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The Admiral

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Posts posted by The Admiral

  1. Glad to see this thread doing a Lazarus.

    It's a pity that all has gone quiet on the biopic, which many will know is based on Philomena's book 'My Boy' and is optioned by Holly Hunter, with no doubt an eye on playing Phil's mum. Last I read they had Gary Dourdain of CSI fame lined up to play the adult Phil, with Samantha Mumba's younger brother doing the adolescent stage, but it's gone very quiet and I wonder how long the option has to run. In some ways I'm not dissapointed , as Mr Dourdain would have been on a loser from the start, and whoever, if indeed anyone ever, plays the part will not please everybody. The least they need to do is look the part, and have a very good Dublin accent, plus of course learn to play bass, so it's not a sh*te miming job with fingers all over the place. Curiously I was thinking the other day that Richard Ayoade might make agood fist of it - seems a gifted actor and at least has the advantage of not being a yank.

    I wonder if the challenge is also about the script? Found a piece online from 2008 (the year after the film was announced as in production) with quotes allegedly from Scott Gorham suggesting that he had seen a script and it was all about the drugs, with too little focus on the music, and that he and other surviving members would never support a film in that structure. It's a great story, which should be told, and people love Phil and his music, despite his obvious demons.

  2. Don't dream it's over - Crowded House
    Somebody to Love - Queen
    Elbow - one day like this
    Oasis - Cigarettes and Alcohol, and.....

    Manilow - Copacabana. Seriously. Saw a pub band do it and the place went mental - everybody knows the words, even if they don't think they do, and it's a cracking song.

  3. Fantastic documentary about backing singers, with some great old footage and new interviews, including with Sting, Jagger and Springsteen. Some bitter sweet tales of 'almost' too. I've since learned it won the Oscar for best documentary last year. Some are still working, others are completely out of music, but it sheds new light on the contribution a great backing vocalist can make to a song.


  4. Saw them last year on a heritage act triple bill with Go West and Hue and Cry. They were excellent and the singer (Gary?) has still got it. You also forgot how many great songs they had. I bought a copy of the 'Colours' cd from Amazon the day after, and it got some heavy rotation at home.

    Love the video! Is that Port Isaac? Looks like they walked past Doc Martin's house at one point.

  5. It seems that you can take the boy out of the social,club, but you can't take the social club out of the boy.

    Gary Barlow will play at three fans wedding receptions in 2015 : http://www.heatworld.com/2015/01/want-gary-barlow-to-sing-at-your-wedding-he-s-up-for-it#.VKg2YUffWrV

    Joking aside, it does suggest that he just loves to play, and no doubt there will be a few covers amongs the Take That stuff, although whether he'll be doing Mustang Sally remains to be seen. I wonder if he'll take his regular band back to their roots, or if it will be backing tracks? A chance for the lucky guests to see some fantastic musicians up close.

  6. Pointy head stocks, rolled up sleeves and the infamous Davy Crockett mullet. I wonder if the latter was down to a stylist, or one of the wives. Ahhhhhhhhhhh - the good old days. Great band and a good period for me - Signals is a great album, start to finish - and I sways liked Geddys Wals.

  7. [quote name='taunton-hobbit' timestamp='1419676223' post='2641765']
    Just a cautionary note:
    Extension leads on drums should always be unwound completely - there is a very real risk of the cable left on the drum overheating/igniting if sufficient load is imposed -


    Yep, been there, done that. Lesson learned, and fortunately without cost or injury.

  8. Bored witless by the 'safe ' tv selections made by Mrs A for the benefit of the 80+ year old parents, I've had Spotify on in the kitchen, and came across a really interesting playlist of 'Classic Rock' tunes, many of which I wouldn't think of mainstream. It got me thinking about how great it would be to hear these live in a bar/club/pub, rather than the same old, same old.

    So, how about a couple of songs which you fancy - but would be a little left field for most people.

    I'm going to go for : UFO - Mystery Train, from the Nowhere to run album, and Dio - Mystery, from the Last in line album.

    2 great players - Pete Way and Jimmy Bain.

