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Posts posted by Darkstrike

  1. [quote name='Dom in Somerset' post='631327' date='Oct 20 2009, 01:54 PM']What do you need to be careful with to avoid the muddiness?[/quote]
    Mainly that you don't use very high gain Jazz pickups.

    Depends on a few things really,
    How do you plan on wiring them, series, parallel?
    Where do you plan on installing it?

  2. [quote name='Hoppo75' post='629854' date='Oct 18 2009, 09:23 PM']Hiya guys,

    I'm finding myself desperately craving a Fender Roscoe Beck (5 string ideally), but in all honesty the only realistic way I could get one is through the sale of my 73 Precision (or so my Wife says!!!!). I've just had a lovely Jazz copy built for me which sounds fab, but I still find myself seriously GASing for a Roscoe.

    I see me having 2 options...

    - sell the precision and buy the Roscoe
    - try and obtain some Roscoe beck electrics and see what they do to my jazz (like finding a Yeti in the back yard...proving hard to find!!!)

    I've got a lot of history with the precision, having owned it for best part of 20 years, but there just comes a time.......

    any advice or direction any of you wonderful people can offer?[/quote]

    Both 4 string and 5 Roscoe Beck pickups are there.

  3. I have a Shine one, that I really like, quite similar to the Anniversary one, different headstock and dosen't have the binding, it does have that thin looking bridge pickup cover, but its more than sturdy, just looks thin. Oh pickups are different too, the Shine has Duncans stock.

    I'd hazard a guess that they come from the one factory.

  4. [quote name='cetera' post='382319' date='Jan 16 2009, 01:08 PM']Hmmmm....this model is different from the last sig model he had a few years back..... that one had a basswood body...
    I wonder what his 'actual' bass is? Alder I presume...[/quote]
    Yes Alder, its a 69.

  5. [quote name='solo4652' post='282790' date='Sep 12 2008, 05:20 PM']Good call. And there was me assuming that something called a Precision bass would have a Precision neck. Stupid of me, really. Hang on a minute - does this mean that the Squier Vintage Modified Jazz has a Precision neck!? If so, I'll buy one![/quote]
    No, the VMJ's have standard Jazz necks.

  6. [quote name='escholl' post='282237' date='Sep 11 2008, 11:03 PM']here i thought i was being original when i thought to put a tube pre-amp in a bass...seems someone beat me to it :)[/quote]

    This one got one too, in the "Cool Tube Preamp"

  7. I added a Mighty Mite P neck, from StewMac, to my jazz bass, great combo.

    You could pick up a Squier Jazz cheap, get one of them, and you'd be in buisness.
    It's a real nice neck, satin finish, ready for tuners, and drill holes for the body joint. With the Squier, you could use the tuners/bolts etc. off the original neck.


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