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Posts posted by UglyDog

  1. [quote name='M@23' timestamp='1422557875' post='2674133']
    Wow. We play two pubs that are literally a stones throw apart in one town and another two that are exactly opposite each other in another town with none of that nonsense.
    [/quote]Likewise. Two of our regular haunts are 30 feet apart. Never a moment's trouble from either of them.

  2. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1422520069' post='2673543']
    A dpdt toggle switch is a great way to flick between two lots of clippers (Si and Ge), take the diodes off the board and wire the middle lugs of the switch in their place, then stick your diodes to the 2 remaining pairs of outside lugs.
    [/quote]Or if your breadboard experiment gives you several sounds that you really like, get a 4/5/6-way rotary switch and play to your heart's content :D

  3. [quote name='organic' timestamp='1422535643' post='2673774']
    Probably not going to be there much longer:
    Depressing reading indeed. Especially this bit:
    The area around St Giles... is being remodelled as a large, multimedia building complex called Outernet, a fully web-connected “street scape,” with shops, cafes and a new performance space. It will, according to the marketing blurb, mean we can [b]“interact with the brands we love in exciting new ways,” [/b]it will be [b]“a new dawn for meaningful brand engagement” [/b]promising[b] “branded real-time experiences that add value to people’s lives”[/b].[/quote]
    Now correct me if I'm wrong, but I have the distinct feeling that that is the biggest load of complete w*** I have heard in a long time. 'Meaningful brand engagement'? Give me strength. Do these people really talk like that? And if so, how do they keep from being punched in the face at regular intervals?

  4. [quote name='d-basser' timestamp='1421839695' post='2665500']
    Not yet but I have plans to in the next month or so, similar to your plan I am wanting to a jazz bass with the Sadowsky pre clone using concentric volume controls, concentric bass & treble and a passive tone. If I beat you to actually doing it I will let you know how it goes.
    Snap :D concentric volumes, concentric bass/treb, and a passive tone with push-pull switch.

  5. [quote name='deanovw' timestamp='1420713324' post='2652355']
    Turns out that Retroglide is also the name of a Level 42 album......
    If the amp is anything like the album, it'll have an overwhelming compressor that you can't switch off... ;)

  6. [quote name='Moos3h' timestamp='1422000661' post='2667494']
    Well my Deko arrived and the neck was HORRIBLY 'S' shaped - I've adjusted it and it's improved a bit but there's still a massive dip in only part of the neck.

    Overall, I still reckon great VFM and I will be able to get it playable, just not with the action I'd ideally like.

    In other news, the body grain is something else and is REALLY well matched. I'm impressed!

    I've already done a rough re-shaping of the headstock (hate that headstock shape) and will be removing the logo (blank headstock FTW) when I come to tidy it properly.

    Pics will follow
    Yes, on attempting to set up my JB20 I've found much the same. There is a pronounced weirdness in the neck that I can't quite compensate for. Luckily I do have another Jazz neck lurking around the place -- I've offered it up to the HB neck pocket and it's a lovely tight fit -- so if I can't get on with the setup I have another avenue.

  7. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1421947235' post='2667011']
    As promised, I have taken some pics of my Tanglewood 4-string ABG next to my Yam RBX765 for comparison. Ongoing PC problems mean that I can't upload them until I get to work tomorrow. Bah.

    By way of comparison, my Tanglewood 4-string is:

    Lower bout 42.5cm
    Tail to head 116cm
    Maximum body depth 13cm

    So it would seem that the Harleys ain't all that big after all?
    Here are the pics. As you can see, my RBX is somewhat dwarfed too :) My ABG has never struck me as being over-large compared to others I've tried.



  8. [quote name='planer' timestamp='1421582345' post='2662839']
    Finally - I have a picture. This is the HB Thomman cheapie-special with my RBX374, as a size comparison more than anything. It's mahoosive and makes the Yam feel like a toy.
    As promised, I have taken some pics of my Tanglewood 4-string ABG next to my Yam RBX765 for comparison. Ongoing PC problems mean that I can't upload them until I get to work tomorrow. Bah.
    [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1420839646' post='2654221']
    5 string:
    Lower bout 42cm
    Tail to head 124cm
    Maximum body depth 12cm
    By way of comparison, my Tanglewood 4-string is:

    Lower bout 42.5cm
    Tail to head 116cm
    Maximum body depth 13cm

    So it would seem that the Harleys ain't all that big after all?

  9. [quote name='planer' timestamp='1421582345' post='2662839']
    Finally - I have a picture. This is the HB Thomman cheapie-special with my RBX374, as a size comparison more than anything. It's mahoosive and makes the Yam feel like a toy.

    I don't really have a black bass fetish (f'narr), given the choice I'd have had a natural one from Thomman, but black was all they had so I jumped on one while I had the chance. It's a nice thing, and sounds way better than it 'should' for the money. Happy bunny.

    I'd like to try some flats on it if I can find some for reasonable money. Recommendations anyone?
    When I get a moment, I'll take a snap of my RBX next to my Tanglewood ABG. Compare it with your pic and it should give an idea as to whether the Harley Barley ABGs are any bigger than 'normal'.

  10. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1421579813' post='2662802']
    But really I would like to know (hence the thread), what exactly it has revolutionised? Is it just the sound / speed or is it something else? Why do I need to do it to help my playing?
    You don't [i]need[/i] it as such. In my case, I read about it and thought I'd give it a try -- experimented with a piece of wood carpet-taped to the front of my bass -- and essentially it's stayed there ever since. As has been said, it gives the same feel as playing over the pickup but without playing over the pickup, stops me from digging in too much, means that I get a more even tone across strings and so on. But what the heck -- I'm not going to justify my decision because TBH I don't feel the need to. All I will say is if you're curious and think it might work for you, try a temporary one like I did. The worst that can happen is that you'll take it off again. It might be the best thing you've ever done, it might be the most pointless. Who knows? Up to you at day's end.

  11. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1421540649' post='2662632']
    Pretty much this.

    If "digging in" is bad, don't do it.

    Learn how to play with control and you can still use as many dynamics as before.
    I would imagine Gary Willis has 'learned to play' fairly well by now ;) the way I see it, if it's good enough for him it's certainly good enough for me and it has revolutionised my playing. But thanks for the tip, I consider myself duly mocked and will go away and learn how to play properly. ;)

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