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Posts posted by Kongo

  1. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='492066' date='May 19 2009, 07:08 AM']Put an ad in the "for sale" section here. Either get a PayPal account, or specify that you will only accept cash on collection. It will reduce the size of your market, and probably the amount that you can get for it, but at least you'll manage to shift it.

    Another option is [url="http://leicester.gumtree.com/leicester/9018_1.html"]gumtree[/url].


    Well I've just bought a Cab from a guy here pretty much as long as my bank doesn't mess up which it shouldn't.
    TBH the only stuff I got left isn't that great but I guess if I flog it it's out of my mind...It would releive a BIG weight!
    I want fewer but better basses. My BTB's and my P and J bass are to stay but everything else can go.
    The only bass I'd want to get something back on is my Traben which is brand new, been used less than 4 hours I'd say so I'd want at least half but the others I could flog.

    I'll have a think but they ain't Warwicks or nothing.
    The only bass that went over a year ago was a Peavey Cirrus 6 (USA)...for obvious reasons lol....*sigh* REAL nice bass that but I needed cash and my Ibanez plays better, even though it doesn't sound as good it was a good compromise.

    Anyways I'll have a think about setting up PayPal...I've bought things using it just not got money paid to ME and I don't quite know how.
    I'd rather it be this was as the market is wide open. Only problemo is without a flight case sending basses is a risk...although I've had alot shipped to me in boxed no problem.

    I shall look into PayPal.

  2. [quote name='Eight' post='492065' date='May 19 2009, 07:07 AM']Don't fight it - you're only hurting yourself.

    Thankfully, I don't have £380 or I'd be after this myself. :)[/quote]

    I know...my GAS started when I couldn't afford a Warwick Corvette and I've suffered since...this would close the door but I'm buying a Cab which I need more than another bass...
    I pray to god that next month something like this will appear or I'll kick myself for not buying a better amp in the first place LOL!

    *sigh* This is just such a good deal...WHY IS IT STILL HERE TAUNTING ME!?

  3. Welcome to BassChat...If your prone to GAS please, avoid the "For sale" section LOL!

    [quote name='Dom in Somerset' post='491992' date='May 18 2009, 11:01 PM']Hi Metalmoore,
    looks like you got a bargain with the Stagg, they are about £150 unscathed.
    I planning on making myself a fretless , I bought a copy of "Make your own electric guitar, by Melvyn Hiscock" it covers prety much everything.[/quote]

    Great book man, great book...so much knowledge in there!

  4. I've got way too much stuff too...Not too much great stuff either...quite a lot of riff raff I got through the years that after a few plays at home really didn't work for me.

    My last buy was a Traben Array LTD 5-string...Awesome tone and the Spalt is to die for...but it doesn't work for me feel wise...The neck is nice it's just the body shape doesn't work for me but have I sold it?
    I want to, it really needs an owner but I often ask does anyone want it and how do I sell it?
    If I put it up for sale here I have no PayPal account...*sigh*

    So I also have a lot of stuff and it angers me to the point I just want to sell it all but how?
    I'm that mad that I bought so much £300 basses instead of saving I could just go mad LOL!

    So you are not alone...But it's a pig to get in gear to sell...Just...think before your next buy I guess.

  5. Warwick for £380!
    what's it like? Always wanted a Warwick and a 5-string too!
    I like the sound of J-pups but they sound a little on the thin side on Jazz basses...are they much the same or slightly beefed on these?

    I know he played a different Warwick (A thumb I believe) but Ryan Martini uses Warwicks and he gets an awesome cutting tone...Would love to get close to it but add my own to it.

    I'm tempted by this but I must fight the GAS...Gah!

  6. I confused this with the Yamaha model before this (2 pups) and almost had a heart attack...Panic over.
    I'm a big Myung fan but I don't dig this model as much.

    However someone should snatch it as said, they no longer make these.

  7. [quote name='phil_the_bassist' post='491888' date='May 18 2009, 09:38 PM']practically every bassist on the planet...but the big question is 'who's got an appropriate pile of cash for such a stunning bass?'

    Good luck with the sale :rolleyes:[/quote]

    Exactly...God knows I'd love this bass but I just don't got the wallet! :)

  8. [quote name='alexclaber' post='491020' date='May 17 2009, 11:38 PM']Exactly!

    Well I play funk and I don't want a tweeter! :lol: But there is a certain type of slap tone that needs that last octave of treble, just not mine.

    If you get two please don't rehearse after my bedtime... (Should I supply hardcore ear-defenders with the Big One?)

    At some point I'd like to make some heads but to be perfectly honest there are tons of great heads out there - seems that most of the R&D effort in the bass amp world has gone into amps and the cabs have been ignored. I'm also a great fan of studio/pro sound gear for the amp side of things - if you're willing to carry a rack then the tone and power you can get is incredible - I use an Avalon U5 as my preamp and then bridge a QSC PLX 3002 into the Big One (an honest 2000W+). Take cover! :rolleyes:


    I can't agree more. Y'know, even these Mark Bass amps...the heads are AWESOME! I'm currently using (borrowing) a Mark Bass SD800...that's 800 watts @ 4 ohms and 450 watts @ 8 ohms and even in it's case it weights less than my BOSS ME-50B I sh*t you not!
    But the cabs just cant take it! No cab can EVER take the power of the head it's supposed to be "paired" with...You hit it on the head there what I was saying so yeah, I guess your focus on Cabs is the best idea...Wonder what this would be like with that Mark Bass SD800? Might hold onto it a little longer LOL!!!
    But mine might be powered by a Trace Elliot head...I was gonna go the whole hog buy your cabs sound like they do what they do better.

