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Posts posted by Wylie

  1. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1312406031' post='1326231']
    I'm always busy playing for fun at either a rehearsal or gig so I only really ever play at home for a reason which will either be learning tracks for a gig or at the moment trying to improve my reading/theory. Bit of frustration then a lot of satisfaction when it clicks

    What he said.

  2. I had these put in my Squier bass to replace the stock pickups. (I wrote a bit about this elsewhere, but thought some readers might look here.) The DiMarzios are very strong; the midrange and upper registers are solid and warm, the bottom is big; what I got was a whole new sound for my bass. I don't have tons of experience with lots of basses, as many BCers do, but I would say the tone of these is quite contemporary; but I am also running through a Hartke 2500, which tends to be hard and punchy in tone. I have roundwounds on the bass; flats would no doubt give a fatter tone.

    Another benefit is that I am playing with less volume (in a trio of violin, keyboard, and bass, all amped) because the presence of the bass is that much enhanced.

    I paid $95 for these ($160 list). Great value. Modding the Squier with these and with a Gotoh bridge have made a huge difference, bringing my total investment up to a mere $415. Couldn't be better.

  3. [quote name='beastly' timestamp='1321309227' post='1437741']
    Usefull points..

    Really dont know why i cant memorise bass neck or keyboard both of which i really enjoy playing, im not a guitar fan though. So instead of busting my head trying to learn music notation i need to get the keys and frets commited to memory then the dots will come easier at a later date.

    Im actually going to put note names on my keys *shamed

    thanks for the input. i know what i will be doing these winter nights now.

    There's nothing to be ashamed of. What helped me start identifying notes, and understanding the relationships of notes and chords, was to arpeggiate the chords and name the notes aloud as I went, for example in C, 'C, E, G' for the 1st, 3rd and 5th of the C major chord.

    I find reading music very difficult; I think, like the man said above, you have to put in the time. In my case, a teacher definitely helps. I have a great teacher.

  4. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1321301679' post='1437592']
    Yes we all know it, top two sound weedy compared to the bottom two.

    And after thirty odd years of`no Precision`, I now have a Mexican Rosewood board one.

    And my question is: In the intervening period, has anyone come up with a pickup, or a set of strings, or a bridge, or whatever that actually gets all four strings sounding even yet?

    I was about to pop for either an EMG active pickup (had a PJ set on my original work bass for years) or maybe Lollar or similar, but thought I would see what the accumulated wisdom on here says first.


    Not with a Precision, but with my jazz bass, with its new pickups, I noticed the very same thing. It corrected (I guess you'd say) after I rolled off the bridge pickup a bit. So I can't match the pickups fifty-fifty, but I still get huge sound. So I think my issue is the pickups, but I'm living with it because I still get good sound.


  5. [quote name='Gazza 2905' timestamp='1320690271' post='1430092']
    I assume that most of us have been in this situation at least once in our bass playing lives.
    A friend comes round to your house one evening and they know you play bass, or maybe they spy one of your basses in the corner of the room.

    So they say to you:-

    [i]"Go on, - play me something"......[/i]

    Now, being a bass, you can't just trot out a load of songs like you can, on say, the guitar. So, I was wondering:
    What do you guys play when you want to impress someone?

    An F Lydian scale really really [i]really[/i] fast.

  6. Very few gigs, the most memorable being cocktail hour music for a group of Episcopal clergypersons (as they say). The bishop's wife got hammered, and that was pretty amusing. In the summer I was asked to play with another couple of guys specializing in 'Americana' (as they said) tunes, all their own compositions, and that was interesting; but they split after I'd been with them a month. It was nothing to do with me, I believe ... Not a good year. I continue to improve my playing. Incrementally.

  7. Squier Bronco Bass is a short-scale (30" string length as opposed to 34") bass that sells for 155 pounds (can't make the pound sign). I had one and thought it was a good deal and sounded good, too.

  8. Just had a pair of DiMarzio Ultra Jazz pickups put in my Squier '77 jazz, and the difference is unbelievable: fat, strong, and even tonalities all over the fretboard. The G string seems suddenly to have woken up. With the Duncan-Designed I'd had a generally weak response, with a good many 'hollow' notes on the E string--the note would be there, but with no punch. No such worries now.

