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Posts posted by Dash

  1. Blimey! You are a useful bunch to know, aren't you?! ;) Lots of great info there for me. Thanks Dr.Dave and Sliddx for the technical stuff and cheers to the rest of you for the warm welcomes.

    Machines - I'm staying with friends in Kings Heath at the moment until I find somewhere a bit more permanent. I'm working in Digbeth most days.

  2. Hello!

    I've just moved to Birmingham and yesterday retrieved my bass guitar (a Fender Jazz) from storage where it has been for almost a year. I want to get some new strings for it and also get someone to give it a 'service'. Can anyone recommend somewhere in Birmingham where I can get this done? I'm sorry if this is a silly question but I have just moved here and don't yet know for myself which might be good places to try and which should be avoided.



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