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Posts posted by agoulding

  1. i think this is getting a bit mental atm.

    [quote name='rslaing' post='487474' date='May 14 2009, 12:16 AM']I agree totally.....well said. I was always taught that the bass should be felt and not heard. (My father - jazz pianist). Slightly conservative, but I know what he meant.[/quote]

    Personally i dislike wootens choice of performance, hes a great player blah blah blah etc etc. But one thing he does talk about and i agree with totally, kinda ties in with this comment. Wooten explains you don't have to treat the instrument as if it has boundaries - the bass doesnt HAVE to do this or that its just an art form.

  2. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='487235' date='May 13 2009, 08:38 PM']Pointless thread. If everyone liked the same thing the word would be a very different place.



    Not past the first few seconds

    I won a lego competition at my local toy shop - but I don't expect anyone to worship me for it

    Fine, but not everyone actualy enjoys listening to "thwakkatta thwakkatta thwakkatta thwakkatta" no matter how much skill goes into making such a sound.

    I couldn't give a toss 'cause I won't be there

    I didn't post on the other thread, but I felt compelled to reply to this one. I must admit I don't really give Mr Wooten a second thought most of the time as what I've heard of his playing says nothing to me and I have no aspiration to play any of the kind of music he plays. I'm not at all into slap - I can understand some people are, but then again it takes all sorts.

    I really don't care about Vic's playing. I'd rather watch/listen to Willie Dixon or Duck Dunn doing their thing.[/quote]

    this post wins.

    I quite like the bloke meself. but can't say hes a great songwriter.

  3. [quote name='steve-soar' post='482372' date='May 7 2009, 08:08 PM']D groove all the way baby. Try playing it in small portions, to get your self familiar to the notes, then put the track on, with your bass at the same level, close your eyes and get lost in that groove. Don't worry if you don't get all the notes in the right place, just try to loose yourself in that groove.[/quote]

    this to me sounds like the best way. And more enjoyable.

  4. hey guys. Just recently i got hold of some great funk 45 recordings and ive become a huge fan of Black nasty. Ive tried for 2 months now to figure of the bassline to the song "party down on 4th street pt.1"

    what im asking is, its only a couple of lines, that someone could quite possibly figure out the bass parts by ear for me and write ouyt the tab as i don't have the agbility to do so. :) if its too much to ask no worries just let the thread die. BUt youll get to learn a tasty bass line in the mean time!!!

  5. Only thing I have left:

    Line6 bass POD with fb4 footcontroller. Pretty useful tool really, but its something i wanna shift so i can afford other things. I dont want to sell them seperately either. [s]£100[/s] £85


  6. [attachment=22505:100_2292.JPG]

    Ive decided i would even sell this now actually because im selling some other things and i wanna get my hands on a mexican jazz!!!

    will listen for offers.

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