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Posts posted by NellyOnBass

  1. Thanks very much lads glad you like it, it's great but it was an absolute nightmare and such a long process trying to source everything to be exactly right however it's done now and i'm very happy with it.

  2. Absolutely cracking basses, love mine it has a very wide range of tones and in my opinion plays better than a Fender, here it is the MarloweDK signature model highly recommended.

  3. First real post here folks and hope it's appreciated, after much time, effort and hard earned cash this is my Epiphone Jack Casady fully customised as played by Mani the roses bass player used on the reunion tour, from the strings to the full set up etc. Unfortunately it hasn't been gigged yet but i have recorded with it at home and personally i think it's sounding deadly very nice deep growl when needed or still a nice trebly tone if the tone is adjusted and i'm using a pick :) [attachment=194957:IMG_0467.JPG]

  4. Hello everyone just a wee post to say hi, my name's Nelly and I've been playing bass for about 16years. Never been part of a bass forum but always been a browser hehe, anyway I've played in a few bands since I started and jumped straight in at the deep end playing live when I was a beginner however I don't regret it now as the current band I play in gigs a lot and this is my 11th year with them. I have quite a nice collection of basses just now and I'm really happy with my set up. Recently playing live I've been using either my Sandberg MarloweDK Signature model or my 1968 Rickenbacker 4005 mint condition Jetglo (however I have only gigged this once as it cost me an arm and a leg so I'm paranoid it gets any nasty damage, great bass for recording though which I use it a lot for) which I play through a Peavey TKO-115 combo, I used to gig with an Ashdown ABM 8x10 cab with the EVO II 500 chrome head, however it was far too big and heavy and trying to find room for it in the house proved difficult too with 2 kids so that had to go too.but I'm happy with the trusty Peavey as it's done me proud for the last few years and personally I feel it has the tone I found with the Ashdown (deep, punchy) plus if your D.I'd and have a good monitor in front of you it's perfect for even venue's such as Glasgow's ABC/Carling Academy and Edinburgh's Corn Exchange. I've never really been big on using pedals live (obviously other than a Boss chromatic tuner) I have owned a Boss overdrive and an Electroharmonix Big Muff but I got rid of them as they hardly got used. Well that's a little bit about me and I hope to get to know a few people from here. I've tried to attach a pic of my collection however I'm not the best with computers so I apologise if it's not worked.
    So if the pic failed here's the other guitars I have,
    Epiphone Jack Casady Custom (The Stone Roses) Gary Mani Mounfield
    Rickenbacker 3001 (1976 I'm sure)
    Hofner HCT Let It Be Custom (The Beatles) Paul McCartney

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