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Posts posted by leftybassman392

  1. [quote name='Grissle' post='581943' date='Aug 26 2009, 09:58 PM']That is a Beauty of a Beastie mate[/quote]


    From where you live you may have heard of Regenerate already - guy lives in WA - near Seattle I believe. Short flight and prob less than a day's drive from you I would think (my geography's a bit suspect though...). He's a really nice guy and loves what he does. If you want more info you might want to check out his website (link in the OP).


  2. Hey guys. Just an update to let you know I haven't forgotten about doing this stuff. I think it will be easiest to use PM's to send it to you - that way other people won't have to wade through it, and we can hopefully avoid cheap shots of the 'well it's all Greek to me...' variety. Perhaps we could use the thread to discuss matters arising. Just a thought...


    p.s. For the benefit of those who are reading this and feeling slightly baffled, a thread appeared a little while ago on the subject of modes. I have studied the ancient Greeks (who gave their name to the modes) and their music in some depth, and offered to give others a bit of an insight. Several people accepted the offer and now here we are. If you would like to have your name added to the mailing list then please PM me, but be warned that it's kind of technical.

    First mailing will cover some background issues - Instruments, musicians, language issues, etc. I'll try to send stuff around once every couple of weeks from there and we'll see how it goes.

  3. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='580300' date='Aug 25 2009, 02:56 PM']Yeah I think it's possible, why wouldn't it be? I think there would be a lot of frustrating times in between though.[/quote]

    Dave Marks has an excellent YouTube video on pretty much exactly this topic:

    [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df0sFG7FqSQ"]Youtube vid[/url]

  4. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='579923' date='Aug 25 2009, 10:16 AM']doesn't posting about pming sort of contradict the point of a PM in the first place? Well whatever, that's a really lovely bass, i love jazz style basses with maple fretboards. Also liking the Peanut Butter and Jelly rig behind too :)[/quote]

    Thanks. PJB is amazing - I've got 3 different models from the range, depending on the gig. This thing pumps out volume at a level you wouldn't believe from looking at the speaker cones! - 300 watts of pure HiFi bass tone. :rolleyes:

    Regenerate is a remarkable instrument. Got change from $2000, plus I brought it back from holiday so didn't pay transit or customs!

  5. [quote name='whynot' post='579349' date='Aug 24 2009, 06:28 PM']Lovely looking bass there Andy.[/quote]

    Cheers Alan. You wanna give it a go? If you're still up to buy back the SEI I can bring it with me when I come down. I'd value your opinion.

  6. I have recently come back from a holiday in the USA with what I believe is the first Regenerate Lefty Bass in the UK. The model designation is Axiom, but it's actually a boutique Jazz 4. I've put details up in the 'Gear Porn' forum.

    I live in Northampton, and if any BC regulars would like to come over and try it out sometime through my PJB Suitcase rig, drop me a PM and we'll see what can be arranged. (Please note that anybody joining now and sending an immediate PM will be treated with extreme suspicion. The offer is open to people I've either dealt with before or know to be longstanding BassChatters. I'm not trying to sell it or act as an agent - just making an offer to interested parties.)

  7. Recently came back from a holiday in the USA toting this little beastie.

    Made by Regenerate Guitar Works in the Seattle area (which is actually one guy by the name of Rod Banuch).

    I'm pretty sure it's the first one to be seen in the UK. Produced in tiny numbers, mostly made to order and normally with about a 4 month waiting list (which looks set to get longer if this is anything to go by!). This was one of two instruments he had in stock when I enquired. Pickups (Big Singles) and preamp are Norstrand items - actually the preamp has a clever little featurette: passive mode is a true bypass circuit complete with its own tone control, so if you want you can use it in passive mode and have it behave more or less exactly the way a passive Fender would (pickup blend rather than separate vols).

    His website address is [url="http://www.regenerateguitarworks.com"]HERE[/url]

    Here's a few pics - if you want more info click the Regenerate link above - it was still available to view last time I looked.






  8. It will help if you upload some shots of the bass onto the thread. The 'For Sale' thread right here is very active and should give you best access to people who might be interested. If you're not sure what to sell it for you can always ask for offers.

  9. [quote name='leftybassman392' post='570391' date='Aug 16 2009, 02:31 AM']On hold pending a possible trade. (Has been for over a week actually, but I went on holiday just after details clarified and didn't get the chance to update people. Apologies for any confusion caused.)[/quote]

    Jaydee has now gone to a good home just North of Brumingham, and I now have a rather tasty Warwick Thumb 5. Thank to all for the interest. :)

  10. [quote name='HLAVA' post='564692' date='Aug 10 2009, 09:03 AM']´

    check pm please.[/quote]

    Sorry for the delayed response - I've been away for a week. Jaydee already on hold pending a possible trade for something I've been after for a while.

    Apologies for not getting in touch but had been discussing it for a while with the party in question, and only got the confirmation email just before I flew out so didn't get time to post it. Will change the OP to reflect this situation.

    Just to confirm again here - Jaydee is on hold pending a trade.

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