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Posts posted by philw

  1. All,

    I have a plan to create a bits and pieces precision using the body of a Lake Placid Blue Squire Classic Vibe 50s Precision. Trouble is, to get the bass I'm after (and the look), the neck would have to be an unlined fretless with a maple fingerboard – not a standard item from the likes of Mighty Mite, All Parts or Warmouth. So any suggestions where I might find one (other than keeping an eye on eBay or ordering a completely custom neck)?


  2. [quote name='Beedster' post='1027443' date='Nov 17 2010, 11:23 PM']And a very happy buyer! Adi is a true gent, and the bass is not only a dream to play, but tonally very different to my current DB, almost in a kind of Jazz with rounds v Precision with flats way. So looking forwards to picking this up.

    BTW, sorry Phil, looks like I beat you to it mate!


    Yes, you did. Hurrumph!


  3. [quote name='walbassist' post='1027156' date='Nov 17 2010, 06:26 PM']Hi Phil

    Presumably you want something that is good for arco [u]and[/u] pizz? Depending on what tension you like, perhaps something by Innovation would be a cost effective experiment, like their Honeys or Super Silvers?




    Yes, it has to do pizz, but I'd happily compromise the pizz sound for a better arco sound. I'd like something with higher tension than the standard strings too.


  4. All,

    I know there's been a thread on replacement strings for the NS EUB in the past, but my question is specific to playing with a bow. The standard fit strings, along with being very bright, don't take to a bow particularly well (it's all too easy to get nothing but a nasty scraping sound, even with an ok technique and bow). So does anybody have a suggestion for replacement strings that are particularly good for arco (as well as being less bright generally)? Don't have a mag pickup on my CR4 so don't need to worry about metal cores/windings.


  5. I regularly swap between my Wal and Steinberger EUB during gigs and am getting completely fed-up with plugging and un-pluging (probably doesn't look all that cool either as I bend over to display a flash of builder's bottom to three old deaf blokes and a dog in some godforsaken tavern). So, I need a switching preamp/DI of some description. I'd also like to have separate eq settings for each instrument.

    So, it seems my choice boils down to either the Sansamp Bass Driver Deluxe or the EMS Microbass II. They's even both the same price (from The Bass Centre). Any preferences or experience here?


  6. All,

    Just watching Eric Clapton on Later with Jools and his bass player was using a double bass with a cut-away (i.e it had no upper bout on the treble side). Now, I've seen numerous similar instruments on Ebay but the cut-away idea has always stuck me as a bit of a pointless gimmick on a DB. I mean, it's not as if there's much chance of fretting with a conventional "guitar" hand position that high up the neck. You're really still going to have to use thumb position, cut-away or not? Am I missing something?


  7. [quote name='walbassist' post='1004745' date='Oct 29 2010, 08:51 AM']Hi Phil

    My Brook came in a [url="http://www.jhs.co.uk/kinsman.html"]Kinsman[/url] case from JHS. It does the job. Looks like they're around £55 online.

    Why do you need to ship your bass? Is it damaged?




    No, not damaged, it's still as gorgeous as ever. Trouble is, I've been made a tentative offer for it that I can't really refuse and, although I dearly want to keep hold of it, needs must. At least I have a Paris on the way in a month or two.


    PS. Thanks all for the suggestions.

  8. [quote name='mandomicky' post='996282' date='Oct 21 2010, 07:36 PM']--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    check these out it might make you happier about the bass

    www.LowEndBassShop.com :: View topic - Wal 4 string

    these have one up for sale now for £1899 and fretless

    Hmm, yeah I'm not sure Bassdirect are really playing that Wal with an entirely straight bat. It's not a Mk1 it's a Pro One (and it's a shame about that ugly thumb rest). Still a lovely instrument, but not quite the same thing. I also wonder if permission was sought and granted for the pictures that appear to have been lifted from the Wal web site.


