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Posts posted by dumelow

  1. [url="http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/product/2798-m-audio-ekeys-37.html"]http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/product/2798...o-ekeys-37.html[/url]

    I got this delivered on friday from dolphin music and its too small for what I need to do. Fits on your desktop great though and comes with some tuition software. Dolphinmusic wont let me return it as it isnt damaged or anything. I paid £43 for it but ill let it go again for [size=4]£30[/size] posted. Keyboard is as new with box and software included.

  2. yeah i agree with you about scott reeder, but ill settle for oliveri for now

    [quote name='thodrik' post='1013439' date='Nov 5 2010, 03:56 PM']I heard about this a while ago, though originally I thought they were just playing Germany. Personally I would prefer Scott Reeder in there. No gigs in Scotland is a bit annoying. I would go if it was local, but its not something I would travel to. I'm generally against bands reuniting just for the sake of it, without actually releasing anything new. It really needs Homme to be Kyuss as he was such a big part of their sound. Should be some good gigs though.[/quote]

  3. kyuss are reforming (sort of), with all original members apart from josh homme for four or five dates in the uk. ive just got two tickets and im well buzzin, didnt think id ever see anything close to kyuss

    cant wait to hear nick oliveri doing what he does best

  4. [quote name='Bottle' post='992527' date='Oct 18 2010, 05:54 PM']Haven't had much experience with recording, apart from last year. Took my GK head and EBS 4x10 into the studio - ended up using a SansAmp as well (bit before I decided to get one for myself - thanks Silddx!!). Put the 4x10 and head in a make-shift iso-room next to studio's live room and ran a thin cable under the door. Mic'ed up the cab (grill removed) with an AKG D112 on one of the cones - don't remember anything else in there. Mix was mostly DI with a bit of the D112 for colour.

    HTH, Ian[/quote]

    huh interesting, ive always done one or the other, DI or mic up with a D112 that is. never thought to blend the two i might have to try it

  5. Ive started looking at the Hartke Hydrive range, ive found loads of info on these badboys and they look sweet but im worried that it will only give me a real modern, bright tone. Am i right in thinking this or can it do a real nice motown or reggae sound too? i think its victor wooten thats putting me off

  6. Ive been running an old DBS 410 for years and i loved it till it broke, think i might look into the MB series, the 2x10 combo does look nice and a lot lighter than the DBS

    [quote name='xgsjx' post='989456' date='Oct 15 2010, 05:16 PM']I use my MB combo for everything. DI out to record, take to rehearsals & use it live & can DI to PA & use as a monitor.[/quote]

  7. Hey,

    I'm after a real versatile amp which will be mainly used for home studio recording but also has enough power behind it to be used as a moniter when gigged with a PA system.

    Should I go for an amp that already has many amp simulater options and a large tonal range or should I go for a real flat sounding amp and buy a basspod or something like that.

    What are your thoughts and what do you guys use if in this sort of situation?

  8. [center]All prices include p&p

    payment by paypal or bank transfer (preferably bank transfer as to skip paypal fees)

    all books are in excellent condition[/center]

    Bass Method Blues Bass - Ed Friedland incl. CD - £7.50

    Bass Builders Reggae Bass - Ed Friedland incl. CD - £7.50

    101 Bass Tips - Gary Willis incl. CD - £7.50

    Bass Builders '70s Funk & Disco Bass - Josquin des Pres incl. CD - £7.50

    100 Tips for Bass Guitar - Stuart Clayton incl. CD - £7.50

  9. I would take a guess at it being the way you have the settings on the pedal. It is possible that the active bass is feeding the pedal too hot a signal and the compression is making it "fart"

    tinker with your settings on the pedal to see if you find something that works for your playing style and bass

  10. [quote name='simon1964' post='899854' date='Jul 20 2010, 11:47 AM']I had exactly this problem with a Zoom B2. I found that a cardboard loo roll tube fitted pretty much exactly over the circular display on the B2. Angle it right and you can still see the display while playing.[/quote]

    Ill reckon ill give this one a try, might even go a step further and put some glitter and glue on it ;D

  11. Hey,

    So I just bought a zoom b2.1u and it has a very bright, clear digital LED display. Not only do I need it to see what patch I'm using but its also a tuner. Ive got an outdoor gig coming up and with god on our side it will be sunny. I was playing with the pedal next to my window yesterday and the sun caught it and rendered the display useless.

    Obviously im after something to shelter the pedal from the sun but I was wondering if anybody has already thought about it before me and has a good solution to my problem?

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