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Posts posted by Oakbear

  1. I'm looking to start a self build and am looking a t ready made pickups.
    Most i've seen come in sealed epoxy/plastic casing. However, I much prefer the wood look.

    How much would it effect the function of the pickup if it is placed inside a thin wooden casing?

  2. Had a wicked afternoon ta guys, a pleasure to meet you all. Worth staying up for after a night at work, but i'll suffer tonight!

    The Barefaced was definately a highlight for me too, amazing for something the size of a largish briefcase!

    Many, many wonderful basses though!
    I think the Wood&tronics would definately of been top had it had enough strings! The Marseer was awesome too. That Sei had something as well.... Ah too many to choose from!

  3. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='1030090' date='Nov 20 2010, 02:42 AM']I think his playing is too cheesy for me. It's like chart music - yes some of it is very slick but it's schmaltzy nonsense you've heard a million times before. I also really don't like his tone.[/quote]


  4. I bought a Chiwanese sixer off t'bay for £80 a couple of years back with the intention of ripping it to bits and modding it. Just a toy to learn a bit about construction really.

    When i got it, it was so good i couldn't bear to mess with it!
    A good setup and it was a fair fall back bass if i didn't want to bring out my Ritter.

    Don't get me wrong, i've played much much better, but i've also played much worse costing £500.....

  5. Thanks Gareth that looks like a nice bit of kit!

    I can't find that product in the uk, but'll do some digging i think!

    It's made me realise i need to learn a fair bit though!
    Anyone have any links for wiring a piezo and magnetic pickup for bass?

    Any other ways i could do this or other products?

  6. I'm considering a self build, and whilst my general woodworking skills are pretty good, i know little about electrics.

    The concept is a singlecut fretless 6, and i want plenty of mwah and acoustic tones, but a bit of flexibility is always nice.

    I'd like an under-saddle piezo, but also a single humbucker, switiching between either or both, with the possibility of blending.
    I know i'll need some kind of buffer for the piezo. How would it work if both were wired to a preamp?

    Any suggestions or wiring diagrams?

    Thanks in advance!

  7. [quote]I'll see what I can do about getting my Stagg EUB to the bash, but I can't promise anything. Does anyone else who's coming have one? (I'm sure someone brought one last time).[/quote]

    No worries, it'd be nice if you can but i'll live! There's a pint or 2 in it for ya mind :)

    [quote]My RIM Marseer is being delivered tomorrow though so happily I will definitely have that to bring along[/quote]


    [quote]looking at post one we may run out of space for amps![/quote]

    Will there be enough spoeaker cabs if i don't lug mine along? They're not too special tbh.
    I'll bring my AI Clarus though if people fancy a whirl....

  8. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1022199' date='Nov 13 2010, 09:39 AM']Yes I still have it. However it's in storage at the moment as I don't have any need for it in either of the bands I'm currently playing with. Also I found that I could get what I considered to be a better upright tone out of my Lightwave Bass. If I'm able to dig it out before next weekend I'll bring it along. Don't expect me to be able to play much on it though.[/quote]

    Cheers mate, i'm thinking of purchasing one, but have yet to try it!
    Lightwave bass as in the light pickup system? Very interesting if so! I seem to recall them being big money thought (certainly when they came out at least).

  9. Thanks for the replies folks!

    Just to clarify i'm neither depressed nor desperate to gig and beaten into submission by the wife! :)
    If there was a situation where regular gigging was on the cards i'd have to consider how she felt about it, as although she'd never stop me i know she's not keen on me being away regularly if i can help it. The odd gig is different.

    I was actually genuinely shocked that my bass appears to have appreciated so dramatically.

    My head says i can get something nearly as good for a quarter of what i could sell for (and there is a temptation to try something else really nice), and have cash for other fun stuff (EUB for one!) as well as everyday expenses. I also feel vaguely guilty keeping such a nice instrument locked away.
    My heart says it's my baby and i'd miss it terribly.

    I'm in no rush regards this as i don't need the money, so i can wait for certain.
    As mentioned the time isn't necessarily right to sell given the economic climate. I wonder if it'll continue to appreciate as well?

    I think i will end up keeping it tbh. I should just try and get a bit more use out of it!

  10. When i bought my Ritter it was as a bass for life, something to cherish.
    I still love it dearly, and it plays a dream. In all honesty, I've not played anything like it for comfort and general quality.

    However I've not been playing a deal since having moderate success with my last band a few years back, and realising i don't want to be gigging every week and comitting to music as a full time job.
    I play most weeks at home, and have done the odd dep or jam session.
    Between my lack of comittment to music and SWMBO not being keen on me gigging, i don't think it'll get much more use than that.
    I feel my bass is a bit wasted tbh.

    I'm also aware that to get one like mine new would cost over 5 grand, there's been a similar (but not as nice imho) bass advertised recently for £4k. Which makes a potential sale awfully tempting....

    Now i know i could use some of the proceeds and buy a lovely bass. I also know the chances of me ever buying a bass like that again are minimal.

    So what do i do?
    What would you do?!

  11. Here's a link to Maplins

    From reading around the net it seems that mounting and position are imperative.
    I've seen success from folks who have taken a unit which sounded bad and mounted it in cork or clay. It makes sense to cut down noise, and sounds excellent in their reports. It seems a shame to lose the sound of the wood a bit though.
    I guess it's a trade off for cutting finger noise etc.

    My original plan was to mount maybe 3 of these into the bottom of an ebony bridge which i'll carve (a base unit, with slides carved out for ebony saddles, held in by string pressure. Anchoring either through or on the body in keepers). I'm now thinking of doing this with thickish cork on the bottom and side of the piezos to lose unwanted noise.
    Would that kill any desireable sound from the body though?

    Lfalex, i also like the idea of the piezo on a thin top, like an acoustic.
    From what i've heard here it seems that might pick up a bit of noise, but acoustic basses are mounted like that, and there's not too much click with ones i've played....

    Is some of this a preamp issue? No preamp =tons of noise?

  12. Thanks very much for the replies folks!

    I'm thinking of attempting a fretless 6 self build soon (possibly semi-hollowbody), and had considered either a piezo system or a dual magnetic and piezo combo.
    I like the idea of an extra bite or ambient resonance for that upright sound.
    Now i'm taking my time on this one, but am aiming for making as much of it myself as possible, for as little as possible

    Purely for aethetics i also really fancy the idea of a smooth top with no pickups visible!

    On paper piezos (even the cheap buzzers) have a great frequecy reponse. I like the sound on cellos or uprights, but have only heard it on an acoustic bass, and then through a preamp.

    Any more recommendations?

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