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Everything posted by ahodson69

  1. (First time i've posted on a Bass chat!!!) I've had the Eden WTX500 now for around 3 Years , we were gigging around 2-3 times a Week . Its held up fantastically!! Its build really well and keeps even better if you keep it in the Carry case. Its still like brand new. I arrived at this amp when I saw a friend of mine ( Who is one of them that eat , sleeps and breaths the bass ) Used an Old U.S.A built Eden WT550 . Sounded brilliant through his old Eden 4x10 . Now he was really into that sound and was happy to lug all that around to every gig. However my band members all had full time jobs and just want lighter gear . I asked him about the newer Eden products (2012- Onwards) and he said that it was all about the U.S Eden. I then bought a Wt550 off ebay. It arrived broke !!! Very strange had a nightmare getting the money back bloke new it was dodgy . I had a friend of mine who was an amp builder/fixer take a look. He said he was done with but he raised the point saying the newer Eden amps were a lot easier to get parts for and even Marshall ( Who own Eden now ) would struggle to fix older amps . So after I got my money back I went on the hunt !!! I went to Birmingham(U.K) and tried out some other amps at the music shops . I wont mention brands but they just didn't have the features I needed or the Sound I ever took the GF with me and did the " Stand over there and say which one sounds best " Test . I arrived at the Eden WTX264. Again it was ok but didn't have the Pre/Post Di and other Push /Pull knobs the WTX500 had ( For some reason it didn't) Tried it for one gig and it is powerful enough to Gig we play a wedding of 150 People and it stud up through the Eden 1x 12 with us D.Iing the head. I then saw an Old Stock Eden WTX500 from a dealer up north . Send the Eden wtx264 back and got me the 500. That's bin it!! Sounds ace, compact , its just a "Bass players amp" . I had a Fender Rumble 500 whith was ace but still fiddly to fit in my car (Small car!!) before that a Peavy Tour 700. Again all ace amps in there own way but were very Mid heavy and abit honkey . I'd love about more options like what you'd get off the Eden new Eden WTP900/600 but they way a tone . I bet they sound amazing!!! I'm waiting for Eden to eventually release an updated range of Heads that are Class D but with 2020 standard Pre amps ( Be cool to have a WTP 800 as a light weight head ) We'll but Eden is a really cool amp , very bassy but the Eq and enhance knob are ace for dialling a bass tone into a Room . Its still going and as temped as I get to replace it with an Ashdown atm I just cant justify it atm. I plug it in and go " Ye for a 1x1/2x10 rig its more than enough " which is 80% of Gigs these days . Hope that helps anyone looking at Eden do try one out Youtubes great but that Enhance knob is a Giging feature it really dose help you sculpt the Bass sound to the Room your in . Also if it dose break you can send it to Marshall and they'll sort it out as its a Newer Head . Kind regards Ash
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