    The increased presence of this bass is amazing, and for most gigs I will be rolling the volume back considerably; no more need to compensate for lack of punch. Highly recommended. As someone noted on another thread, the DiMarzios are also a bargain: mine listed at $160, I paid $95 from Musician's Friend.


  9. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' timestamp='1320195818' post='1423749']
    Ah, more infinite variations on the same old two basses :)

    Confused? Bloody hell, I am!

    I still think it's time they designed something new.

    Rich. :)

    They could design something new, and then redesign it, and then redesign that. Jobs, jobs, jobs ... However, I am glad to hear about the Modern Players series being made in the VM plant. Those Modern Players are nice-looking basses. Now, if they would just redesign them.

  10. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1320188113' post='1423676']I really believe no-one can improve unless they are a bit critical of their own ability. Yes, you can go overboard but I don't think I have. It's been a good, overdue kick up the backside. Moreso because it wasn't Victor Wooten or Marcus Miller that I'd been watching. Just some guy that had bothered put the hours in.[/quote]

    I listened recently to an old-style soul number by Solomon Burke, 'You're Not Alone,' and the bass was solid, moving (as in motion), economical, varied, and did I say solid? Rock solid. Just a Bb blues progression, nothing fancy, three chords and a passing Eb, but what struck me was the ease with which the player made the changes. I practice daily, and I am a slow learner. It's frustrating. But I do make progress.

  11. Don't know if anyone's posted USA luthiers on this thread, but I know there are Americans on Basschat ... so I'll add Steve Sauve of Sauve Guitars, North Adams, Mass., to the list. Steve is a well-known luthier. I highly recommend Steve (and his partner Jeff, who does the electrics) for any kind of instrument work.

  12. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1319452546' post='1414132']
    There seems to be quite an influx of these new super 1x12s, especially over in the USA.

    Recently, Baer Amplification, Acme, and AudioKinesis all released new models, and the reviews of them are very very favourable. Eg, despite my lack of full knowledge on the specifications, they can actually almost cover/can cover the ground of a high quality 2x10, and perhaps even bigger cabinets.

    It seems there have been Fearful 12/6 designs on the market for quite some time. Again, I haven't looked into this, so no idea what the background is.

    I believe Barefaced also has one, which I havent heard much about, the Big Baby.

    I am actually quite interested in getting one of these, purely because the specs seem to tick all the boxes.

    Does anyone own one on here?

    I have a Schroeder 12" light cab, which I bought from Jorg Schroeder over here. I think it's great, it certainly has a strong cut--the midrange is very strong but I would say the bottom could be bigger. Someone suggested in another thread that the cab is a little too small, hence the less-strong bottom. (Or is it my bass?) I play with a trio--violin, keyboard, bass, all mic'ed of course, and no drums--so great volume usually isn't wanted, but don't get me wrong: it can get plenty loud, and it keeps its voice, so to speak (I can never describe these things). Perfect for what we do. But my ideal rig would add either another 12" or a Schroeder 10" light to this one for when I am playing with other, louder groups.

  13. [quote name='thepurpleblob' timestamp='1319382752' post='1413382']
    Honestly, I've tried hard to appreciate Jazz but I just don't get it. I hate to generalise but it all sounds like, at one end, drippy elevator music or, at the other, an impenetrable racket. Sorry!

    Those ends may well be there, but if that's all you've heard, be aware that there's lots of jazz that isn't either a snooze or chaos. Suggest you find a jazz station (or two -- my iMac iTunes thing has about three dozen jazz stations) and listen for a while. You'll be pleasantly surprised, I believe.


  14. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1317915168' post='1396205']

    Am I getting old or is some of the magic - whatever that is - being lost?

    An age of endless distractions, none of which have helped me play any better -- my problem, that.

  15. I'm happy with mine. I play in a trio of violin, bass, and keyboards, so huge volume usually isn't needed (or wanted). Hartke 250-watt head and Schroeder 12-inch cab. Another Schroeder cab, maybe a ten-incher, would make my day, but as things are, I'm quite satisfied.

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