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Posts posted by IncX

  1. [quote name='Alun' post='340670' date='Nov 29 2008, 06:14 PM']A couple from a gig last month....

    In case you're wondering what the Hell I'm doing in the first one - I'm trying to juggle using an eBow, the volume pot and a Whammy pedal while watching for a cue from the keyboard player :)


    what bass is that?

    first thing in my head is a curt... and gasp... a ritter?

  2. at first i thought he was a practioner of Wing-Chun because of the stance he held while the guy was taunting him ... it turned out he's actually a Karate practioner... you have to love that low guard traditional karate stance :)

    the guy trained in martial arts really well for remaining calm like that the whole time... even when he went for it, he still maintaned a calm demeanor.

    a real martial artist indeed.

  3. wish i could add to this, but all i have to say is:

    he is one of the few guys who worked really really hard, not expecting anything in return, to find a guy who didn't send me my vampyre LTD, then worked really hard to coordinate/arrange the shipment of my bass to the Philippines.

  4. [quote name='sixshooter' post='339825' date='Nov 28 2008, 04:36 PM']Thats great news, every time you play that Bass you must think of the good stuff that went on to get it too you.

    With all this provenance it must have increased the value of the Bass 10 fold! :)[/quote]

    i think that should be the case for Rob's Stingray 5 too! *lol*

    that vampyre LTD is really sort of a legend in the warwick forums because everybody knows it ... they know it as "marcbass's bass and he is/was a warwick endorser" ... i thought of those when i got the bass, that "wow, ill be getting something that came from a warwick endorser."

    never knew it could mean more than that...

  5. [quote name='sixshooter' post='339808' date='Nov 28 2008, 04:24 PM']I bet you are getting realy excited now![/quote]

    so much man!

    im so excited with it, that i actually dont think of Jake anymore.

    so its kinda weird that some ppl think of him more than i do, when i was the one who got ripped off *lol*

    i was also at fault... talking to rob helped me realized that... i was really careless with the transaction as well...

    as for Jake... he has two lock threads worth of posts to read and get ideas of what he should do to sort of redeem himself more in the forums.

    while i do not want anything to do with Jake anymore... i have to admit, it will really really impress me, if he did something like pay back gman, or donate a significant chunk of money to charity... if he does that, i would believe in his remorse and guilt... and i would gladly send him a card for christmas or something.

  6. [quote name='Shaggy' post='339389' date='Nov 28 2008, 11:05 AM']I've avoided putting my pennyworth in thus far, so as not to make moral judgements - although I was within a whisker of being scammed for a Wal Mk 1 Custom on ebay a couple of years back and well annoyed about it. But having met and traded with Rob twice, I can say that the integrity and compassion for fellow bassists he's shown here comes as no surprise to me.
    Nice one man! :)

    NB; I'm sure there's material for an episode of "Spooks" here - just need to find a Russian angle somehow.......... :huh:[/quote]

    how did your Wal MK1 Custom experience end?

  7. [quote name='bassoctopus' post='339513' date='Nov 28 2008, 12:29 PM'](BTW How can you play Vampyre's and not be metal enough? :) )[/quote]

    if you noticed, most if not all of the guys in the warwick forums who play a vampyre LTD arent metal *lol*

    the vocalist im not metal enough because im too happy *lol* i joke around a lot and for the most part, i dont take things seriously, and i usually do not want to discuss why he thinks Hitler is a hero *lol*

    yes... i think he needs help.


    glad things are going well with your vocalist... cant you re record the vocals of your old stuff and release it as "300 ft gorilla EXTREME!" *lol* ... i know a lot of bands do that... they have like 3 albums and those 3 are just remixed versions of the old demo.

  8. [quote name='OldGit' post='339363' date='Nov 28 2008, 10:43 AM']Oh yes! Our famous Vampyre (attempted) rip off victim, Sorry ..

    INCX, to clarify, are you offering that for sale here or is that a quote from the guy who wants to trade it for your guitar, with asking if someone here wants to buy it from him?

