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  1. First outdoor gig! I was expecting a numb right hand to give me trouble, but it never occurred to me how much I rely on the sense of touch in the left hand to judge distances between frets. Spent a lot of time looking at the fretboard!

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    2. MartinB


      To be honest I think we were all so excited at the prospect of paid gigs that we didn't really think about the practicalities! I had fingerless gloves, but my digits were already chilly by the time the gig started - I think the trick is to wear normal gloves for as long as possible and switch at the last minute. Doing it again next Saturday, so I'll have a chance to test my theory!

    3. Marc S

      Marc S

      Let us know how you get on MartinB :)  Yes, full finger gloves right up until you're playing - that'll help
      Maybe swap them for finger-less right at that point?
      I recall years ago, on the OGWT, a (fretless?) bass player, playing whilst wearing those white, snooker ref type gloves!
      Can't recall the band though.....

    4. MartinB


      Gig was cancelled due to illness, so I am none the wiser!

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