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Posts posted by sykilz

  1. So I have a new MIM jazz, and I love the neck, just love it, perfect width,depth,weight,everything. The rest of the bass is a great ( light ) weight, but , but, just playing it alongside the Yamaha BB414, and the sound is just weak. Even just the front pup alone is so lame compared to the Yam. ( the pups are all set up properley, as high as I can get them). So basically I like more of a dark P bass tone to play rock covers, for which the Yam is perfect, but a bit heavy on the shoulder. So I thought about the best course of action and came up with a few ideas.....
    1 sell the jazz, but then I lose the great neck
    2 keep the jazz neck, sell the body and get a P body and fit with my choice of innards. This is probably most costly route.
    3 keep jazz neck,sell body, get a Squier Matt Freeman used and swap necks, sell the squier neck too.
    4 keep the jazz and try different pickups and electronics, something of a bottomless pit of money needed for this one...?

    i should add that I don't really like playing around too much with bits and bobs, though I can do most stuff if needed I'm a bit lazy and don't want to muck stuff up as i need a reliable bass. Also, less than £200 would be good....net after selling bits. So what would be best...HELP!!!!!!!!

  2. All the Metallica bassists have great bass faces, presumably because they're straining to hear themselves in the mix, Cliff was always smiling (RIP ), Jason had some great grimaces, And Rob just has a plasticine face!!

  3. I had one of these, and sounds the same as mine, the slap position sounds very scooped, and , to me, the other direction was all mid and nothing else, there was a sweet spot in the middle if you also boosted the bass a bit, but I did find it a bit of a chore, think it was aimed at getting the Korn like sound when scooped? And slapped , obviously. They now seem to have a more regular bass,mid, treble three band. Shame cos it felt great to play.

  4. [quote name='Adrenochrome' timestamp='1403007654' post='2478746']

    They are now, but not so much when I was listening to Nirvana and t'Pixies in the late 80s. I think that they're in the ballpark, eg Alice In Chains were very dark and different to the mainstream rock sound when they started, even though it was still clearly rock music.
    ^ this. The early 90's "alternative" were an alternative to Motley Crue, Van Halen , Bon Jovi etc that were the big " mainstream" rock bands, and even Maiden and Metallica who were mainstream metal, the new bands were a bit more punky ,and raw sounding, until they then got popular and became the new mainstream!! That's what I remember anyway.....

  5. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1402516355' post='2474383']
    I like it! Imagine it with a pair of proper chrome Thunderbuckers though...
    Mmmmmmmmm. I just think it's a bit whacky in a kind of 80's hard rock kind of way, which I really like!

  6. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1402506423' post='2474251']
    Why will you look a twat playing it? A nice looking bass at any age.
    Just me having a bit of a complex about advancing age I guess, when I play I see me as kind of Mike Inez from Alice in Chains, but of course in the actual band photos I'm a prematurely greying haired guy in his mid 40's who has to work as a postie during the week!!

  7. Just saw a custom build that someone had done, and although this is nowhere near as beautiful, I'm finding this " not quite a T bird " shape more attractive every time I look at it. Unfortunately I'm 45 years old, so will look a twat playing it, but young rockers out there, have a look...

  8. I recently sold my German standard corvette, they sell for about £400 used if you look around, and I did try a Korean in a shop, while the German seemed, to me, to be a bit more " solid " the Korean was still very nice, the neck wasn't as deep. It probably depends what sort of music you play wether you'll notice any real difference in the sound, I only do live hard rock stuff and for me it did get a bit lost in the wall of guitars compared to my Fender, but solo it sounded sweet.

  9. Thanks, my guitarist friend went all over it with a multimeter but could only find a small voltage drop over the transformer, though a guy at Essex amp repairs told me over the phone that it was unlikely to be a transformer as they either work or don't. Thing is, these are 290£ new at the moment, so wondering if its worth repairing or just get a new one with 3 year warranty from DV247. Thats the gamble....

  10. So, the amp was bought last year used, and most of the time its fine, but occasionally when switching on, usually after a bouncy car trip or vibrations on top of cab with wheels, theres a fairly loud hum, which is not linked to the volume or gain controls, it stays at the same volume, instrument plugged in and also not plugged in. When the hum is evident, you can play through the amp, but its very under powered and sounds distorted, more or less unusable live. Sometimes the hum goes if you give a sharp whack on the top rear edge! Last gig I had to do this then lie it on the floor away from the cab, as the vibrations of playing set it off again! Any ideas before I hit the repair shops? Theres nothing on google at all!

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