    Haha I thought I'd get that response...Sounds good man...Loud is good!
    Not cause I turn up to 11 jus cause I need the head room for these frequencies...from a Low-B to a high-C it's hard to get a cab to cater for it all...The Big One sounds about right for me and to be honest, the only one worth my time, the others just ain't what I want.

    This cab is really going against my principles you know...15"? As a main / only cab? Never!
    Granted it has a 6.5" but a 15"?
    But from what I'm told it doesn't sound muddy? Awesome...this cab, when I get it, if it sounds like that man...everyone will want a go!
    Can't wait till I gig with it oh hell yeah!
    Not many will know who Barefaced Cabs are...they will when I'm done!
    Who knows...this "Metal Fraternity" may just want these cabs bad...and they cost the same as some middle of the road cabs too!

    Just one question...CAN IT take a Low-F#? :)
    My high-C on my band 6-string see's little used these days and I might bring back the bad boy Conklin .190 Low-F# just for a little sub-bass tickle every now and then...would see more use than the C.
    Heh heh heh...

    The only problem I can see is...I'm in a bit of a pinch right now with time to get a cab and alot of good stuff is starting to appear that I was after until I found your fine cabs...but I want one of these what should I do? Time is ticking to gig day and I don't have a decent cab and I got a sweet offer on a Trace Elliot.
    Catch 22 I knew this would happen.

  9. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='459717' date='Apr 10 2009, 11:40 PM']A few of you may remember me harping on about a visit to Electro a while ago where a 'mere' OLP Ray copy in metallic silvery green with HH pickups and active pre blew me away & was by far the best bass in the shop. Well, I've managed to snare that very bass for considerably less than Squier money. I first played it when it was brand new, then it was loaned out to at least one person who had a bass in for repair/service. I found it again today at Electro leaned up against a wall with it's strap retainers missing & looking a little sorry for itself. So I made Dave an offer & took it away, restrung it, cleaned it, set it up & it's still just as awesome as I remember.

    I've played a lot of Rays over the years and none has ever blown me away like this one - It plays like a demon, sounds fantastic & I even have to back off the bass on the preamp as it's so powerful. Obviously the 9v preamp isn't going to be as balanced as my 18v ones, but it's a really great bass.

    If you get the chance to try an MM22, go for it. It's a real pity they don't make these any more!


    Edit: I've now found out the colour is called "graphite pearl."[/quote]

    I was asking for one of these in the "Wanted" section so anyone with one lemmie know cause they are impossable to find now!
    But I was told build is crap and to go elsewhere...The truth?

    I still want one for a project build as I cannot afford £1500 for a HH 'Ray...These are the bomb!

    EDIT: Sorry, it was a MM32 I wanted...the 5-string version.

  10. Before I came here I used to hang round ActiveBass a lot...About 80% American and all I heard was how SX rivals Squier and then some in build and sound...
    Well if we consider that Squier in recent years have really upped the bar and are giving Fender MIM's a run for thier money...An SX should be the mutts nuts!
    Best of all, they do ANYTHING you could want! Fretted, fretless, extended range...hell they even do a 27" Baritone guitar!

    Why don't we get such choice?

  11. [quote name='markdavid' post='491937' date='May 18 2009, 10:11 PM']Hi All ,

    Simple question , ive heard somewhere that the Epiphone Thunderbird is 34.5" scale , ive also heard elsewhere that its 34" scale , Which is correct ?[/quote]

    I hear 34.5...at least the Gibson was...Uh-oh I'm standing out in the open here! :)

    EDIT: Nope, my history book says 34" scale...I think I best read it again from cover to cover...

  12. Sounds like a raised fret to me...Bloody things...they can make a great bass unplayable and most of all, you may never know they are there...even more so if you buy it from a shop with high action...take it home, lower it and...The note basically frets out!

  13. [quote name='pete.young' post='489615' date='May 16 2009, 10:33 AM']Hmm - we have plenty of cricket bats knocking about here, I feel a project coming on! :-)[/quote]
    Well people have made them out of hockey sticks before.
    Can't find the bass I found a few months ago but here's a guitar version.

  14. [quote name='alexclaber' post='489254' date='May 15 2009, 07:33 PM']I'm planning to add an optional tweeter - it'll be £75 extra and will be switchable so you can have if off/flat/boosted. Be interesting to see if it's mostly the metal fraternity that want even more top to cut through the wall of guitars!

    Actually I find with harmonics the midrange driver goes more than high enough - the tweeter really just adds that very top-end sparkle and shine, if you see what I mean?

