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Posts posted by Soliloquy

  1. I think it's down to the honesty of manufacturers. Same as with the cab manufacturers, they both lie about what their particular product does.
    I've got an SWR Headlite amp, supposed to be 400 watts into 4 ohms, but there's no way that it is.

    I compared my Headlite, an old Trace Elliot AH250 and a MarkBass F1 all through the same cab. The F1 was easily the loudest, the AH250 came second and the Headlite was third. Both the F1 and the AH250 were louder set on 2 or 3 than the Headlite was turned up full !

  2. I ordered this for one of my basses ages ago from Mark at Bassdirect. It took several months to arrive, and I've been away an awful lot since. Consequently I only just managed to go over and collect it.

    I no longer own the bass that it was ordered for though, and it won't fit into any other my current stable of basses. I want my Jaydee's to sound like Jaydee's and I don't want to have any more holes drilled in my Zon.

    It's a four knob 18 volt preamp. It's currently set up as volume, bass/treble cut and boost, pickup balance, and low mid/high mid cut and boost.
    Two of the knobs, bass/treble and low mid/high mid are stacked, but these could be changed quite easily, and in any combination to separate knobs, making it either a 5 knob version, or a 6 knob version.
    The switch is for the Z mode thing.

    Check out the site here for all of the technical details - [url="http://www.audereaudio.com/3ZB.htm"]http://www.audereaudio.com/3ZB.htm[/url]

    It comes complete with black coloured knobs.

    It cost £180, and is completely 'as new', it's never been fitted to any instrument.

    I'd like £150 which includes next day special delivery postage.

  3. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1318202746' post='1399252']
    I have (amongst a few others :)) an ESP 6 string that weighs just under 15lbs (about 7kg).
    It's saving grace... it has near perfect balance and allows me to travel the entire length of the neck without shifting it's position.

    WOW !

    I thought my Calibas was heavy at 6kg.

    It too has near perfect balance, and so the weight doesn't really bother me much. I did an hours practice/warm up last Saturday morning, then a 2 hour jazz gig on the lunchtime. Then another couple of hours practice in the afternoon followed by another 2 hour gig on the evening.

  4. [quote name='bass_by_name' timestamp='1319274472' post='1412040']??? Buying lots of expensive gear that you dont know how to use seems to be a recipie for disaster. I am not sure following the advice of virtual friends on the internet will prevent it. You should not need 1,000 watts unless you are using very inefficient cabs like Acme or Barefaced.[/quote]

    Acme cabs aren't inefficient. They just don't lie about the efficiency of their cabs like most other manufacturers do. I own two Acme's and I've owned pretty much every other cab that it's possible to own. Acme's are no less inefficient in real life than any other.

    Sorry for side tracking this otherwise interesting thread. I'm putting together my own pre/power amp rig at the moment.

    Remember that a 1000 watt amp is always a 1000 watt amp, regardless of how you have the volume set. It's still able to produce 1000 watts if it gets a hot enough signal.

  5. Some photos for the interested parties.

    There are a few very slight marks along the edges on the top only. The front is pretty much perfect. The flash from photos make the amp look a lot worse than it actually is. I really look after my gear.

  6. [quote name='supabock' timestamp='1319125363' post='1410319']
    So, what is the plan with this F1 then??

    Sorry I've been away. I also haven't received any emails notifying me of your reply to my thread (AGAIN ! :) ).

  7. What's your budget and what power output do you need ?

    Have you maybe thought of a used Markbass F1 or maybe one of the Markbass modular amps ?

    With an F1 you have 500 (real watts), a small head for smaller gigs and reliability. I've read that a lot of these obscure class D amps have in reality nowhere near the output that they're described as having, and there are reliability issues with some of them.

    I was going to get a class D power amp to go with my Alembic F1X, I'm probably just going to use my F1 though. It's very loud, it's reliable and why spend £300 or more on something that I don't need. I can just plug it into the effects return socket, bypassing the F1's preamp and just using the power amp section.

  8. I don't know why you'd want a rack tuner. Just my opinion of course :).

    You can get a great and accurate pedal tuner for not a lot of money. I've got a Turbotuner, but the Pitchblack is good too.

    Why do you want to add more weight to a rack ?

    A pedal just fits into your gig bag pocket. Do you always use your rack for every gig ?

  9. I found this photo a little earlier today.

    What a monster !!

    That's my Calibas 6 string in the background. That weighs a fair amount, I dread to think what this must weigh. I wonder where it is now ?

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