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Posts posted by Lysdexia

  1. Hi guys - in very, very fine condition indeed.

    I'm really unsure as to it's value, but the bass is truly stunning to look at, play and tonally everything you would expect from this classic.

    Comes with a good hard case - I'll ask for £1,000 and take offers, but no trades. As ever - more pics to follow.

  2. [quote name='Bigwan' post='1246622' date='May 27 2011, 08:24 AM']It makes absolutely no sense that I've noticed the top strap button's in the wrong place... does this make me odd...

    Interested in trades of any kind L?

    Edit: I mean trades for something other than an SR500 - anything in the 'outgoing' list in my sig?[/quote]

    Hi - The strap button is an additional option to the normal one. A simple case of unscrew/rescrew to put it in the usual place. I didn't bother because I've found this to work better.

    And I don't mind trades - I've had some fab offers already, but I doubt I'll decide on anything sharpish as my preference still holds considerable sway in my thinking. But.....dunno now!

  3. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1246107' date='May 26 2011, 07:25 PM']I must be getting old, I want the bass far more than I want the model :)[/quote]

    You and me both! But, it really helps with the photography side of things as the models are very relaxed in my grand-dad status company.

  4. [quote name='LawrenceH' post='1246092' date='May 26 2011, 07:13 PM']Can she actually play? No wonder I keep seeing adverts on the local gumtree for 'female bass player wanted' if that's the standard we're talking about :)[/quote]

    This particular model has been learning to play now for about 4 months and is already a decent player. I help of course and she is av ery intelligent young lady and a karate black belt into the bargain. I have a goal to manage a band of girls who make music like Sonic Youth/Little Axe but look, well, [i]striking[/i]. That's all by the by for now as I'm selling or trading this bass :)

  5. [quote name='skej21' post='1246072' date='May 26 2011, 07:04 PM']Nah, I agree. I know sex sells, but on basschat it's the sexy bass that sells. No need for the gratuitous bosom![/quote]

    Yep - this is one sexy bass. Oh, and [i]that[/i] bosom isn't gratuitous - it's a marvel of nature to be celebrated.

    PS: please check my feedback to see how just many people have been delighted with the basses I sell from time to time. I'm a bass-playing photographer with access to models who simply enjoys the best of both of these worlds.

  6. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1246042' date='May 26 2011, 06:44 PM']I just wish the girl got out the way, so we can see the bass more![/quote]

    I suspect you may well represent a very small audience demographic.

    PS (and not directed at you, Sir) I'd be grateful if the fun sucking, pseudo-feminist, pc brigade kept their inanities for someone who might care what they think the rest of us should think.

  7. Hi guys - so, I have a Fender Jazz and a Line6 lowdown LD150 ad I'm trying to add that growl I hear on the two songs mentioned into my sound.

    I use the octaver on the lowdown, and it's fine barring the lower registers where it all falls apart - rather delightfully I'll add n a sonic sense, but not in any controllable or accurate sense.

    I don't mind adding an effect or effects to my sound - how best to get 'that' sound?

  8. [quote name='bubinga5' post='1208008' date='Apr 22 2011, 10:16 AM']may have a trade... but any Laky's or Jazz basses out there need to apply now.. :)[/quote]

    I've got an Fender MIA body with a Fender CIJ neck - neck added to get the block inlay look. 3 tone sunburst, Bill Lawrence pups with an added S1 mini-switch.

    I love it, but my fave Fender was always the white body/maple neck combo.

  9. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1089589' date='Jan 14 2011, 05:49 PM']It does sound a bit scam like. The pics look pretty legit to me without taking the guitar apart. He lists an awful lot of faults? Surely if it was that bad he'd have picked up on it straight away?[/quote]

    I've been playing since the mid-late seventies and owned hundreds of guitars and basses. I bought the guitar and was happy with it - I'm as sure as I can be that I would have noticed any of the crap he lists before I parted with my own money for it. Apart from the inventions of course - point 13 in his wish list - the unauthentic part that isn't even there.

    It will be worth nothing to this guy of course, but I have plenty of folk on basschat who would vouch for me not doing the dirty. My ebay rating is 100% buying and selling.

    If I'm wrong I'll do the right thing by the guy, if, as I strongly suspect, he's at it then the fat lady is getting her throat cut.

  10. [quote name='bumnote' post='1089521' date='Jan 14 2011, 04:48 PM']ask him to send you photos
    you may find that the guitar he is claiming is fake is not the one you sold him, ask him to identify on the the photos any areas of concern
    do you have photos of the guitar you sold him?[/quote]

    Yep - they are further up the thread.

  11. Ceremony - New Order.
    The Murder of Love - Propaganda.
    Animal Bar - Red Hot Chili Peppers
    Dancing in the Moonlight - Thin Lizzy
    Our Song - Yes.
    Will You Cry - Chic
    Crush - Jennifer Paige

    Too many to mention - and pretty much everything by favourites like Mick Karn, Derek Forbes, Flea, Chris Squire, Jamerson, Barry Adamson.

    Bass is better than sex.

  12. [quote name='essexbasscat' post='1089487' date='Jan 14 2011, 04:17 PM']Watch out for Escrow as well. A friend of mine looked into this. I can't remember the details, but the terms horrified me at the time.[/quote]

    I've already decided that refund or no, I'm parting with nothing until the guitar is back in my hands so I know it's what I sent and can then have it checked myself. I know this will likely be a major issue what with him being in Argentina.

  13. [quote name='Doctor J' post='1089334' date='Jan 14 2011, 01:48 PM']Have you got pictures of the guitar in question, plus can you provide what he suggests what makes it a fake?

    Even fakes usually have serial numbers, so it's no evidence one way or the other.[/quote]




    One thing that's certainly helping my confidence that I have done the right thing is a guy I showed the guitar to prior to the sale - he being an expert of sorts in used guitars and he never questioned its authenticity. He would have smelled a rat in an instant from my experience with him.

    I don't want to tell the buyer to simply go and f*** himself, but I do want to make sure I am as informed as I can be before I challenge the veracity of his claims.

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