    There's a complicated crossover inside that splits the power in the midrange, so the lower half (where most of the power lies) goes to the woofer and the upper midrange and treble goes to the midrange speaker. And if you have the switchable tweeter there's another crossover that looks after the transition to that. Even when you're pumping huge power in the midrange speaker doesn't appear to move at all because absolutely no lower frequency energy is hitting it, so it can handle tons and tons of power without distorting. If you push ridiculous amounts of distortion into it then eventually the protection circuit will kick in to stop you burning out the voice coil, but that really takes some doing and it self-resets once it cools down. You won't need to cut the bass with this woofer, push it as hard as you like - it'll be producing tons of bottom before it starts complaining and once it does start distorting there's a really wide margin of error before you break it. But as with all speakers, don't ignore the warning signals.

    They do indeed! Hence the trial period - test it to the limits with your band and send it back if it doesn't work for you. But I'd be very surprised to see it return! :)


    Nice. SOunds good man that the smaller speakers don't get hit with the massive low end some cabs do.
    That means I can dial in whatever my tone needs without panicing it's going to blow.
    I wouldn't say Metal needs the horn, more funk. I may be in a Prog metalcore band but my tone and playing style is a hodge-podge of many and I only like clear "Liquid steel" tone. By the sounds of it the Big One is already covered but a tweeter, with the switchable option, adds more to it.
    I think you'll get more funk players than metal players wanting a tweeter.

    I always keep an eye on my speakers. I detest cabs distorting and don't even use the effect either...barely...maybe at home but not in a band situation...that's where alot of bassists fail when playing in a metal band.
    I am but a tone freak who is interested in trying these underground cabs...and they sound like they were made with bassists like myself in mind.
    The more low end handling and Mids keeping the tonal quality up the better. I sure hope I can get by with this one cab...Only thing to do later is get another and a stereo head LOL!

    Yes it will get it's testing in the band...of course I need a new head too to drive it...so I have many options.
    It's a shame you don't make heads too...completely different kettle of fish I know but still, bet you'd make them great too.

  15. [quote name='thedonutman' post='489212' date='May 15 2009, 07:05 PM']After doing some googling, it looks like James Leach's bass has made it's way into the hands of this guy:

    He plays in a band called Red Seas Fire.[/quote]

    You can buy the replicas from McIntyre.
    They look like the kind of bass I would want. Jazz Style but with a modern edge.

  16. [quote name='slaphappygarry' post='487698' date='May 14 2009, 11:19 AM']at 8 ohm - 400w[/quote]

    I woulda said could I test it but...well you live like 300 miles away! :)
    Great cab people, I've used similar in rehearsals and the speakers can take a bit.

  17. [quote name='OldGit' post='489171' date='May 15 2009, 06:25 PM']Reverb has a sale on, 10% off if you use the code "sunburn" at checkoput. Delivery is free.

    60's Jazz road worn :Reverb's normal price £877 > 10% off = £789 delivered free..


    50's P Normal price £785, 10% off, > £706

    Is this the Reverb, a.k.a Sound Control, a.k.a Academy of Sound Reverb?
    I never did like going there...next to no basses and the staff....Hmmm....
    When you ask for some Elite Stadiums and they don't think they got them for you to point out they are right behind them...Well they are either really thick or can't be bothered to serve you.

    Hell, they DID drive me to buy strings from StringsDirect though. :)

  18. [quote name='alexclaber' post='486583' date='May 13 2009, 07:45 AM']Absolutely no point stacking a 2x10" on top, it will fart out long before the Big One gets going.

    With a powerful head or pre/power rig the Big One will be plenty for that environment.

    Possibly! But it is one cab solution, no need for a second cab.

    It's completely different - different woofer, different alignment, different tuning, no crossover, no midrange. More traditional sound, much less bottom and top.

    For your situation I'm pretty certain the Big One will be enough on it's own. The high end very nice and bright but I am working on an optional switchable tweeter, will hopefully get that sorted by the time this batch is done, so if the midrange doesn't go high enough for you then you can switch a tweeter in.


    Add a tweater and I'm sold.
    Trust me, there are a lot of bassists out there that would rather that "Marcus Miller" sound on top as you said LOL!
    I hope this does the job, I don't want too much boom and not enough high or the other way round.
    But if I can get away with this one cab all the better...And it'll be easy to transport / store.
    ONly thing is I wont get all the juice from my head with one cab but 6 ohms is better than 8 so half there.

    July you said somewhere right?
    I can save up enough for one by then.
    I guess I shall anticipate the Big One and hope it delivers...So many cabs have let me down, this sounds about right for me.
    But defo consider adding a tweater...then you technically get 3 speakers in one...A LOT more bassists will buy them then it makes a lot of difference with harmonics for example.

    Oh and how does the cab distribute frequencies?
    I've used a 15" with a 2x10" enclosure before and I swear the 10" was being pushed as much as the 15" and just wanted to pop out...Needless to say I cut the bass a bit to avoid it.

    Forgive me for questioning everything but after trying a lot of equipment, and money is soon to be on the table, I have to.
    It's not like I can try one of these in a shop anywhere and even if I did, in a shop and then with 2 guitars and a drummer...things get a bit different HAHA!

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