    Sorry for the confusion. Too much blood in my caffeine stream ...[/quote]

    that's just a quote from the guy, and he doesnt know im going to resell it (i also dont think he would care either, hehe) ... i think i can still negotiate... as for the shipping, well, i can only ship via Fed Ex and nothing else (there's only one shipping company available in my town) ... and it is pretty expensive. i could try unbolting the neck and see if it would cost less (i will just refund the shipping balance via western union). i take photos of receipts so you will know exactly how much i paid for it :)

    can you PM me a price you'd like for it?

    i also dont know if this is one of those good Bacchus basses... ive only played one and they sound better than some Fenders (i wont say ALL FENDERS because for some reason, those basses can look alike but sound totally different from each other)

  9. lorne:

    yes, ive found it really hard to get opinions on BC Rich basses because the shape puts most ppl off, and they start slagging the bass off until i lose interest following the thread... i will surely contact you when i have enough $$ for one of those widows.


    bass octopus:

    thats the beauty of your press photo... no one can ever tell who has been replaced *lol*

    i wish i would have your luck too, since our vocalist left. you have to laugh at the reason he left - he left because of the fact that i do not act "metal" enough.

    i still get a kick out of telling NORMAL ppl why he left the band ... he was pretty talented... but still... you leave a band because the bassist isnt "metal" enough?

    tsk... cant blame me... when im a few days from getting my vampyre LTD, and im playing Warwicks, i cant help but be happy and have a positive outlook on life... no time to act like im onstage in a metal gig all the time.



    man! that just cracked me up! *lol*

    when i look at the pic again, i cant stop laughing!

    of course, i dont mean any offense to niceguyhomer...

  10. someone is offering me a trade for one of my guitars, and since i really need money more than a jazz bass, i was wondering whether anyone is willing to go for this.


    Bacchus is a Japanese made bass and has been often compared as either the Fender or Sadowsky of Japan.

    I am selling it for $500 and shipping to either US or Europe will be $250.

    here are some pics:








  11. [quote name='coasterbass' post='339252' date='Nov 28 2008, 09:07 AM']I really hope you like it after all this!! :) I think you should be forced to hold on to this bass forever+1 day.... no trading it in for a Precision or SX next year :huh:[/quote]


    ok, i have to be honest... whats the buzz with SX basses? i keep on reading about them in talkbass, but i do not know whats the hype with it.


    as for noises... you really can count me on that... here's a clip of my band:


  12. it doesnt bother me... maybe because ive never heard such comments, as a matter of fact, i always joke around telling ppl "yes, im a bassist, and you probably wont know im there until im gone."

    maybe one of the reasons i dont get slagged off by guitarists is because i play death metal and having only 1 guitarist brings me up on the mix all the time...

  13. [quote name='tombboy' post='338891' date='Nov 27 2008, 08:29 PM']Reuel ain't got one either... so f*** it, yes mate![/quote]


    i have to confess (oh well, i did show my basses in the photo section, hehe)

    i actually have a darklork and a vampyre SN ... i sold off a buzzard BO5, 3 guitars, and took an advance to buy that final vampyre that will complete my army... never knew it would take 4 months and a really memorable experience to go with it.


    macdaddy, just dont get a banjo cause ive heard bass players usually pick them up, get addicted to them and never return to playing bass *lol*

  14. [quote name='bassoctopus' post='337550' date='Nov 26 2008, 06:33 PM']Here's me :)

    And one of the full band


    oh, any pics with the infinity?

    and... do you really perform with the mask on? i was thinking its a good idea if one of you wants to have a day off, you can always put the mask on a session musician, and ppl will still think its the same band *lol*

    i wonder if Slipknot does that

  15. this has happened to me sooo many times, because in my country (philippines) we have 220 volts going while most of the american and european pedals are made for 100-110volts.

    what i learned is that you arent screwed if none of the main IC's of your pedal is fried, and you can easily replace those burnt stuff with basic stuff from the radio shack.

    last pedal i burnt was a Carl Martin Contour and Boost and my friend just replaced the power supply and converted it to our local 220v current. the bad thing? he broke one of the knobs and i am still waiting for a 5K pot to be available in the radio shack *lol*



    glad your pedal is ok now

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