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Posts posted by benebass

  1. Hi - think this is an old Encore model. Seem to remember it from a John Hornby Skewes catalogue when I was a kid (back end of the '80s). Think originally it had a Burns-style three piece scratchplate & a guitar-style humbucker, which certains fits with the screw holes in your bass. Never seen one in the flesh though, but always thought it looked a bit like a Hofner solid body.

    Sure someone with a bit more knowledge than me will be along in a bit to tell you more...



  2. Cheers - I've fancied checking out a medium scale bass for a while (30" scale is a bit small & 34" can be a bit of a stretch) - when I saw a pic of the neck I couldn't resist!

    Had some info back from the Aurora project on a plate & they seem really good value, so think I'll order one in black.

    Think I'll take the plunge with a Gotoh-style high mass bridge (I think it's the 201 model), but just measured up & the bridge as fitted is a bit bigger than a Fender bridge, so it will probably leave a couple of holes exposed. What's the best way to fill them? I've heard some people use tooth picks & wood glue for this sort of stuff, which makes sense. I'm considering stripping off the finish if I get round to it, so it needs to be a decent job.

    Not decided on pickups yet...



  3. [quote name='Bassassin' post='894556' date='Jul 14 2010, 11:13 AM']I've not used that particular one as far as I remember but I've had a good few far-eastern bits & pieces over the years - pretty good quality stuff, delivery sometimes quicker than UK sellers & obviously, great prices. I'm sure there are exceptions but on the whole most of these places have massive positive feedback which I'd say is a reasonable reflection.

    Top tip for your warped scratchplate - take it off & stick it on a dead-flat surface (kitchen worktop for example) then blast it with a hairdryer on full heat until the plastic goes soft. Then stick a heavy, flat object of your choice on top of it & leave until cold. Presto - no more warping. :)


    Thanks for the tip Jon - will be giving this a whirl with my other half's hairdryer I think!



  4. [quote name='geoffbyrne' post='894530' date='Jul 14 2010, 10:49 AM']Axes'R'Us.co.uk do a 'G&B' 10K P pup at a reasonable price which I used on a project before...it was great, very punchy.

    Here, and about 11 or 12 down.....



    Thanks Geoff - looks good, but I'm after something with no exposed pole pieces. I was thinking of buying some covers like [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PRECISION-BASS-PICKUP-COVER-CLOSED-BLACK-SET-2-/260588140578"]this[/url], but if the pickup's designed to have the pole pieces exposed then they will be lower than they should be i.e. quieter. Might be worth experimenting for a couple of quid though!



  5. [quote name='derrenleepoole' post='893600' date='Jul 13 2010, 12:10 PM']Yeah, I bought an Artec system several years ago, and it was okay really. They do say you get what you pay for, and the quality was acceptable for the money - it's not going to be amazing, but it was okay. The Chinese however are industrious and the stuff worked. With good shielding installed on your bass, there is no reason why an Artec system wouldn't work very well. In fact, most electronic components are manufactured in Asia these days, so who's to say that this is any different from what you're buying on the Varitone system for example?

    I know what you mean about passive basses, I enjoy them too. But an active EQ, rather than active pickup does open up tonal possibilities at little extra cost. Just a thought.[/quote]

    Hi Derren - don't think my last post was very clear - apologies. It's not parts made in the far east themselves (some of the stuff coming out of China is amazingly good value for money), it's buying them directly that I'm a bit wary of, as it could be a right ordeal if things don't go smoothly...

    Will keep looking for something that fits the bill. Rather than a preamp, I am considering putting in an active EMG pickup like [url="http://www.basscentre.com/bass-guitar-pickups/emg-p-set.html"]this one[/url] - not too keen on having to take the plate off to change the battery though & routing for a battery compartment could be a bit of a chore. One cheapo alternative might be a passive EMG-designed pickup like the HZ or an old Select pickup. Will keep looking...



  6. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='893089' date='Jul 12 2010, 07:31 PM']Well I have a spare if you want it?[/quote]

    Cheers Wayne - will give my plate a trial makeover first & take things from there. Bet it was a bitch getting all the air bubbles out!?!


  7. [quote name='derrenleepoole' post='892665' date='Jul 12 2010, 11:48 AM']Now you're asking, I'd direct that question at someone more experienced than myself - as there are lots of factors to consider such as type of tone, cost factors etc... people often quote Quarter Pounds as good thumpy P-bass picks - alas though, not all pickups are created equal :) Yeah, the Varitone's aren't cheap, but there are alternatives too... you can get 3 band active EQ systems from China that are dirt cheap and will add variety to you tone. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/3-Band-EQ-Preamp-Circuit-Active-Bass-Pickup-/320560101882?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item4aa2def9fa"]LINK[/url] There's also some stuff from America that quite cheap [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-Genuine-Fender-P-Jazz-Bass-Deluxe-PREAMP-Upgrade-/400135192437?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item5d29ea7f75#ht_1267wt_913"]LINK[/url] - you get the idea anyway.[/quote]

    Thanks for the info, but I really want to keep it passive - after years of playing predominantly multiple pickup or active basses I'm finding the simple passive set up quite refreshing!

    Have you ever bought anything from that eBay shop based in Hong Kong? There are some decent prices on there, but I'm a bit wary of buying guitar parts from the far east.



  8. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='892613' date='Jul 12 2010, 10:59 AM']TBH unless you want a see-though plate you may as well cover the one you have on there already with that vinyl stuff you can get from Wilkinsons, I did it to this P-bass [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=70521"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=70521[/url] worked out really well.[/quote]

    That's another great job you've done there! Think the plate's a bit tired to be honest & could do with being replaced - for years the electrics weren't seated properly & there's a bit of a warp setting in near the controls. Might be worth a go in the short term though...



