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Posts posted by Bluewine

  1. On 25/05/2024 at 23:15, Bluewine said:

    Ok, no sugar coating the gig.


    We played outside on the patio. We really don't have a draw in Milwaukee and it shows. I'd say we had a poor turn out.


    Seems like we only have nice crowds at festivals and fairs where there's an embedded crowd.


    A little sad.





    I think I complain too much.


    I just received this update.


    "Hey everyone, acoustic @Motor Sat 8/17, patio again if it's nice 👍🏻 "


    I'll take it.



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  2. 12 hours ago, cheddatom said:

    We played the Woodland Stage at Bearded Theory on Friday. I'd read a load of horror stories online about the weather and mud. Apparently they were towing people on to the site! Anyway, we got there at 1:30 for our set at 4pm. I'd forgotten my boots so was stuck hanging around back stage in my converse, trying to avoid getting stuck in the mud before our set. I got to set up my kit to the side of the stage so the changeover was only about 5 minutes. The sound was fantastic, as you'd expect at a proper festival like this. The field in front of us was packed, and it sounded like every one of them was singing along. Only a 30 minute set which makes it super easy on the drums as I don't have to hold back at all. Ace gig






    That looks like my kind of event. Very nice photos.


    30 minutes is really cool and easy to manage material. I've done a few 40 minute shows, I love them.


    I always get jealous when I see photos like this. Do you get to play a lot of these upscale type gigs?



    • Like 3
  3. 12 hours ago, Bluewine said:

    Acoustic gig tonight. Great venue and staff.


    TONIGHT! Join us on the patio at MOTOR Bar & Restaurant! 5:30-8:30pm!
    BBQ & Blues / Music by: She's Right - I'm Left



    Ok, no sugar coating the gig.


    We played outside on the patio. We really don't have a draw in Milwaukee and it shows. I'd say we had a poor turn out.


    Seems like we only have nice crowds at festivals and fairs where there's an embedded crowd.


    A little sad.




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  4. On 22/05/2024 at 13:37, Jackroadkill said:



    This, 100%.  There are a million bands out there who play all the standards; I really enjoy not being in any of them.


    While we have a thriving local music scene you have to play classic rock standards. Those are the bands playing the high pay high profile gigs. All other bands are for those that don't want or need the money and only want to gig occasionally. 


    That's the way it is here. I can't speak for other areas 



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  5. On 21/05/2024 at 18:26, EssexBuccaneer said:

    To an extent, yes. You have to keep the crowd happy. But also you have to enjoy what you play. One of the things I looked for in my current band is that the setlist isn’t a carbon copy of every other covers band’s setlist. 

    Yeah we play Guns N Roses, but not sweet child o’ mine. Yeah we play Green Day but not Basket Case.


    The band has to be interested and invested in the songs they play - not simply acing as a playlist chosen by the punters. 



    For those of us in this for the money and consistent bookings it's really about keeping the crowd happy playing what they want to hear.  If we played what I like to play, the place would be empty.



  6. On 19/05/2024 at 11:58, jimmyb625 said:

    I think (from my limited experience) he's pretty much right.

    Obviously, a lot is going to depend on the employing artist or band, the status of the player and the tour they're on. So someone like Lee Sklar, Pino, or Guy Pratt will be getting a pretty good rate, but if you're in the background for someone like Mel C, you're not going to be buying a Rolls Royce anytime soon. I mention Mel C, as our band played on the same bill as her for a festival and the backing band (except for the keys player/MD) had never met her before the gig.

    A friend of mine works LX2 for a pretty well known touring musical and she's pretty much on minimum wage, with £350 per week food and accommodation allowances. They usually try for something like an Air BnB and split the cost between a few of them.

    It's never great money, unless you're absolutely at the top of the tree.

    Off topic. Back at The local small time level. A close friend a drummers 9 peice ( 3 horns) booked a corporate gig in the upper peninsula.  $300.00 per man plus 1 overnight hotel accommodation. Not bad.



  7. 10 hours ago, meterman said:

    Well, the IKEA thing was a bit much, but that wasn’t done maliciously, just my wife’s a bit absent minded and that occasion happened before I had a mobile phone. Back then I relied on finding a pay phone somewhere at a convenient time which sometimes didn’t happen every day.


    Even when I got a phone it still would be tricky. Once I came offstage at a festival in France in 2007 to find something like 30 missed calls, all from my wife. I rang her back and she was frantic, as our flat had been burgled and loads of our stuff had been stolen. I felt like $hīt and not just because I still had one more festival to do before the band returned to London. Ordinarily I’d have just flown home, but when you’re on someone else’s payroll you cant just quit a tour before the last date. That’s a key thing about committing to a tour - once the schedule is in place, there’s not often much flexibility for you personally. You just have to do what’s expected of you at exact times every day. I sometimes miss doing one-nighters, but definitely don’t miss touring. 

    Sorry, I’ve taken the thread off course - carry on folks 👍


    I was dating a young lady I met at a gig. It almost lasted a year. At the end of the day she wasn't into the whole band and gigging scene at all.


    Not comparable, however gigging and relationships can be tough.



    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, meterman said:

    Enviable gig, definitely, but that’s exactly what a lot of players don’t factor in - being away from home for a good part of the year really can ruin things between you and your other half, unless you’re super tight as a couple.

    Mind you, I used to come home after being away for a month and it’d be, “Can you unblock the toilet?” or “The washing machine’s packed in, can you fix it?” or “I bought a load of stuff at IKEA, can you put it all together by tomorrow, I’ve invited family to stay” - aaaarrrgh! I swear my wife just used to store things up for when I got home. 😂



    I wouldn't like that.



