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Posts posted by 4-string-thing

  1. [quote name='Chris2112' post='957706' date='Sep 15 2010, 09:17 PM']+1

    Unless it's a 15". I just don't think I could get away with a single 15" cab, they need to be paired with something to give them some zing and top end![/quote]

    I don't want any zing or top end though....

  2. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='956745' date='Sep 14 2010, 11:34 PM']Also quite right. For all the hoopla made about how different size drivers sound most of it is uninformed conjecture. The only factor influenced by driver size alone is dispersion. Everything else is determined by a dozen odd T/S specs, with driver cone area (Sd) being only one of them, and a rather insignificant one at that.[/quote]

    Fair point, but I was just really only stating my own personal preference.

  3. [quote name='steve-soar' post='956384' date='Sep 14 2010, 07:01 PM']8" speakers for bass guitar are about as useful as Michael Barrymore being a swimming attendant.[/quote]

    Agreed, I would never use 10's either unless in conjunction with 1 or preferably 2 15's!

    Don't even talk to me about 12" speakers for bass....

  4. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='952640' date='Sep 11 2010, 12:23 PM']I think most of that would achieve is giving you the upper power limit of the 1x15 x2, so not much further ahead than the 2x15, except for 50% more speaker area.[/quote]

    I think adding the extra cab added very little, if anything to be fair. The only advantage to my (admittedly poor) ears was maybe I could hear myself a bit better due to the 1x15 being at head height?

    Oh, and it looks cool having a 6ft high stack!

  5. I did a gig recently using my Acoustic 220, which can run at 2 ohms. I used my Acoustic 2x15 4 ohm cab and added my Acoustic 1x15 which is also 4 ohms. I have to say adding the extra 15" cone and halving the impedance made my amp no louder whatsoever!

  6. [quote name='bumnote' post='945336' date='Sep 4 2010, 12:25 PM']Er thats not quite true.

    One of the reasons acoustic amps appear loud is that the volume control knob is not evenly graduated, so that the full power of the amp can be delivered at quite a low volume setting. If I run my 220 with the bass boosted I cant set the volume knob with the padded input at 1.5 and its deafening. However, you dont really get anymore by turning it to no 5.

    The speaker cabinets were also quite efficient for the day, and you can certainly gig with a 406 and a 220 [rated at 120w] and piss of the rest of the band with its volume as I often do.[/quote]

    When I said equivalent, I meant in decibel terms, which I know has nothing much to do with watts....

  7. There is a great Acoustic resource here:


    The 470 was produced from 1973 til 1977 and I think was replaced by the 220.

    It produced 175w irrespective of speaker impedance.

    Those of you who think 175w is not a great deal, 175w of Acoustic power into one of their cabs is probably equivalent to about 500 modern watts!

    One question though, why the hell would you want to sell it? If its in good nick and works, keep it!

    We all know Acoustic are the worlds best bass amps, don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

  8. Not sure how much its worth, but I am sure it's one of the best amps ever made! For me, anything "Acoustic" is the holy grail.

    Bear in mind though, it's probably around 40 years old. Having said that, my Acoustic 220 is 30 years old and still looks and sounds as good as new!

  9. [quote name='cd_david' post='920169' date='Aug 9 2010, 10:48 PM']Last few ebay days bump[/quote]

    Our guitarist is looking for a 4x12 to use with his 200w Blackstar valve head. Any idea what wattage speakers you put in the cab? And would you be open to offers?

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