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Posts posted by Craigmartini

  1. [quote name='Marvin' post='1019502' date='Nov 11 2010, 12:17 AM']Obviously as you play more the calluses on your finger tips build up, and to aid this one you use such things as surgical spirit et al.
    My problem is that because I work outside, the cold (dry/frosty bits) weather dries my hands out to the point sometimes my skin splits - similar to a [b]very[/b] deep paper cut.

    So how much will moisturising products compromise the building and maintenance of the calluses on my stubby mitts? Or is it irrelevant?

    I'm in a slight catch 22 because if I don't use something to prevent drying out then I can't play anyway as the splits in my hands can be very painful.

    Hello by birthday bass brother! It would seem to me that un-cracked fingertips that are a bit softer would be better than painful split skin. OUCH! Have you tried (as mentioned above) some type of gloves for your outdoor work? Maybe surgical gloves to keep your hands dry during the day if bulky gloves interfere with your work? Also maybe try a bit of cream with a soft pair of cotton gloves at bed time. My girl is a massage therapist and suffers from painful splitting skin on her knuckles. The cotton glove and cream helps her a bunch. Best of luck with it!

  2. Hey everybody!


    And for your listening pleasure.... The title track from the new album "Fuzz Universe"


    Hope to see you all somewhere if you can make it out! :)

  3. [quote name='smileegee' post='921451' date='Aug 11 2010, 11:44 AM']EMG j SET or SEYMOUR DUNCAN SSJ5-3S J-SET????

    Fender Mex Five string Jazz

    Which ones to put in?


    The EMG-J set is what I would use. They are actually quite easy to install as well. When you buy the set, they come with all of the electronic components, fully wired. Such as two volume controls, one tone control, the jack, and all wiring.
    The new ones don't even require a drop of solder. All you do is plug a connector together and you are done with the wiring.


  4. [quote name='paul h' post='917240' date='Aug 6 2010, 05:00 PM']I can't think of anything to say. Have fun in NZ Guy.

    Does Craig Martini still post here? Can we have an exclusive famous bass player forum that the rest of us are not allowed in? Or we could start threads about as many famous bass players as possible and see how many turn up?

    I still bore the wife silly about the fact that the bloke off Sky News emailed me.[/quote]

    Hey Paul!
    Yeah, I'm still here. :)

    Yes, Marvin is indeed my bass brother. We never did start that 31 club did we?

    Ok, I'm not tryin' to hijack the thread. Just sayin' hello!


  5. [quote name='Wil' post='890351' date='Jul 9 2010, 01:01 PM']A few years ago it seemed every man and his dog had a compressor in their chain - even people who dont tend to use effects boards (like myself). Now whenever I see a live band or take a peek into a practice room I rarely see them in use - has the official bass player's effect of choice fallen out of favour?

    Personally, I never get on with them live - I like dynamics! I do use them when recording vocals and guitars though.[/quote]

    I agree,

    I do not like a compressor on my bass at all. If your tapping and harmonics are to quiet, step on the OCD boost pedal and ROCK!!!!!


  6. I use the middle finger as the "downbeat finger"

    Hey Dave Vader,

    To further your Steve Harris frustration, he plays with only 2 fingers. :)

    Check it out [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajD1duxKSuE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajD1duxKSuE[/url]

    I think he talks about it at 1:50 ish on that video. He rocks!


  7. I was lucky enough to see SMV live here in Las Vegas in 2008 at Texas Station.

    The entire place was full!! Stanley said something like "Can you believe all these people are here to see three guys play bass?"

    I couldn't agree more!

    The show was excellent! All three players having equal time to do their thing.

    Stanley, Marcus, Victor each have amazing abilities and are very different from each other in their playing. I never get bored of hearing these guys play.

    If they come back here, I will not miss it!


  8. [quote name='Marvin' post='795183' date='Apr 3 2010, 06:36 PM']Yeah, it's my bass twin. :rolleyes: This guy is sheer brilliance personified.

    I hadn't listened to the Alter Boys material before Craig, it's got to be the most diverse stuff I've ever listened to. Might see if I can grab a copy.




    My bass/exact birthdate brother! You are to kind my friend, Thank You!

    I am so glad you like The Alter Boys music! I wrote quite a bit of it on bass so I got away with playing some fun stuff. :) There are some funny parts on that record too, Ryan Dunn from Jackass does a few skits, as well as The Naked Trucker & Gerald "T-Bones" Tibbons(David Koechner) from The Saturday Night Live show.

    Have a great day!


  9. Hey, lots of cool stuff on this thread so far!

    I have added your myspace pages to my page @: [url="http://www.myspace.com/craigmartinibass"]www.myspace.com/craigmartinibass[/url]

    Also, here is one of my bands "The Alter Boys": [url="http://www.myspace.com/alterboys216"]www.myspace.com/alterboys216[/url]


  10. [quote name='paul h' post='766283' date='Mar 6 2010, 07:00 PM']As per title. Can't really be bothered anymore.

