_spec.html[/url]

    Thats a nice one, played one modded with three Volumes rather than a 3-way switch + blend[/quote]

    Ooo I have one of those, posted it here before.

    I love it man, total tone monster, and has become a joy to play now I'm used to it's bigger size compared to my Rockbass. Lovely finish too.

    Rocks like a beast.

  4. First Bass Owned: Warwick Rockbass Corvette, passive 4 string version.
    'Go To' Bass: Fret-King Blue Label Ventura Super 80.
    'Your' Bass: Ditto.

    Having said that, the Fret-King is quite the beast (in more than name alone) so depending on the situation it may be a touch OTT! Totally love it though, so much fun to play, and a great full sound. <3

  5. I won a Fret-King Blue Label Ventura Super 80 Bass a while back, that has three pickups.

    Great fun to play with some of the meaty sounds you can coax from the humbucker & P combination. Interesting shape too, the finish is decent - bloody heavy though!

    'scuse the crappy pic!

  6. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='970162' date='Sep 27 2010, 10:42 PM']Read about that in Bass guitar mag,

    i'd buy one if i could be bothered to re-wire it to have a voulume per pickup instead of a 3 way switch/ make on off buttons, but the effor/cost might be too much if i mess up haha!

    they do sound pretty good though![/quote]

    Not sure I follow; the three volume pots are independent for each pickup, and the 5-way switch allows for 5 pickup selections HB - HB&P - P - P&J - J.

    If you have, say, Humbucker & P selected, you still have a volume switch for each pickup independent from each other, for blending.

    Only options you don't have is HB&J or HB&P&J simultaneously.

  7. Hmm... I [b]do[/b] enjoy using the humbucker / P configuration in this beastie;

    (That's the epically-named Fret-King Blue Label Ventura Super 80, BTW.)

    Warm and growly, monsterous rock tone. Course you can single out either the bucker, p or j on their own too. The P/J is most versatile. Half the time I can't make my mind up...

    Next bass I am getting GAS for some simplicity, a classic passive P should do it! Although those new Fender American Deluxe P's look gorgeous, passive/active P/J configuration on those doesn't exactly simplify matters though. :)

  8. I have a passive old-style Rockbass Corvette (with the single piece chunky bridge) and I love it, not played the Vintage though for this comparison.

    Have played some CVs, on the other hand, and found them to be not quite my bag (would rather save extra for a US Fender).

    But in terms of VFM and quality, Rockbass are great. Although their prices have gone up recently. But yeah, really nice to play.

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