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  1. wateroftyne's post in Comedy ebay Listing post I made removed-why? was marked as the answer   
    Oh, found it.
    I didn't remove it, but TBH I would have done 😄
    There's a perfectly reasonable request not to post about it 'cos we're all sick of seeing it. It doesn't really invite further discussion.
    Appreciate you might not agree., but...
  2. wateroftyne's post in retrieve old messages was marked as the answer   
    I believe they are passed on! No more! Have ceased to be!  Expired and gone to meet their maker! Stiff! Bereft of life! Resting in peace! Pushing up the daisies! Their metabolic processes are now history! They're off the twig! Kicked the bucket! Shuffled off their mortal coil! Run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! THEY ARE EX-MESSAGES!!
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