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Everything posted by bornleft

  1. After listening to the Maruszczyk demo on page 19 again, I do not find that tone to be close at all... Do you agree?
  2. In terms of the bridge, what do you plan to use?
  3. One thing I never understood about these wood cavity covers is how do they match so perfectly when one considers the routing around the perimeter which must remove a minimum of 1/8" around the perimeter on all sides?
  4. So do you not expect any updates here until then or are you playing around with electronics? I guess at some point you will have to ship him your new neck for fitting???
  5. So since the new body is the next set, when do you expect to receive it?
  6. Look back a few pages, there is a schematic!
  7. https://rjs-electronics.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA8t2eBhDeARIsAAVEga3SF9_hW10T3yymRZRKcLBoDSzcumARrilsCNi6LtnHUnULLKE7xyQaAsHWEALw_wcB https://prototypes.prioritydesigns.com/complete-prototypes/electronic-prototype/ https://www.google.com/search?q=electronic+custom+circuits+prototype+music+industry&source=lmns&bih=1085&biw=2527&client=safari&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiQ1Juat-_8AhWJNd4AHbt6B7cQ_AUoAHoECAEQAA
  8. I wish I could offer... not in my wheelhouse... But if you have a schematic with parts listed, what you need is someone in the electronics field, not in the "pre-amp" world. Someone outside of this industry.... follow the directions, etc. In terms of "discontinued parts", you need to look at one of recent pre-amps, where the parts are not old. I would be willing to bet since they only build something like 100 basses per year (just a wild donkey guess) that they can not commission proprietary components. They are not Fender... Someone is supplying their parts off of the shelf. So many falsities on the internet that reverse engineering would eliminate...
  9. I am curious to know if now that you have an accurate diagram of the Wal electronics, why someone couldn't just reverse engineer the amp and pickups? Instead of using someone else's approximation you could have exactly what you want. The Chinese reverse engineer fighter planes, why not some electronics...
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