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Everything posted by pepsi-abi

  1. Black, i really love the black, so smart and slick and black is one of my favourite colours 😛
  2. I did look at the bass julia uses, but i spoke to someone who plays on fender jazz basses and she said the fender over a sub ray 4 bass any day... what do you guys think? Heres Julias bass: https://www.andertons.co.uk/sterling-by-music-man-sub-ray-4-in-black-with-maple-fretboard-subray4bk?lgw_code=16284-SUBRAY4BK&gclid=CjwKCAiAo7HwBRBKEiwAvC_Q8c-VVPfp1VGGPnOUNMaptBC3TItAzflCwqJAm2s2-Rx3iuqxMQXasRoCbBEQAvD_BwE
  3. That is nice to hear some positive comments about it!
  4. I have had a good look at the sires, very nice and look so fresh but cheeky me still leaning towards squier due to being part of fender, i have a fender acoustic guitar and its beautiful and about 25 years old or possibly older and was sold to me for £40 when really it was worth so much more and still perfect to this day ❤️ I'm still leaning towards the Classic Vibe 70s Jazz Bass teehee!
  5. She is amazing isnt she! Total inspiration! Thank you for your help! Hopefully get some more people comment as well about the two basses so i can be firm on my decision hehe
  6. Thank you for you comments! I am leaning towards the classic vibe 70s more than the contemporary one, because i hear the 70s one is made so well the durability on it is perfect and if i was to upgrade in the future then it is a great one to upgrade from, as long as i can be playing like this girl after much practice, then i'm happy lol
  7. Hey Ricky! Thanks for the welcome message, haha yes the contemporary is the one with the body coloured headstock, whats the difference between the contemporary and 70s jazz bass?
  8. Hello, I'm completely new to bass and this forum so hoping I could have some help, I want to get my first bass very soon, and i'm stuck between the squier contemporary jazz bass and the squier 70s jazz bass, my spending range is up to £350, any suggestions is highly appreciated and your thoughts on what bass I should get, I don't want anything that isn't going to last and that i'm going to be regretting my purchase too, I want to be certain. Thank you! Hope you are all staying safe
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