    Message ends.[/quote]

    I think you just need a short break. Could you really imagine if you completely gave up on everything bass? :)

    I bet if you packed up all of your equipment and put it somewhere that you don't see it everyday, you would suffer from horrible withdrawal symptoms pretty quickly! No peeking!!!

    Remember, you didn't choose bass, BASS HAS CHOSEN YOU!! It will find it's way back into your life, even if it's 10 years from now.

    I tried it once, it lasted one month. That was about 10 years ago now. I thought " That's it, I'm done, everything I do fails, I am not going to be disappointed by this anymore, I'm tired of being broke, I am tired of trying to find gigs, bla bla bla......"

    Needless to say I am still tired of being broke, and all the other stuff but the good still outweighs the bad. :rolleyes:

    I wish you the best of luck, whatever you decide to do!


  11. [quote name='Tinman' post='740179' date='Feb 9 2010, 05:27 PM']You are most definitely welcome my friend.

    When and where was that Jake? I saw him on his last night of the year in 'The Joint' Las Vegas[/quote]

    Wait a minute!!!!!!!! You guys were here in Vegas and you didn't tell me?! LOL

    Seriously...........Next time you are here, let me know! :)


  12. [quote name='budget bassist' post='736653' date='Feb 5 2010, 08:51 PM']Yep it is
    I've known this girl all my life (literally), she's nice and this is her first time organising a gig so she deserves to be cut some slack, and in fairness she has had some trouble with bands dopping out etc, not sure what the deal about it being over 18's only is though, she asked me if i could get something together for it and for it to be "family friendly".... She only asked me a couple of weeks ago though, obviously i couldn't get anything together in that short a time frame.
    You can trust her to get someone to pick the kit up though, she's trustworthy.[/quote]

    Right on. Good to hear, I hope you understand that my comments on this are strictly business related. (looking out for a fellow bass player). I hate to see people having dreadful gig experiences, I have had so many I wouldn't even know where to begin!

    I was hoping to help him avoid some of what I have been through in the past. Especially when I was his age.

    I believe you when you say she is nice. According to the OP it is not her first booked gig, I only went off the info provided.

    Sorry if I offended you about your friend.

    Best wishes,

  13. [quote name='KiOgon' post='736671' date='Feb 5 2010, 09:11 PM']Hey I'll drink to that - another birthday brother - '51 vintage!


    "In fact, anything done by anyone born on the 31st of January (any year) is going to be brilliant."

    Haha! Right on guys, I think we are forming our own club here! The 31 club might be a good name for it. :)

    Happy belated b-day brothers!

    Sorry for the thread hijack. There are really some great vids on here guys, keep up the good work!!


  14. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='736626' date='Feb 5 2010, 08:22 PM']Im just trying to see it from her point of view. To be honest i missed the part about her having problems with a band before so i take it all back lol.[/quote]
    :rolleyes: I still think your a good guy for trying! :)


  15. [quote name='Marvin' post='736505' date='Feb 5 2010, 06:21 PM']Anything done by someone born on 31 January 1973 will doubtless be faultless. :rolleyes:

    Said it before, you're a true talent.


    Thank you for the kind words my friend!

    Hey, you ARE my birthday brother! :) Cool! Well, happy belated birthday brother!


  16. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='736484' date='Feb 5 2010, 06:05 PM']you know, we all seem quick to slag this girl off but I think it's all getting a bit silly
    the op has plenty of replies about what an evil woman this is but to me it sounds like she is just in experienced and could do with some help.
    She didn't know the OP was under age when she first booked him and has admitted she made a mistake.
    Isn't it the norm at some gigs that a band will let other bands use thier gear? If so isn't it understandable that only one band would be asked to bring a kit.
    She has made a mistake, I'm sure she will learn from it but it seems to me everyone has her as a no hope looser, not very charitable is IMHO.

    I do agree the OP should stay clear and that the gig might be a disaster but she might learn a few things from this and be quite succesfull.

    IMHO of course.[/quote]

    Respectfully, this is why I kinda dissagree..

    me: "but the pub WILL mind that we're under 18 then?"
    her: "well, if they find out they'll be mad. THEY'VE HAD A GO AT ME BEFORE FOR HAVING UNDER 18 BANDS PLAY, THEY'VE EVEN KICKED ONE BAND OUT FOR BEING UNDER 18 BEFORE". funnily enough, when a different mate found out where we were playing he was suprised because he always thought that pub was strict on 18+ only, but i didn't really think anything of it.
    her: "anyway, like i said, JUST GO IN THE BACK AND KEEP A LOW PROFILE, you should be ok"

    These statements are absurd!!

    Not evil, just really incompetent, thoughtless, and self centered.

    So after she did find out they were underage, knowing she has had this problem before she still insisted on putting everyone at risk. Yes people do share gear but her telling them they HAD to bring a drum set for everyone to use is a bit more than just sharing gear. This is more like forced borrowing. Why couldn't someone else bring drums for everyone to use?

    However, I do agree that she is in need of some guidance. Yes, hopefully she learns from this.

    I admire your compassion for her Dave! You are a good guy trying to stand up for someone being put down by all of us!


