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Posts posted by tubbybloke68

  1. I sold and posted an Alembic Clarke deluxe to a guy in Corsica.I originally stated in the for sale post that I WOULD NOT ship internationally and U.K. sale only. The Corsican guy obviously really wanted the bass so i reluctantly allowed myself to be persuaded to go ahead.No money had changed hands at this stage, just a gentlemans agreement if you like. I then was contacted by someone here in the U.K. who said he would have it. I must admit to being very very tempted but in the end i decided to honour the original request and sent it to Corsica. After a few very anxious days the bass arrived there via a brilliant FedEx service ahead of schedule. All turned out good in the end! Thank f*** x 🤣

    • Like 5
  2. On 20/05/2024 at 12:05, cetera said:

    Just logging all my gear and realised I now have 87 basses and 10 guitars. 😲

    Should I buy 3 more basses to hit the magic 100 total? Or sell the 10 guitars and concentrate on basses only? 🤔


    First world problems and all that jazz.... :facepalm:🤣

    Hey Gary, thank you for making me feel so much better! I will never worry about my 15 being too many again, you should write a self help book for us bass heads x 😊

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  3.  Alembic Stanley Clarke deluxe, brought on eBay about  15 years ago for £2800, sold in 2020 for £5250 inc postage ( still think I sold it too cheap) but hey ho. 
    status empathy 4 brought from bass direct for £850 I think, sold it for £450 which was way too cheap but wanted to get shot of it. Swings and roundabouts I guess 🤣

    • Haha 1
  4. Hello there! Yes it is, please read my above comment. No postage abroad I’m afraid, but I’m driving up north tomorrow for work so could deliver or meet up as long as not too far off my route (M1)mainly. 
    cheers, jeff 

  5. 21 hours ago, thebrig said:

    I'm a massive Skynyrd fan and was into them before they broke over here in the early 70's, but strangely, Free Bird is my least favourite Skynyrd song, I find the intro and the verses dreary, and the solo's go on far too long.


    Gimme Three Steps, Simple Man, and Call Me The Breeze are my favourite Skynyrd numbers and were the first songs my new band's set list. 👍

    Swamp music does it for me 😊

    • Like 1
  6. Love him or hate him, the bloke was a musical genius in my book.from songwriting to arranging to an amazing  entertainer. A little strange prehaps, but when you live your entire life in the public gaze i think anyone of us might be. An immense talent, sadly no more 🫤

    • Like 1
  7. 19 hours ago, BigRedX said:

    Spend a day each at Bass Direct and The Gallery and try anything and everything that takes your fancy. It's the only way to find out what YOU like.

    Yes, try try try as many as you possibly can, the right one will choose itself for you i think. Good luck with your quest x

  8. Stepped in for a couple of gigs in Bognor last Friday/saturday. Set list sent couple of days before, pretty straightforward stuff really but they didn’t tell me they played hotel California and tainted love in different keys which obviously threw me for first couple of bars , but hey ho! We got there. Both venues very quiet but job done and band was asked back and everyone happy. 😊

    • Like 2
  9. 32 minutes ago, Hobbayne said:

    Well, In 40 years of playing, Tonight is a first. We were booked to play The Brickhouse in Slough. The first rock band to play there apparently. Its more of a soul R+B DJ place.

    We went down really well with the older crowd, but when it came to paying us, we were told 'Sorry but people have not spent enough behind the bar so we cant pay you the full agreed amount' 

    Our singer is practically fuming with rage and trying to sort it out. I have heard of this happening to others, but this is the first time I have been shafted.

    I,m having a few large scotches to calm me down. 🤬

    That’s f***king out of order! The bastards! 😡

    • Like 2
  10. On 04/04/2024 at 01:39, Gasman said:

    Last night’s gig was one I never anticipated, wanted, but felt compelled and eventually pleased to do. My son died three weeks ago suddenly from a second heart attack a week after having stents for the first one, seems the surgeon did half a job. Julian was 46, three kids, fitness fanatic, my best friend, top DJ and drummer


    Today was his funeral. His widow had booked an acoustic duo for the wake in the local pub. However, the girl singer had to leave early for some reason; the landlord knew I played and pointed me out to the remaining guitarist/singer suggesting I might help, so as my gear was in my car I played bass and sang with him for the second set.


    It was good distraction therapy, busking 15 numbers I’d never played before with a guy I’d never met. Despite this glimmer of light in a dark, dark day I’ll never be able to rationalise why I’m still here at 74 to write this while he will never read it. 


    Parents shouldn’t have to bury their children...

    I’m so sorry for your loss, that’s absolutely awful for you, my deepest condolences to you xx

  11. 7 hours ago, bubinga5 said:

    In the 20 + years of selling instruments ive never received the shit that ive just received on Face Book. Im selling a Mono M80 bag that is in great condition . The inner cable pocket thing has come away stitching wise. I started by selling it at £120, which was probably optimistic. I got comments like "set it on fire".. "Way over priced" etc.. I have never ever got this on Bass Chat.. If its over priced make me an offer. Me and my wife are really struggling financially which I didnt mention, in hindsight maybe I should have. I dropped the price to £90.. But no, still overpriced."could I stitch it myself"


    I would bet some of these darlings are on Bass Chat... I just dont get the outright destroying of someones for sale advert. Just PM me about a price. It is literal out and out vitriol. I will say I was so pissed off I sent some messages that were not very polite, unfortunately I have a temper. Why though I just dont get it. This would never happen on BC.

    Yes I saw that (your) ad and I too couldn’t believe the comments! There’s some absolute toss pots out there . I really feel for you mate. No need for all the rudeness at all. Pull the ad on there and just keep it on here.Most people in this world are reasonable and kind, but it is upsetting sometimes. 
    best wishes to you and good luck with things x jeff 

    • Like 1
  12. 5 hours ago, MacDaddy said:


    Genius? No doubt extremely talented, but if we compare to an acknowledged musical genius such as Beethoven can we really call Partridge a genius?

    Of course it’s each to his own, but personally yes, I’ll call Andy partridge a genius any day. X 

  13. 2 minutes ago, Obrienp said:

    Two LFSys cabs! No trouble hearing yourself then I suspect. I’ve yet to gig mine. What’s your verdict on them in action?

    First time I’ve used both together last night. One is enough for theatre shows but seeing as it was balls out rock roll and not going through the desk or anything y’know 🤣. Yeah really pleased with them thanks, nice balanced sound. Funny, when i still had my super midget and I was comparing them at home side by side i THOUGHT it sounded slightly better/fuller but at rehearsals and gigs so far it’s been the complete opposite for me and the Monza has really shone through in terms of overall performance. I’m not knocking barefaced because I used them for years, and was very pleased. Great cabs too x😊

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  14. 3 minutes ago, stevie said:


    An awesome rig - even though I say so myself! 😀


    Have you changed your amp,Jeff?

    Hi Steve, first time I’ve actually used both together last night. It was an Ac/dc tribute and so thought appropriate. No I tend to use the genz (i have a streamliner too) for the rock type gigs but still use my little puma for the phil Collins thing. Did sound bloody great i have to say, very pleased with the monzas mate, thank you for your products.Amaziballs x😊

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