  9. [quote name='TheGreek' post='995933' date='Oct 21 2010, 01:52 PM']You may be right but since I've been diagnosed with Carpel Tunnel and may need an operation on my hand I'm not gonna get the enjoyment from it for some time. In the worst case scenario it may be that I won't actually get to play it so would end up losing a not unsubstantial amount of money on it. What should have been a pleasant experience may turn out to be something other than...

    Just out of interest what was the price new??[/quote]

    Oh that's a bugger. I hope you get over it and get the chance to play that lovely collection of instruments you have.

    You'll hate this but my Wal new in 1983 was £595. Not such a bad buy as it turned out.


  10. Mick,

    I'm fortunate enough to own a Mk 1 Fretless Custom that I bought new in 1983 and the enjoyment and fun I've had from it (and still have) is immeasurable. The vast majority of folks will never be lucky enough to own a Wal, so if I were you I'd not worry too much now about how much you paid for it. I'd just get on and enjoy it.

    Yes, the Pro series pre-dates the Custom series (although their was some crossover and a small batch of Pro's made much later) and was Wal's attempt at a production-line bass (although most I believe were still hand made by Pete and Wal). They are lovely high quality instruments and some would argue more of a purist, "players" bass than the Custom with all its bells and whistles. Think of them as Wal's P-bass. You're a lucky man.


  11. I suspected this was going to be a bit of a Marmite™ bass, that's kind of why I posted it.

    I'm going to sit on the fence. I admire the ingenuity of the construction (clearly the work of a deranged mind that's outrageously good with numerous little bits of wood), and I'd love a go on it, but I don't really see the point – there's many much easier ways of making a chambered/semi-solid bass.


    PS. The rest of thelowend.net is worth a look. Lots of very nice, and a few very odd, instruments.

  12. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='978743' date='Oct 5 2010, 08:11 PM']A Wal is something i need to tick off my list.

    I'd love to sit with a Mach 1 for a couple of hours...

    Flea used one throughout BloodSugarSexMagic, and his sound is so thick on that album!

    I'm led to believe you can get pretty much anything out of them.

    I won't be ordering/buying anything for at least 18 months, so i've got time to go searching.

    It'll take some balls (and saving) if i do like them, as £3200 is the [i]starting[/i] price, i can only assume they're well worth it, as they don't stick around long, even at silly money.[/quote]


    If you're ever down Brighton way you're welcome come and sit with my old Mk 1 fretless (bought new for £595 in 1984) for at least a couple of hours.


  13. [quote name='Chris2112' post='978689' date='Oct 5 2010, 07:28 PM']Trends are of course trends, no matter how long they last. I think one day Wal basses will be uncool. Remember the Warwick boom at the turn of the millenium? People realised the old ones were the ones to have and their values rose, people bought the new ones by the shedload and they commanded good prices used. Now they're doing extremely badly on the used market. A good Thumb NT will struggle to make £800, Streamer Stage 1's seem to do pretty badly too. Wal were once in this position themselves![/quote]

    Apart from fashion, surely the biggest factor in the drop in Warwick used prices is one of supply and demand. And there's many, many more used Thumbs out there on the market than there are used Wals. Used Wal prices at the moment do seem a tad over-hyped to me, but I can never imagine a time when you'll be able to pick one up for £800. Even if they go out of fashion, there'll just never be enough of them around.


  14. [quote name='Stacker' post='978212' date='Oct 5 2010, 12:27 PM']Wow. Are these basses for sale, do you know? Or is that just a gear porn page?[/quote]

    They're very much for sale. Brian Barrett, who runs The Low End, is a well known US dealer of high-end new and used instruments.


  15. One of my favourite work-avoidence, GAS inducing, web sites for occasional browsing is thelowend.net.

    I spotted this the other day: www.thelowend.net/gallery/viewtopic.php?t=5084

    and thought such an extraordinary instrument deserved a basschat audience.

    Enjoy (but make sure your credit card is well hidden).

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