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Posts posted by Rikki_Sixx

  1. [quote name='The59Sound' timestamp='1508833418' post='3394640'] Is there a similar site where you can actually meet good musicians?
    Given your username, I'd join your band :D I take it you're a fan of Gaslight Anthem? Good luck finding / forming something, I know from experience it can be tough to find folks with similar tastes and goals! Too many twerps out there thinking they're the next big thing.

  2. That's a great find for £50, Pacificas seem great! Is it a 112? I picked up an 012 from eBay a few months ago and it's fantastic. I prefer it to my old Epi SG Special I used to own (like comparing apples and oranges, admittedly) and a friend who played it became an instant convert.

  3. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1504127112' post='3362919']
    Yellow for me.

    Not sure about the tort pick guard with either though...

    Exactly what I was thinking too. The yellow would be cool, but if I had either of those colours I'd go for a lighter pickguard. Let us know what specs you go with - and colour!

  4. That's one helluva bass. I've never played a Yamaha bass (I do have a Pacifica guitar - great quality!) but I've always thought they look awesome. There's something about the look of those pick-ups that always makes me want one!

  5. I used to hate Radiohead. I remember buying OK Computer and the Verve's Urban Hymns on the same day and the whole lot sounded so depressing. I ended up putting both CD's away for a long time (the Verve ended up going to a charity shop, awful band).

    Years later the design agency I'd started working in played a lot of Radiohead. I was forever going "who's this? It's great. Oh, it's Radiohead, really?!". This was shortly after [i]Kid A[/i]. I became a huge fan, and wanted to see them for sooo long. I finally got to see them on Tuesday in Manchester and was blown away. Every member of the band is so talented, and the bass sounded fantastic all night. Very inspiring to see.

    From hater to huge fan, I'll admit I was wrong back in the beginning! :lol:

  6. Really love this! As much as Rickebacker have their "look", it's great that they're looking to mix things up a bit. The matte black hardware looks really modern and very cool. Not to everyone's taste but good to see new things coming out of there

  7. I spotted this on Facebook last night, PMT Car Boot sales their Leeds, Manchester and Birmingham stores: https://www.pmtonline.co.uk/blog/2017/04/27/car-boot-sale-2017/

    It's something they've done before but I haven't heard much about them. Has anyone been before? Good deals had? I'll be popping to the Leeds one in the hopes of getting a cheapo Strat to learn on or something.

  8. £12 inc. UK postage, same as I paid when I bought it from this very board.

    I'm selling an gorgeous red/yellow tortoiseshell pickguard, as I foolishly bought it without checking it would fit my own bass!

    It is 3-ply (black / white / tort) with lovely yellow-ish splashes in there. Unused, still with the original packaging and with the clear film still on the top. The packaging says this is a Squire Jazz pickguard but it should fit most 10-hole Jazz basses - it will not fit a VM Jazz without leaving a small gap near the control plate.

    Tried to show both the depth of colour and shape of the pickguard - particularly around the control plate - so no one makes the same mistake I did. Happy to take more photos if needed.

  9. I wondered the same. Saw this as I was eating breakfast and was half-asleep so didn't pick up on anything glaringly obvious other than the headstock logo position looks off.

    It does look like a dodgy listing though, absolutely. Such a barebones titles and description, can't help but be suspicious!

  10. My first bass was a Hohner Rockwood P bass, a wonky old thing with a 'SALE' star sun-burned into the white pickguard from many months in a shop window. After buying my 2nd bass it moved into a case under the bed for the next few years until I sold it on for a few quid.

    Getting it out of the case to take the photos I remembered the good times it had given me. Handing it over felt quite poignant - a lot of my mates kept their first guitars - but the buyer had the same look of joy on his face as I did when I first bought it. I don't miss it, but it was nice to revisit those memories for a few days.

  11. Bought a Jazz pickguard from Patrick, it was even better looking than I thought when it arrived! The PG was shipped almost immediately, arrived bang on time and was well protected, in perfect condition on arrival. Flawless communication throughout and a thoroughly nice chap to boot!

  12. I've been looking to replace the pickguard on my Squier Vintage Modified Jazz bass for a while. I bought a lovely tortoiseshell replacement from this very parish which would be perfect, only it turns out that the control plate on a VM Jazz is a different shape to other Fender / Squier Jazz basses.

    Does anyone know where I could buy a direct replacement? I don't feel confident enough cutting my own, and I've Googled a few times without much luck. Is it just a case of hoping someone gets bored of theirs and sticks it in the Classifieds / eBay?

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