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Vin Venal

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Posts posted by Vin Venal

  1. 20 hours ago, Dood said:



    Here's my 76! I love the natural + RW look :) Mine's an Ash body and is 10lbs too. Nothing a big fat padded strap cant handle :) 

    Wait a moment, aren't you the chap who does the bass demos for guitar interactive on YouTube?


    If so, I really enjoy those - really thorough, laid back demos, and I dig your pick playing.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 21 hours ago, danweb22 said:

    A few weeks ago I wanted to scratch an itch of wanting to try a Fender Custom Shop Precision. Having had a look online there was nothing local to me so went done the route of having to buy and making use of the 14 day return policy if I wasn’t happy. 

    Good job I did as I wasn’t happy! 

    I ordered 2, an Olympic White ‘63 Journeyman Relic and a Dakota Red ‘63 Light Relic


    Olympic White (£3200)


    Pros: Nice ageing of the body paint and neck, neck was lovely and worn and beautiful to play.

    Cons: Heavy (over 9lbs) Strings misaligned over the fretboard when aligned over the pickups. Pickups were tilted towards the neck as if the foam underneath hadn’t been placed properly. Tuners were so stiff you almost needed 2 hands to turn them!


    Dakota Red (£3500)


    Pros: Lighter than the Olympic. Nice ageing again and tuners actually turned! 

    Cons: Electronics were completely dead! Plugged in and nothing at all!! 

    So did I think either of these basses were worth over £3000 each? No!


    If I’d paid £1500 I still would of been miffed so obviously they were both returned post haste! 

    I then managed to get one of these 




    Fender Classic 50’s Lacquer (Nitro), about 12 years old so nicely aged neck, body and hardware (naturally) Neck is gorgeous and worn so silky smooth, nice low action and frets are impeccable. Pickups sound great and weighs under 9lbs. Cost? £700!


    This one isn’t going back! 😂

    The first one sounds like a setup issue, which is on the shop rather than fender imo, but yeah, if I buy an expensive bass I expect a good setup.


    The second one is obviously a fault, which could be on Fender, but equally could have come out of the factory working perfectly and got jolted or dropped somewhere along the way leading to a dodgy connection somewhere. Either way, again the retailer bears much of the responsibility imo - they should be doing a setup which includes making sure the electrics work at least.


    Edit: I wonder if custom shop stuff often ends up sitting in the shop for a really long time due to the massive prices, leading to setup issues, stiff tuners, dodgy electrics etc?

    • Like 2
  3. Personally I prefer the aesthetics of a pickguard, and it's a fun easy way to change the looks of an instrument, which is half the fun imo.


    I do agree with perspectives above though that pickguards from a manufacturers point of view are often about cost saving and easier mass manufacturing - much easier to just rout everything out from the front and cover it with a bit of plastic.


    On more expensive instruments with nicer looking wood and finishes I'm more inclined to leave it off.

  4. Slightly niche area I'm guessing, a knob's a knob to most people, right?


    But I wanna change the knobs on me P-bass at some point. I just think domed or flat-top metal knobs are a bit boring.


    Curious to see what weird and wacky options are out there.


    This is the bass in question:


    Thanks in advance!



  5. I had the EHB1005SMS for a while and really liked it. While the bartolinis probably weren't the best choice, you could kinda make up for them with the excellent pre-amp, but I think in the long run I'd have been looking to put something with more clarity in there.


    Everything else about the bass was spot on, especially the aesthetics - most comfortable easy bass I've played.

  6. Don't understand why people get shirty about people asking for the weight. Especially not on other people's sales threads.


    For me it's the single most important factor. I even ask shops if they'll weigh new basses for me if I'm considering an online purchase. It's not my fault my body doesn't quite work as I'd like it to.


    Sellers are always entitled to refuse to answer if they don't want to, and it's nobody else's business.

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  7. Things got out of hand. Lol.





    Got to say though, early experimentation is it sounds great. No phase issues, and no problem with different sustain on the low end - maybe because I have quite a lot of compression later in the chain anyway.


    Those are three pedals I love on bass, but they aren't really usable sounds. Running them this way opens up all sorts of potential.


    In general, these are the sounds I've been looking for - massive. I'm not sure if there's another way of getting that thick, distorted tone with all the harmonics and still having a big round bottom end.


    Signal splitting is the way forward.

  8. On 05/05/2022 at 14:54, FarFromTheTrees said:

    Just tried bypassing the preamp via the FX return as suggested and it sounds amazing. It makes quite the difference!


    Now I'm considering selling my LMIII and getting a power amp instead haha.

    If bypassing the preamp sounds better, before you change your gear, try changing the order of your effects by running some in the loop instead of in front of the amp.


    That might sound even better, as the issue may be where the preamp sits in the signal chain rather than the preamp in itself if you see what I mean?


    What effects do you run?

  9. Are you looking at tube/valve heads? I know the ABM600 is all tube, dunno what markbass models you were looking at.


    There's a global shortage of tubes, which is really the least of our worries given the thing causing it is our seemingly inexorable spiral into another global war.


    Maybe time to consider switching to class D amplification.


    Spend any money you save in the process on a geiger counter and iodine tablets.

  10. 46 minutes ago, Downunderwonder said:

    Clean blending only works easily when the effected signal comes back more or less in phase with the clean. That is by no means even likely when distortion and chorus among others routinely come back 180° out. Even working well it's hell murky compared to separate passbands.


    Back in the day I had a very complicated fx rig that sent a high pass from crossover to the fx while the low pass carried on clean. Then there was a multi channel phase switching blender to take the two and reassemble. Depending on how many phase flipping pedals were on I had to switch which of the blender channels were employed. All this to avoid a dropout in the crossover range which was around 120hz, kinda important!!


    This was pre Helix tech. Still a darm sight cheaper if you have the pedals already 


    The other advantage is it gives a single signal for FOH that doesn't need to worry about what jiggerypokery is going on.


    The famous Mr Sheehan is possibly the most known exponent of the dark art. Even he gets pushback from FOH over a 2 channel bass.


    Yeah, I hadn't considered phase inversion.


    I don't think any of the pedals I'm currently planning on running in the dirty loop are known to invert phase, but if they do, I'll have to switch the LS-2 for an OBNE, or I guess I could stick a single transistor boost last in the loop, cuz I think they all invert phase?

  11. Great looking bass. Love this colour.


    I have the 5 string version of this, and it punches well above its weight. 


    The dynamix P pickup ibanez puts in these in particular sounds great imo.


    If I wasn't at full bass saturation at the moment, I'd be all over this. GLWTS.

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