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Posts posted by jaydentaku

  1. See, I want to get away from massive. I have a 4x12 which is huge and a total tonnage.

    There is so much to consider and so much advice, but I still don't feel informed enough to make the right decision.

  2. yeah, but given my lack of knowledge, I am not sure why this is a problem.

    I have been offered a 1x10 combo promethean for 400 quid. I am concerned that it is too small, but I have been assured of its ability.

  3. [font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][color="#000000"][size=4]Sorry about the formatting, I cut and pasted from a website. [/size][/color][/font]

    Not being at all knowledgable in the subject of amplification, I was wondering what people though of the following equipment and its appropriateness for use.

    I am in a metal band, we play in drop C CGCF. We are rather like Sabbath, crossed with Slayer and fairly Doomy. We play pubs and clubs. Two guitars, and a heavy handed drummer.

    Is the following going to be suitably loud/capable/appropriate. I tried this setup and I liked the sound in the shop. I am happy with it, in that setting. Its small/ light enough for my needs.

    Obviously I need to try it with the band and crank it up. But I don't want to go buy it if its not going to be anywhere near suitable or loud enough.

    I understand these are the cheaper line of GK? Your thoughts are always gladly received.

    [b] [font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][size=3][color=#000000]Gallien Krueger BL600 [/color][/size][/font][/b]

    [b] [font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][size=3][color=#000000]210MBX [/color][/size][/font][/b]

    [b] [font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][size=3][color=#000000]115 MBX[/color][/size][/font][/b]

  4. Soldering can be a bit tricky, but in terms of pickups, its straight forward. Why not grab a beginners project kit from a Maplin shop, if you can do that, then I think you should be more confident of doing the pickups, had some practice and saved some money and learnt a new skill.

  5. Matt, that is might kind of you! I have to say, that very Trace model was the first amp I ever played through, when I first started playing bass in the mid 90's. I fell in love with it and have always wanted one. It started my love for trace gear in fact.

    I am currently leaving in Durham though, but moving back to the toon in the next few weeks. I wouldn't expect you to come to durham, Would there be somewhere we could try it nearer you, like the church for example? I don't want to impose though

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