  17. [quote name='Tait' post='734611' date='Feb 3 2010, 11:05 PM']a few weeks ago one of my mates told me he's got a friend organising a couple of gigs, and she's looking for bands. so he gives her my number and a link to our myspace, and she says she likes our band and do we want to play. so i checked with my band, and we were booked to play at a pub this coming saturday.

    anyway, she tells me a few days ago there are 3 bands playing, and can we bring our drumkit and can the other bands borrow it. i told her no because my dad's band has a gig the same night and so will be taking the big car, and we can't really fit a bass, a whole drumkit, an amp and 3 people into a fiat punto. well can't i get someone else to take them? maybe, i'll ask my guitarist if he can take some bits, but he usually takes our other guitarists so thats 2 guitars, 2 amps, half a drumkit and 3 people in one car, which isn't entirely plausible. what if she sends someone around to pick the drums up? i'm not comfortable with the idea of a total stranger taking our drumkit.

    i ask her why another band doesn't just take their drumkits, and she just tells me they can't. so i say well neither can we. but she says why not? if its trouble getting it there, she'll get someone to pick it up. in the end i tell her "well i'll check with my guitarist, see if i can sort anything out. no promises though."

    anyway, today she added me to the event on facebook. it says in massive letters 18+. now, i'm 17 and one of the older ones in my year at college, so all my friends are 16 or 17. my drummer and guitarist are 15, and our other guitarist is 14. so i asked her about it being over 18, and of course i can't bring any friends under 18. then i said "you do realise none of the band are over 18 right?" and she replied with "sh*t, i just assumed you were! i should have asked, really!" why yes, yes you should. bearing in mind she's only just 18, and the friend that told her about us is 17, is it really that difficult to imagine that his friend's band might contain members under 18? obviously i dont say this to her, i just ask if we can still play. "well, technically you're not allowed. but if you go in the back entrance where there aren't any bouncers, and don't shout about being under 18, you should be ok. obviously don't try to buy any drinks either."

    me: "but the pub WILL mind that we're under 18 then?"
    her: "well, if they find out they'll be mad. they've had a go at me before for having under 18 bands play. they've even kicked one band out for being under 18 before". funnily enough, when a different mate found out where we were playing he was suprised because he always thought that pub was strict on 18+ only, but i didn't really think anything of it.
    her: "anyway, like i said, just go in the back entrance and keep a low profile, you should be ok"

    later on, another thought strikes me.

    me: "doesn't it make sense to have another band bring the drumkit anyway? i mean, if we get kicked out, none of the bands will have a drumkit at all, so it doesnt make sense for us to bring it."
    her: "yeah but none of the other bands CAN bring a drumkit."
    me: "we've gone through this. we CAN'T bring a drumkit."
    her: "yeah you can. i'll get a friend to pick it up. you won't get kicked out anyway if you sneak in the back entrance."

    so... you expect me to go to a stupid amount of trouble to bring a drumkit, involving trusting some total stranger with my brother's drumkit, to a we have to sneak into because we're not allowed to play there, and there's every chance we'll get kicked out and then there'll be no kit at all for any band to play on, thus ruining the gig anyway? i bet you a fiver if that happened another band would magically be able to produce a kit.

    some people are just unbelievable.

    i figured before dropping out of the gig i should check with the band, and we decided pretty much straight away (there was no need to think about it), to tell her where she can shove her gig. it's too late to text her now, but first thing tomorrow morning i'm gonna let her know we're not playing. its just stupid.

    on the bright side my guitarist has just told me he had to turn down a gig at a nice place we've played a few times before (and i know at least one other basschatter has played there before, too, and he said he really enjoyed it) because of this gig, so he's going to try and see if we can still get in there. obviously they might be full now, but they might still be able to fit us in :)

    sorry about the rant by the way, i'm just pretty pissed off by it all.[/quote]

    This could be the most idiotic "gig" on the face of this earth! What the hell?!?! Why would you have to go to all this trouble just to play a gig? Is this girl/woman out of her mind? Also maybe I missed it but I didn't see anything in this post about what kind of money she will be paying you for all this trouble either.

    She expects you to not only provide gear for people but she wishes to put you, your band members, and the club at risk of serious legal problems should the smallest thing go wrong. Sneak in through the back?????? WTF???

    My advice.... Take her out of your contact list, never answer her calls again, and let anyone who asks know, just what type of nonsense she put you guys through.

    I am really sorry you had to put up with that, I hope you guys get some really great gigs this year to make up for this crap!

    Best wishes,

  18. Here is some footage from a three song set I did a few weeks ago. I edited it to 5 minutes and included a bit from each tune I played. It was filmed at the NAMM show this year. It sounds ok considering my tracks and bass were all coming out of an Ampeg mini bass amp. :)


  19. [quote name='urb' post='735677' date='Feb 4 2010, 11:59 PM']Here's one I made earlier (todat!)

    A little groove based jam on my lovely Sei Jazz, bass went direct into Logic and has a tiny bit EQ/compression but it sounds great straight in...

    Hooe you dig it


    I really like this! Great playing Mike!


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