  9. You might find this interesting. Nik Kershaw talking about his songs on the Sodajerker podcast and that in his heyday, the audience was split between teenage girls and musos - the latter being there for the very clever songwriting.

    A good song can take any arrangement, and your list has some crackers.


  10. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1419266069' post='2638146']
    Often it's a deliberate trick - they want you to notice the cover over hundreds of others in the same newsagent, which they seem to have achieved, even just by irritating you. :)

    I might notice, but I wouldnt buy the mag as a consequence, so their devious and cunning plan will have failed!

  11. Not a euphemism, but an observation on the picture from the free mag I picked up in the local charity shop today.

    Why is it acceptable for art directors etc. think it's ok to do this? I know they probably don't play, but there can't be many pictures of Hank which are already reversed, so hasn't someone spotted that this is wrong, or, as I suspect, is it reversed to fit the layout and they don't care? First world problem I know, but it really gets on my tits. I saw a cheap blues box set the other day, where everyone was left handed - BB King, SRV, Robert Johnson etc. This never happens with sportsmen - left handed Tiger Woods anyone?

  12. [quote name='Mickeyboro' timestamp='1419066951' post='2636126']
    Doing two gigs (last night/tonight) with the mother of all colds. No fun, no alcohol just drugs (day nurse.)

    Last night was a legal firms party - never seen so many blondes in 6 inch heels and little black dresses... All drunk when they arrived!

    And did none of them fancy a bit of rough from the band? How does it go? "Without pictures...........etc"

  13. [quote name='mikegatward' timestamp='1419050970' post='2636077']
    I'm not looking for another bass but would like to help out a bit here.

    Tredders, I can spare a tenner to put towards replacing the stolen pressies so pm me some paypal details.

    I was going to start a thread to see if some other folk wanted to help but wasn't sure of etiquette.

    Big plus one on this. Happy to contribute if you opt to start a thread looking for donations. Can't justify another bass, and that's a beauty, but something similar happened to a friend - the scrotes loaded all the booty into his car and took that too. The break in is stressful enough, but not having anything for the kids at Christmas just amplifies the impact.

  14. According to several of the newspapers, all the interested parties: publicans, police and hospitals etc. are expecting tonight to be the 'drunkest' of the year - last Friday before Christmas and loads of works parties on. I was in Edinburgh overnight last night, in a hotel on the Grassmarket, where from the 17th Dec, they have a 5 a.m. Licence! It was like the zombie apocalypse outside my window at 0500, with people staggering about, incoherent and drooling.

    It will be interesting to see if the 'How was your gig last night?...' thread reflects this!

    Any experiences so far?

  15. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1419029827' post='2635985']
    Slightly OT I know but "People selling stuff that they do not own"...isn't that how the Bankers and Financial Sector operate worldwide?

    If you have seen Trading Places, that's the whole principle of the OJ thing at the end, where they make a killing. It's all explained here :


  16. [quote name='notable9' timestamp='1418988416' post='2635482']

    A lot of those guys and the arrangers were schooled in jazz and blues, they knew how to play and how to arrange. Even the average disco tune from the period will have immaculately arranged orchestra pieces, piano fills etc etc..... those days are over me thinks.

    I also think the term 'Producer' has been devalued in recent years. There are certainly some great young producers, but if one thinks back to the varied work that someone like Tony Visconti did in the 70s and 80s with Bowie, T Rex, Thin Lizzy and lately, Morrissey etc. - you have a guy who can arrange and create orchestral parts, is a good guitarist and a very good bass player. He's a musician, not just a knob twiddler. Not to say that every good producer has to be a great musician, but it helps I think, and whilst there is definitely a place for people in the Rick Rubin mould - "that's good, that not so much. More of this, less of that" - acting as the external voice of authority, there are far too many kids with laptops, who have done a few months on a college course, who don't play anything, or understand what is going on in a piece of music. Great ears can get you a long way, as can good ideas, but a base of musical knowledge and a common frame of reference for everyone involved has to be a major plus, doesn't it?