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  9. 18 hours ago, gjones said:

    I have a friend who was a pro touring sound engineer, about ten years ago, and she used to get paid £150 per day plus £50 per diems every day (to pay for food, drink). The last tour she was on was with a Grammy winning act.


    I assume touring musicians would be on a similar rate.


    That sounds like a pretty good deal to me.



  10. 3 hours ago, dmccombe7 said:

    I'm at an age where i just don't miss or need it when gigging.

    To be honest i've always had strict views on drinking at gigs and when in my 20's it would be one beer before the gig to calm my nerves and then a bucketful at the end. No driving in my early 20's as i had no car licence until i was 26.


    I like playing music in a band because it allows me a space where I'm in complete control. If I'm impaired or in some altered state I'm no longer in control.



    • Like 2
  11. 22 minutes ago, msb said:


    A guirtoday are not drinking the way they used to. I’m driving home , and have to expect I might well be tested. One beer is my limit. It’s simple.

    I’m more likely to just have ginger ale. 


    But I do remember a time when most musicians were as bombed as the audience at the end of the night. Those days are gone. And everybody would hop in their car and head home. Frightening.

    A DUI (driving under the influence)  in the States after fines and legal fees could easily cost you 10k. No thanks.






  12. This is for the guys in this for money. Not so much for those primarily in this for fun.


    I think this guy is credible.  I always thought if you were on tour on a bus with a popular signed act you'd be rolling in cash. 


    Let me know what you think 






    • Like 5
  13. On 13/05/2024 at 06:31, BigRedX said:

    With In Isolation at the Black Bull in Gateshead on Saturday.


    This is great gig but the last two times it's been rather poorly attended, with this time probably due to to Eurovision and several other high-profile goth gigs up north. Despite that those that did turn up seemed to enjoy it and some were even dancing all the way through the set. Sold some CDs afterwards and had several people asking when the new songs are likely to be released. 


    Special mention to the support band Machiner who were absolutely brilliant, and by far the most interesting and enjoyable new band I've seen for some time. Go and check them out on your streaming or download service of choice. There's a good chance that we'll be sharing the bill with them again in the future.


    The whole gig was video'd so hopefully I'll have some visuals to post later.


    I'm starting to see more and more reports of poor attendance . What does this say about the future of live music?



  14. On 13/05/2024 at 06:17, Rodders said:



    Highlight of the night was Steve the 2nd guitarist pulled out of the car park and got immeadiatly stopped and breathalyzed by the plod! Thankfully all clear..



    Interesting,  over here it's not a pass / fail proposition.  If they pull out the breathalyzer and put you through the little physical exercise even if you can do it your still riding back to the station with them.



    • Sad 2
  15. On 13/05/2024 at 13:55, dmccombe7 said:

    Are you guys using agents or getting the gigs on your own.

    Have to admit the age group of most folks that listened to UK Glam Rock in early 70's means the dancing can be limited to a few songs at a time then a wee break. It was very warm with ambient temperature at 22 oC with no air-con and that's quite warm for this area especially in May. Meant the hall was fairly warm. I had a large 18" gym fan that i use to keep myself cooled down.

    Not sure how you boost your audience with blues based band in US. 

    Are you advertising on your band FB page plus the usual Instagram or other social media. We also put posts on any local FB gig guide pages. We supply posters for any clubs that take them and most of the clubs will put them up. Some clubs take our FB pic and make their own with whatever they want to add.

    The one thing i do find a wee bit annoying is the bingo or raffle at the break. Bet you don't get that in US Daryl :laugh1:

    Is it an option to take on work with another working band, maybe some dep work or are you guys out every weekend ?




    Nobody calls me for anything. I wish I could dep. Lol


    As for agents, we do pretty good on our own. However, we're like most people, life circumstances can get in the way. And the agents here only handle the top tier cover bands.



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  16. 9 hours ago, dmccombe7 said:

    Hi Daryl,

    Great wee gig in a small Bowling Club (grass bowls rather than indoor bowling that you probably have) About 70-80 people so it was an intimate wee gig but good fun. Sold out so that was good too.

    Outside of bands i've been getting rood repairs finished which cost a lot more than expected but its one of those kind of jobs when you start you come across other issues. £6k it cost me last month. I'm now skint till pay day. I had to raid the gig piggy bank. :laugh1:

    Got another almost sold out for Sat night coming. Think there was 20 tickets left last week so hopefully they'll sell this week or on the night.

    Had a 6hr rehearsal yesterday too to run thru some new songs for Glam band. Been having a go at Sweet's The Six Teens but its a hard one for the drummer when you start getting into it. 

    Interesting fact but Mick Tucker from Sweet was very good friends with Ian Paice from Deep Purple and they would share drumming techniques. However Paice was left handed but it meant Tucker being right handed would start drum riffs with his left hand rather the normal because Paice would show him how to play certain bits but what that means is that for most right handed drummers playing some Sweet covers its not normal to play that way and many drummers miss some of the drum part out if that all makes sense.

    Apologies there i'm of topic a bit.

    Anyways i like that word "chincy"




    I wish I was that busy .


    I'll take 70-80 engaged folks any day of the week.


     My gig piggy bank is dwindling at a rapid pace.



    • Sad 1
  17. 16 hours ago, Leonard Smalls said:

    We had a bit of a schlepp over to Nottingham yesterday supporting South Africa's finest, The Soap Girls...

    It was the first outing for our new guitarist, who rather than humping around some enormously heavy Marshall amp, uses one of those Blackstar Amped They f Soap Girls pic, none of us available:



    Sounds like a fun night to me.



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