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Dom in Dorset

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Posts posted by Dom in Dorset

  1. I had something very similar, natural finish.
    It was quite loud acousticaly, but very clanky. it was short scale and I found the strings too bendy (whatever type i tried)
    I spent a lot of time fiddling with the set up and got it quite nice.
    I got p#ssed of with the E string being quieter than the others.
    Mine was £120 in a shop, might be worth a punt at £50.
    A friend of mine turned his into an extra long bouzouki.
    November 5th is coming soon.

  2. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='632574' date='Oct 21 2009, 05:11 PM']Here's mine and my cooker:

    and here's one that includes the kitchen floor:

    The first pic is a better representation of the actual colour.[/quote]
    An amplifier with a gas hob, now I've seen everything!

  3. Stumbled on this while doing vital research on Derek smalls:
    I love the look of the body shape , TBirdesque , but not actually that much like a TBird when you look closer.
    Only in America as far as I can tell, about $2000 mark. about £1200
    Dear Father Christmas...

  4. Thanks for all of the advice.
    it's all part of my master plan to build my "ultimate" bass. I'm going to test various pick up types, positions and combinations as well as body shapes , necks etc. Then build the perfect bass for me. Easy.
    I like the idea of a humbucker at the bridge that could be split and maybe a p bass pick up at the neck, who knows. I'll see what I like best.

  5. [quote name='Darkstrike' post='631407' date='Oct 20 2009, 03:11 PM']Mainly that you don't use very high gain Jazz pickups.

    Depends on a few things really,
    How do you plan on wiring them, series, parallel?
    Where do you plan on installing it?[/quote]
    My plan is to use it in the bridge position, in series.
    How are the pups wired when in thier conventional settings (individualy mounted) on a jazz bass?
    I'm going to build a test bed body , ie a thin board with built up neck block and tail piece so that I can experiment with pick up types and positions , I want to be able to slide pick ups in and out from under the strings.

  6. I saw it here : [url="http://www.fender.co.uk/products//search.php?section=basses&cat=jazzbass"]http://www.fender.co.uk/products//search.p...mp;cat=jazzbass[/url]
    it's on the black bass, big pic on the right. Looks like a pair of jazz pick ups put together to make a humbucker. Oops! it's a different pic each time the page refreshes, but there are other basses with this pick up.
    I was thinking of making such a beast out of spare parts as an experiment, I had no idea it had already been done.
    I can't find the bass in Fenders catalogue, I might just be looking in the wrong place.
    Anyone know what bass it is, or tried one?
    I like the idea of four pole pieces per string.

  7. [quote name='Longmayyourun' post='609540' date='Sep 26 2009, 07:59 PM']I think that is truly amazing. Congratulations.

    I particularly like the soundhole shape (I looked at it for ages deciding it wasn't just a weird perspective)

    Nice one.[/quote]
    The ellipse is based on the position of two harmonics, I put pins into to soundboard at those points ( one for G string , one for the E) then put a loop of cotton round them, put a pencil into the loop and drew the sound hole. There is some science behind it, though I'm not sure what difference it makes!
    It looks good and looks like it's in the right place.

  8. [attachment=33558:007.JPG]
    I've just got this up and running, it's based on a de-fretted Hohner neck with a fibre glass body.
    The shape was taken from a Stagg Jag coppy , I just liked the style.
    This bass has a spine running through it for greater stability, the wood was salvaged from an old piano. The same piano gave up it's spruce soundboard , it's it's about 8mm thick. There is a piezo pick up with pre-amp, the bridge and tail are made from boxwood (dense stuff).
    I'm still tweeking it at the moment, I used it at a rehursal last night and loved it. The sound is surprisingly double bass like but with more top and less bottom end. At the moment it's strung with brand new cheap medium round wounds and is a tad zingy. I intend to experient with different strings.
    I learned a lot doing this, ie cut the soundboard so that the grain lines up with the strings! the dark finish is an attempt to hide this! Don't attempt a sunburst finish unless you are prepared to go mad.

  9. I'm having a clear out, my old bass practice amp is taking up much needed space.

    It's about 20 years old ,Laney 30w.

    It works but has a few problems, the pots crackle in places and it hums sometimes, the input jack is a bit fickle. It's all problems that could be tollerated by a broke beginner or fixed by someone who has the right know how.

    It's free to a good home, just come and collect it.

    Contact me here or at [email protected]

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