  17. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1418893523' post='2634437']
    ^ and this is why I won't play charity gigs anymore, turn early and set up all your own kit, play a short set to get warmed up, decide to have a break and probably something to eat as you haven't stopped all day, the person that said they wanted to do a half hour set doesn't turn up or you just really need a rest and possibly there are a lot of people not there yet so you leave it a bit longer whilst playing some music instead, all for nothing but a pat on the back and your a bunch of unprofessional w***ers. I know I'm pulling apart a situation you were at and I wasn't but I've heard so many similar stories now that I just wont do them anymore :)

    I know what you mean and in the situation you outline, I completely agree, and wouldn't blame you - but , they set up and sound checked, with the pro house engineer, before doors opened at 8.30 p.m., and didn't go on until 9, played a great first set to about 200 punters, which was really 'building', with people up dancing, and then...........

    We're off for a pint, and here's some background off he iPod.

    Just because you are not being paid, doesn't mean it should be treated as a public rehearsal, and I was just frustrated by the attitude, when so many bands play to one man and an unappreciative dog.

  18. I've found this an interesting thread, not least because I put up a post a while ago about a band playing a charity gig, and after the first 45 minute set, leaving over an hour before they started again, which I thought 'unprofessional'. The hour was spent at the bar, with background music playing through their PA, and my use of the P word was in the context of how they conducted themselves. In my view you can be a a non professional musician, but have a professional attitude, and arguably anyone who plays with others should demonstrate that. I got a fair bit of grief about that post, based in a lot of cases on the 'they weren't being paid, they can do what they like' thought process.

    To return to the 'pro' question, I'd go with the examples given above : if you earn a living exclusively from a music related performance activity, that to me is a pro. Those who earn good money, but not the majority of their income, semi pro, and those who earn some money, but it's a minority of their income, hobbyist. Ability/skill set are not factors : you can be a professional punk musician and only know a few chords, but your band may be great.

    I'd also say that being a pro musician doesn't mean you have a professional attitude. I've dealt with some pro musicians, as a promoter, who were laughably inept in this regard : sketchy/unreliable communication pre gig, turning up late, getting lost, needing batteries, leads etc. and not wanting to engage with paying punters post gig, and only grudgingly spending time selling their own merch. Perhaps more understandablea at a theatre/arena gig, but not in a club IMHO.

  19. [quote name='Karl Derrick' timestamp='1418747759' post='2632933']
    I bought a brilliant Fender 72 P Bass from our own Cliff (CH161)

    The body was refinished sometime in black, and I'd really like to get it stripped and refinished in a tinted clearcoat to match the headstock face.

    I've approached many of the pro shops, and they are coming in very pricey and can't touch it until March at the earliest.
    I'd like to get the body done before then.

    Do any of our members do this kind of thing?

    Many thanks,


    Don't know if you are anywhere near Manchester, but this guy did some repairs for me and made a great job. Several other people on the forum have used him too, and he's worked on some valuable instruments over the years I don't doubt.


  20. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1418772914' post='2633332']

    Thanks for that link, some interesting reading there :)

    No problem. It sounds as if you would be happy with a 2 track, in which case you will be able to get a high spec one for the same price as a lower end multi track. IIRC, Revox were the ubiquitous choice for most serious home recordists and smaller studios, and I think that's covered in the article. Post Christmas is a great time to buy too - as the new year resolution to get rid of some old gear, coincides with the post Christmas skint ness, so eBay and Gumtree could turn up some bargains. Let us all know what you do in the end.

  21. [quote name='dadofsix' timestamp='1418687849' post='2632446']
    I'll help. I used one for one of the bands I joined a while back that had jobs scheduled and had lost their bass player. They were a country band (yeah, I'm from the States lol) and I'm NOT country. My heritage was more British rock from the 70s. I'd use the stand on the side of the stage well out of sight. After two shows, however, the music stand got ditched. But, if the need comes up, like a new song being played live for the first time, I might use it again (I sing a lot of the vocals, too, for the non-country songs that have "slipped in over time)! lol It's still staying on the side of the stage, though, if the need demands its use.

    In other words, I prefer not to but will if I have to. :-)


    But did they use the Nashville Number System? You'd need a stand and a degree in maths to read that cold.

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