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Anthony Joseph Wiaczek III

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Posts posted by Anthony Joseph Wiaczek III

  1. Hey guys, after much speculation and a failed feeler, my t-bird now up for grabs.

    Finally bought a vintage mod and all i have to say is wow. Need to pay off the debt for the jazz so im getting rid of my old'gal.

    Everyone knows what a thunderbird IV is so i doubt theres need for explanation.

    Still in as new condition, 08 model with epiphone hardcase and a pack of ernie ball regulars to put on it.

    You might want to lower the action a bit, strangely i found it easier to play with a high action on this bird.

    Looking for [s]£200[/s] [s]£180[/s] £170 (im robbing myself) plus courier (approx £10-£15)

  2. [quote name='leschirons' post='718166' date='Jan 19 2010, 06:01 PM']They're like the "Strat" of the bass world. If you could only use one bass etc etc.

    I love em, but understand some don't. You can do any gig with a Jazz.[/quote]

    bought a vintage mod today, gigged it tonight........ WOW the power was seething through my fingers.

    i think there was also a sticky patch in my pants

  3. hey dude i know the situation, my ears are fooked! born with a perforation in the right eardrum, glue ear in left ear and then 2 tumors in the right last year.

    persal opinion is not to use earplugs but ear defenders. then your not stuffing wax further into your ear, my doc gave me a bollocking for earplugs. mainly due to the fact my wax doest migrate out of the ear naturally anyway haha.

  4. Recently i was plodding around dawsons in manchester and i happened by chance to try out the squier modified jazz (ive always fantasized about maple with block inlays). I was blown away by the playability. MUCH more practical than my t-bird and i am now in love.

    what do all you guys think?

    one more point, is there any interest in the market for a t-bird IV or have i just got a stinking block of cheese?

  5. [quote name='iamapirate' post='706475' date='Jan 9 2010, 12:35 PM']Trade only, got it for christmas last year, been gigged, one of the feet is slightly cracked, but it doesn't affect the coupling with the floor. Lovely sounding amp. I think it's the evo III i.e. it has compressor, sub-octave, DI, etc.

    Looking for some kind of full rig for this, not that interested in combos anymore. I do love hartke, and 2x12s would suit nicely.

    Not really looking to sell it, but if you desperately want to take it off my hands and leave me amp-less, then PM me.

    oh and if I don't reply to this topic I apologise - there's something up with my email notifications. again, pm me if it gets out of hand! ahha.[/quote]

    the mag 300 evo series is THEE amp for pubs and clubs, my best buy of 2009

    have a bump on me!

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