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Posts posted by Cantdosleepy

  1. [quote name='Pedro1020' post='165650' date='Mar 28 2008, 11:47 PM']Can anyone reference me to a website with (mp3 or any other format) Drum backing tracks? I need some beats to play/jam with, I hardly see my drummer since dedicating more time to Wood Tech :)


    If you PM me your e-mail address I can send you some MP3s of some of Reason's drum loops...

  2. I love post-rock but can't get on with prog at all. Mogwai have been one of my favourites for as long as I can remember. Can't be dealing with any instrumentals with showy technical bits, though. Dream Theater, Rush, 95% of the Mars Volta, though, just don't like any of it.

    I don't know why this is.

  3. [quote name='OldGit' post='163389' date='Mar 25 2008, 09:41 PM']I deal with beginner gig organisers a lot so when I can I point out that "Band A 8.30 - 9.15. Band B 9.15- 9.45" ain't gonna work ....
    Then I make sure we are on on time and off on time.

    Also if you get on 10 mins late, cut ten mins out of the middle rather than cut your fab ending set...

    If we are booking the other bands we make absolutely sure they know when they have to get off stage then put a poster up in the dressing room and backstage area with timings.

    Mostly we have to deal with the other timing problem when the support act - the wedding, wedding breakfast and speeches - overrun so we can't get in and set up on time.
    So we have a hand out we send to all people booking us for weddings suggesting that a laid back wedding day with loads of spare time built in will be nicer for all than a tightly time-controlled wedding day that goes awry all over the place with resultant worry for all (and long wait in the car park for us)[/quote]

    Good post OldGit. It's worth making the point that there is a world of difference between a pub gig at which you are headlining (and therefore last on the bill) and a wedding (and therefore playing at the end). You might be playing the same time slot at both of them, but with one an overrun is a result of massive unprofessionalism on behalf of the support act, and on the other an overrun is just a reality of the people involved having only ever planned one wedding before. If you get pissed off and Prima-Donna-ish on a regular night, people might say 'Fair enough - they're the headliners and the support took up half their time'. If you get Prima-donna-ish at a wedding and everyone involved will think 'What a bunch of c***s'.

    But yeah - pub nights, punctuality is key.

  4. Good example of the cable 'twist' technique:

    [quote name='wotnwhy' post='159882' date='Mar 18 2008, 08:11 PM']problem - having to bring your amp/preamp to the recording studio (an extra thing to place, and plug in)

    problem - not being able to get [i]your[/i] sound at a gig, because your using a supplied backline.

    solution - active electronics in a bass


    wotnwhy: 2
    sleepy: 0

    Good points, well made!

  5. I toy with laptops and MIDI keyboards, can play a bit of guitar. Neither to stage-quality, but in my bedroom I can crank out some phat synth or a riff or two.

    I'm learning the drums at the moment - oh my, it's so much fun! Very much a beginner.

  6. I quite like having youtube videos scattered throughout the site. I'm with Mr Claber in enjoying a larger and more comprehensive 'general' forum rather than subdividing a lot. Also, I feel that a youtube section might end up being a little dry. Does that make sense?

    I suppose I vote 'no' - keep it the way it is. If people see a video they like, they can add it to their own youtube favourites...

  7. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='145612' date='Feb 23 2008, 02:38 PM']isn't that what steve harris out of iron maiden does as well?[/quote]

    I think he just plays really aggresively.

    I've got the Iron Maiden early days DVD - great documentary! Steve does his magical 'galloping' on that. His technique seems quite standard - if standard means 'awesome'.

  8. [quote name='steve-norris' post='145411' date='Feb 23 2008, 12:41 AM']I like to think of bass as almost a tuned drum set, you provide a like between harmony and rhythm,[/quote]


    [quote name='TheBrokenDoor' post='145452' date='Feb 23 2008, 09:28 AM'][b]Every line I've ever worked on has become more and more simple, and the simpler it is, the happier I am with my playing.[/b][/quote]


    [quote name='paul, the' post='145800' date='Feb 24 2008, 12:27 AM']I listen to "What's Goin' On" with Jamerson on bass and then a later live version without JJ. That's enlightenment.[/quote]


    For best results with the bass, play with other people.

    When playing with other people, listen 70%, play 30%.

    Keep it simple.

    Listen to the drummer and try and accent where he accents.

    Use 'techniques' sparingly.

    Let the guitarist and singer and keyboardist worry about the big main melodies.

    Be aware of the power of 1) playing only with the kick for a bit 2) doubling the guitar for a bit 3) copying the vocal melody for a bit. Try playing roots during a verse, then try these methods once during the bridges, choruses and middle eights and see how much power you have to alter the dynamics and feel of a song.

    Silence is a vital note on the bass. Dropping in at just the right point can be spine-tingling.

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