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Posts posted by Dash

  1. [quote name='Wil' timestamp='1360538847' post='1972157']
    I'd listen in album order but perhaps skip the early stuff - start at Rubber Soul, which is when they were really started perfecting their craft at making albums. Then perhaps Revolver, Sgt Peppers and Abbey Road. I'd leave the White album until later, I found it to be far less accessible (it's a double album with about a single album's worth of great tracks, IMO)

    Thanks Wil!

  2. Slightly different angle on this... I've been to the Gallery a few times. I haven't bought a bass but have had one set up and some other small bits of work done. I found Alex to be a bit reserved and happy to leave me to browse but when I asked him some questions, he warmed up and was very friendly. I'm a lefty so we've chatted about the lack of lefty bass guitars and he has let me try out all the lefty basses he in stock... including a couple retailing for over a grand each that were well above anything I could possibly afford at the time (and he knew that).

    As a woman, I'm used to walking into guitar shops and being completely ignored or, at most, getting questions from the staff like 'are you waiting for your boyfriend?' so maybe my expectations are different but I'd happily go back to the Gallery unlike 90% of guitar shops I've visited.

  3. [quote name='throwoff' timestamp='1358160930' post='1933871']
    My Japanese Fender P 57' reissue is finally going to have to go!

    Something has come up which I want and I now operate a strictly 1 in 1 out rule, as the new bass will replace this in day to day terms it is the P to go.

    Photos to come.

    I will be asking for £600

    Is this still for sale? Pics?

  4. [quote name='OliverBlackman' timestamp='1342879268' post='1742295']
    Here is a link to the channel with a small selection of videos. If you want to watch them and let me know what you think of the videos I've put up that would be great help :) [url="http://www.youtube.com/user/oliverblackmn90"]http://www.youtube.c...oliverblackmn90[/url]

    Have you posted any videos that you have made yourself? I can only see a playlist of other people's videos when I click on the link.

  5. I'm just starting to get into transcribing and and wondering if anyone has any opinions on the following...

    Looking back to when you started transcribing, do you think it is better to start with doing different songs in different styles of music or to pick one album and concentrate on transcribing the whole thing as a way to get inside that bass player's head and getting a good understanding of their general approach?

  6. Hi folks,

    I'm not the most technically minded person around so I need some advice.

    I want to play my bass along with backing tracks I have created on my Mac but I need to use headphones as I live in a flat with other people. What is the best way to hook up my bass to my computer? Is it by using some kind of audio interface device or does it need to run through my amp?

    And... if it is by using an audio interface thingy, what is a good basic brand to look at?

    I have a Mac, a Fender Jazz and an Eden Nemesis amp.

  7. [quote name='owen' post='876774' date='Jun 24 2010, 07:49 PM']It's here and it is a a lot of fun :) It is pretty fussy about what it sees as a pre-amp, as all piezo pickups which are unbuffered are.[/quote]

    I'm very, very jealous!

    I've decided that my bank balance won't stretch to a bass ukulele right now so I'm going to settle for a normal ukulele instead.

    BTW I have just spoken to a friend of mine who has been playing ukuleles for years and he recommended [url="http://www.ukulelehunt.com"]www.ukulelehunt.com[/url] as a useful site for info on buying a first ukulele.

  8. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='869408' date='Jun 16 2010, 08:30 PM']Kala Bass Ukulele - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=60595&hl=ukulele"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...&hl=ukulele[/url][/quote]

    Thanks for this! :)

  9. Trawling through Ebay on a Friday night..... I know I need to get out more!

    Anyway, I saw this. Might be of interest to lefty starting out.

    [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Left-Handed-Fender-Bass_W0QQitemZ250614559615QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item3a59cab37f"]Squier Ebay Link[/url]

  10. [quote name='OldGit' post='807734' date='Apr 15 2010, 10:17 PM']To the OP get yourself around to Electric Ladyland and press your nose against the window (I doubt he'll be actually open)
    85 West Street
    St. Philips, Bristol BS2 0BX
    0117 983 2500[/quote]

    Thanks OldGit... I'll check that one out.

  11. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='807571' date='Apr 15 2010, 08:17 PM'].....from there is Mickleburgh and that is ok, downstairs is the electric instruments and a guy who calls you 'dude' in the least convincing way ever. Then down the road is the House of Bass, where you should come so I can try and sell you my stuff.[/quote]

    Thanks for the info, Mr Foxen. I find being called 'dude' or 'babe' by anyone is always somewhat disconcerting! :)

    Does your 'House of Bass' feature anything for a left-handed bass player? I presume not.... :rolleyes:

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