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Everything posted by Rebel

  1. I am also a lefty and I play an Epiphone EB0 "Convert" and a custom Rickenbacker 4003 in Red with black hardware with the logo backwards on the trussrod cover.
  2. Hello, My name's Mike I'm a lefty from the USA. I have been playing for 6 years and I have been around the gigging scene for 3, I recently left my band because my band dissolved. My current rig would be an Epiphone EB0 "Convert" and my custom Rickenbacker 4003 in Red with black hardware. I know that the trussrod cover is backwards, but that's how I wanted it built. I also happen to be looking to rebuild my BC Rich Warlock Bass. If anyone knows where i could find a body with a 2 P-Bass pickup configuration, please let me know!!! [attachment=26723:Red_Ric5.psd.jpg]
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