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Posts posted by kevbass

  1. Hello all, Ive been watching some youtube videos on piccolo basses and Im warming to the idea of getting one just to noodle about with at home, anyone here got one? how do you rate them? and if you do have one where did you get it from and how much?
    cheers folks!

  2. Hello good folks of basschat, apologies if this topic has been raised before but what are your opinions on buying vintage fender instruments for purposes of investment? Do you think the value of vintage fender instruments is likely to continue to increase as the instrument gets older still and that 1969 Jazz sitting in its case under your bed is your pension plan?, or perhaps you think the value of vintage fenders has peaked and the value will increase at a much slower rate?

    What do you think?

  3. Hello folks, Acquired this one from a mate quite a while ago but now want to move it on.

    I have here an Aria pro II bass, one humbucker and one jazz pickup. Completely passive, 3 way selector switch, one tone and one volume knob. White in colour but has aged to a cream colour over the years, I think its an early 90's model. Jazz pickup sounds jazzy and the humbucker sounds big and chunky and is quite loud for a passive bass. Now the bass itself has been covered in stickers, the front of the bass is covered completely and the back of the bass has some larger ones ranging from random pics to bass and guitar brand names, theres even a pic of flea in there somewhere . The humbucker pickup was covered in several layers of glue and had several layers of black sparkly glitter applied to it and looks very funky and sparkles under stage lights. The whole thing was inspired by fleas punky looking modulus. Its quite colorful and it looks good onstage, especially if you're in a punk or funk rock band but alas the image of the bass doesnt suit my band or what I play anymore so time to move her on. She's strung with DR black beauty's and plays nicely. Jack socket could do with a clean as it makes a crackly hum noise when the cable is moved when she's plugged in but other than that its all good. Im sad to see this one go but time to thin the herd.

  4. [quote name='gary mac' post='642722' date='Nov 1 2009, 07:06 PM']That looks damn fine.

    If it's a keeper are you planning any upgrades?[/quote]

    Ive read that these are quite nice as stock, the tuners are supposed to be fairly decent and the sound I've heard being compared to that of an early squire, the bridge will probbably be the thin piece of bent tin you often find on cheaper jazzes. I have some gotoh tuners that, if they fit, I'll probbably put on, the bridge I'll replace with a fender us bridge and if the pickups arent all that then I'll put in some Lindy Fralins.

  5. Theres nothing quite like buying from someone who's put so much attention to detail in their ebay auction, gives you that feeling of buying with confidence.


  6. Here she is, an early 90's vester jazz bass copy. Sunburst with a tort plate, body is probbably some kind of ply. Got it for 145 quid which isnt bad i suppose considering the last one I saw went for nearly 200. I bought it because ive just joined a cover band covering all kinds of music and whats more versatile than a jazz bass? I'll let you all know the verdict when she shows up and Ive had a chance to play her, first thing is first though I'm going to give that fretboard a good going over with some tung or lemon oil to get some colour back in it.

  7. Im quite pleased to be able to say that I am GAS free and have been for quite some time, not because I found the perfect bass but because I felt like a bit of a pillock chopping and changing basses all the time and to what end? It didnt improve my playing and I never found that perfect bass. So now I just pick up, plug in and play, my wallet thanks me for it too, its an odd feeling having money in your savings account, I can recommend it :)

  8. [quote name='BeLow' post='563348' date='Aug 8 2009, 10:21 AM']The issues here may be with the bass but probably more in your head.[/quote]

    +1, I went through something similar, until one day I sat down and realised I was wasting my time and a lot of money buying bass after bass after bass when in truth I would have done just as well with one or two. I didnt [b]need[/b] half of the things on a bass that I had convinced my self would of make me a better player. I sold off all the gear I didnt need, nice basses top end stuff but to be honest it was just over the top as far as my situation went. I stuck with what I was left with, and spent my time improving my technique and stopped splitting hairs over minor issues with the bass. As a result I stopped worrying about whether or not my gear was perfect and my playing improved a lot and I became more of a versatile player in that I would pick up my bass and play it happily without worrying about whether it did this or had that, I also saved a lot of money and didnt feel so guilty about wasting my money which, looking back, was what I was doing. I think it can get to a point where GAS becomes unhealthy, not just affecting your wallet but the quality of your playing (well it was in my case anyways). My advice Josh is to just persevere with what you have, the grass isnt always greener on the other side and you might find yourself just going round in circles as far as this issue goes, hope this helped.

  9. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='543311' date='Jul 17 2009, 03:35 PM']Some of them are pretty ard. Like 50 cent was apparently shot 9 times in one night and survived. Ouch.[/quote]

    What a terrible shot that guy must have been

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