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Posts posted by AustinArto

  1. Currently using either my Schroeder 212 or a little Marshall 12" guitar cab. It actually sounds better with a bass through it, my strat sounds very, very bright. I plugged in a reverb from my Eventide H9 earlier and it sounded decent though! And the dirty channel actually sounds pretty good. Still wish it was quieter. :(

  2. Ah right. It can put out a lot of bass if I roll the tone off on my bass but it's naturally very bright-sounding. I plugged my Strat into it too and that was also mega-bright even on the neck pup.

    I don't really know anything about amps if I'm honest certainly not guitar amps and not valve amps either, never had one before.

  3. Today on a whim I drove down to Gear4Music and bought a little 5W valve guitar head. I thought it would make a handy practise amp at home.

    Anyway, long story short it sounds way too bright and it's too bloody loud to crank the clean channel and see how it warms up, so I was wondering if swapping out the tubes might be a worthwhile exercise?

    I'm not really bothered about dirt, but I would like to get a big, fat sound at lower volume. It's one of these:


  4. The filters are no good on bass and there's no sample rate reducer. The octaver is pretty good, the Whammy is excellent, delays and reverbs are very good, the ring mod is very good, couple of good phasers, a good comp, overall I really like them but shame about the filters.

  5. Yeah the Whammy effect in the Line 6 M series pedals is the cleanest Whammy I've ever heard and it works brilliantly on bass. Really can't sing its praises enough and a +1 Oct Whammy effect is something I use literally all the time, have done for years.

  6. Bear in mind there's Banks' on Lendal too, they don't always have a lot of bass stuff (although there was a Jazz in that weird '70s yellow-green burst last time I was in there - Antigua?) but a decent range of effects and a lot of books of dots upstairs. And Red Cow on Goodramgate which is more folky.

    Phil at MOR is a good guy he's sorted me out with lots of stuff in the past but he doesn't really stock interesting basses, I think most of his trade thread days is lower end stuff and acoustics, but he often has used stuff in on commission sales; Stu Fletcher's old '74 Jazz was in last year, but it was all Badassed and EMGd up, pretty bass but not really a vintage Fender any more.

  7. Roland Jet Phaser? Don't think there's a clone of it. It will do both dirty and slow but you'd have to mix it with your clean signal outboard if you felt you were losing too much bottom end.

    Well, you'd have to find one first...

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