  9. [quote name='derrenleepoole' post='892315' date='Jul 11 2010, 09:53 PM']Good old Westone's, absolutely ace basses. My second bass was a Spectrum DX and it was as rock solid as it was a pleasure to play. There are many collectors of Westone's too, and I imagine some frequent here, so expect a more learned answer from them. If you're not a purist and if it were me, then you could easily add better pickups with higher output and more thump. You could also consider maybe adding a passive preamp section into the bass - something along the lines of a Varitone etc. A relatively cheap way to vary the tone of what is in effect a P-bass copy. Do a search on Youtube, there's plenty of videos knocking about of basses with them install.[/quote]

    Totally agree with you Derren - started on a knackered old Guild B301 & moved on to a Thunder 1A that was my first playable bass - totally blew the Guild away. Not too precious about changing things on this bass as it's already a bit battered on the body, but not considered a Varitone before - might be a bit over my budget at the mo. Will do some research...

    Any ideas on decent cheap high output Precision-sized pickups?



  10. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='892313' date='Jul 11 2010, 09:52 PM']I bought and re-finned one recently.

    Some info here


    Couldn't see me ever playing something that eyecatching (I'd have bought that off you in natural for a lot more than you paid for it to be honest!), but you did a really good job there Wayne.

    Never made a scratchplate before & don't have a lot of DIY gear to hand - how did you do it?



  11. Hi - I recently bought an old Westone Concord I bass & I don't know much about it. From [url="http://www.westone.info/concord1bass.html"]this site[/url] it seems to have been made in 1983 (it's the same as the black one at the bottom of the page) & was pretty much the bottom of the range. It cost me just under £100. Anyone know anything else about them?

    In terms of build, it seems pretty solid with a really nice medium scale flamed maple neck (think they must have had a nice bit of wood lying around the day it was made!) & I really like the way it plays. However, it's seen a bit of action, could do with a bit of work & I'm after a bit of advice. Things I'm considering are: -

    [b]Scratchplate [/b]- Not a fan of the white scratchplates myself, so was thinking of trying to find someone who can make a 3 ply black/white/black one. However, I'm not sure how much this will cost. I've been in touch with [url="http://www.auroraproject.co.uk/scratchplate.htm"]http://www.auroraproject.co.uk/scratchplate.htm[/url] for a quote as they're meant to be pretty good, but no answer yet - does anyone know anyone else who'll do a decent cheap & cheerful job?

    [b]Bridge[/b] - this is starting to rust so I think swapping it out for something more solid. It looks like a straight swap for a Fender bridge, except that there are a couple of extra screws at the front. I was thinking about a Gotoh-style bridge, but haven't found anything that looks right yet. Any recommendations?

    [b]Pickup/Electrics[/b] - The electrics seem to work OK, but are a bit of a mess (some home soldering has gone on there a while ago by the look of it...). The Precision pickup has height adjusted pole pieces. I'd like to keep it passive & swap the pickup for something without exposed pole pieces (personal preference - it's what I'm used to more than anything else). Any ideas?

    This is the only pic I have at present (from the ad) - will post more once the camera's working again: -




  12. Yeah - Space Monkeys sounds about right. That was part of his Factory Too label - after the first Factory had gone bust. I think he even did a third Factory label after this second one folded...



    [quote name='Major-Minor' post='871538' date='Jun 19 2010, 09:51 AM']I'm not very good with names ! But I seem to remember Monkeys came into the band's name. Space Monkeys ? something like that ...

    I should make it clear that I was playing DB in a small string section - maybe 6 or 8 players. None of us got paid, and neither did the studio, the producer or the engineers.

    AW was very bad with money alright .... other peoples ! He had plenty of his own !

    The Major[/quote]

  13. [quote name='Major-Minor' post='871133' date='Jun 18 2010, 09:13 PM']For instance, I once did a session for an indie band, whose record company were run by a very well known Manchester based entrepreneur (recently deceased). I didn't get a contract at the time (stupid me) and of course when that company then went bust, I got no money ! Ant--- Wi---- of course was still a very rich man. But I had no proof I'd been there. So the MU was unable to get my dosh despite trying very hard.[/quote]

    Sound advice - I've met a few people recently who helped out on sessions & found they didn't even have a credit when things took off for the singer/songwriter they were backing.

    Not trying to derail the thread, but I read Peter Hook's book about the Hacienda recently & couldn't believe how bad Ant--- Wi---- was with money - probably because it usually wasn't usually his own cash I guess.

    Just out of interest, who was the session for? Always thought the last Happy Mondays album was polished up by session men to make it fit for a release!



  14. Quite like the look of this, but I reckon it would look a bit classier if the scratchplate didn't go up into the top horn & followed the standard Fender shape - a bit like the Bass VI...


  15. I think Jammy/Dave is new to Basschat, but we did a deal on a Spector & it went really smoothly. Great guy to deal with - straightforward communication & prompt payment.



  16. [quote]The bass looks great only the picture with the dent on the headstock is NOT clear at all[/quote]

    Hi Mike,

    Really struggled to take a decent picture of the headstock, but couldn't manage to get the light right. Will see what I can do.

    In the meantime, if you have a look at [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=62194"]the thread where I bought it[/url], you'll see a pretty good pic of the missing varnish - it's the fourth picture down. It's had home use only by me, so the condition in that thread is how it is now.



    P.S. My feedback thread is [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=70908"]here[/url] - changed my Basschat user name since I bought this bass

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