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Stylon Pilson

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Posts posted by Stylon Pilson

  1. Maybe I'm being a dumb schmuck, but if I go into an independent music shop and I like a bass, then I pay the price that they've put on the ticket. I don't offer them 10% less just because I can, because I want them to still be in business in a year's time.

    Either you like the bass enough to pay £500 for it, or you don't.


  2. When I am viewing the "New Posts" page, I would like to be able to configure highlighted background colours for certain forums. For instance, for any threads in the "Build Diaries" forum, I'd like the background colour for the entire table row to be (for instance) yellow instead of grey.

    Each user should be able to set their own preferred colours.

    Apologies if this has already been mentioned before - I couldn't see anything in the last two pages.


  3. Maybe you could get a little groove routed into the top that could form a boundary round the clusters of related controls. If it was only a fraction of a millimetre deep, it wouldn't be visible from the front, but from the player's perspective it would be just right.


  4. [quote name='Lew-Bass' post='401708' date='Feb 6 2009, 03:26 AM']How do you go about this if say for example it is a custom-made amp?[/quote]

    I don't think it can really be easily done. You could use a plug-through electrical meter and then play your amp at maximum volume to determine how many watts it draws from the grid, but then the amp won't have 100% efficiency so your effective wattage will be much lower.

    I assume that you are trying to sell the amp and you are wondering what to put on the advert to portray how loud it is. One option would be to A/B your amp with some other common amps, find the one that seems to have about the same output, and then on your advert write "I don't know the wattage, but it's comparable to a blah blah blah." You should definitely invite potential buyers to try it out first.


  5. Fairly good gig last night. Good connection between us and the crowd, and I had a great time in spite of the technical issues that I faced. Technical issue #1: my bass was uncharacteristically poor at staying in tune. Technical issue #2: there was another band playing tonight - I emailed them a couple of days back asking if I could borrow their bassist's amp (so that I could come in on the train). They said yes, no problem. Wasn't expecting the guy to turn up with a 10W combo. We're not a loud band, and it was a small room, so I could have got by with a 20W, but the 10W just didn't have the oomph.

    He was a damn nice guy though. I hope that our paths cross again in the future.


  6. Hey, stubaruba, I know how to fix your problem without spending any money at all! You need to take your instrument apart, put it in the freezer for three days, then leave it under a blanket for 42 minutes. Turn off all the lights, reassemble it in the dark, and then it will be working fine again!

    No, not really. Take it to a tech.


  7. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/LAKWOOD-FRETLESS-BASS-GREAT-SPEC-PRO-SETUP_W0QQitemZ150322556427QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV"]Here it is[/url].

    Anyone know what the body is made of? It wasn't mentioned anywhere in the posting.

    Edit: oh, and scroll down to the "Is there a fretless version?" question. The answer may surprise you.


  8. [quote name='josh3184' post='391318' date='Jan 25 2009, 10:55 PM']Two thirds of the way through the setlist they burst, all over my strings. horrible mess. I try to get the plectrum outta my back pocket, succeed (takes me about 10secs), start playing but the pus means that it falls out of my fingers and onto the floor within 2 bars. Safe to say by the end of the gig my popped blisters had blisters starting inside them.[/quote]

    This is exactly what I wanted to read on a Monday morning.


  9. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='390158' date='Jan 24 2009, 01:45 AM']The punk bass is playable, the first 9 frets are fine, and who really needs more than that? Te 'point' is explained on his site:[/quote]

    I'm not sure. The photos don't show it clearly enough, but it looks like there's a cable tie between the nut and 1st fret, which would make the 1st fret pretty tough going.


  10. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='387754' date='Jan 21 2009, 05:13 PM']Think that would be a pretty large breakage risk.[/quote]

    Unless you made it out of titanium.

    (sorry, it felt like things were getting a little too sensible round here).


  11. It looks like the photo on the eBay listing is a stock photo of the model. I think that when the item is second hand, the seller should post a photo of the actual item.

    [quote name='damo200sx' post='387677' date='Jan 21 2009, 04:23 PM']Or any other ideas? Looking to spend about £150 to £200?[/quote]

    [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=36942"]This.[/url] (or something like it)


  12. [quote name='jimijimmi' post='387598' date='Jan 21 2009, 03:12 PM']if they were good enough for John,then theyre good enough for me[/quote]

    I thought the whole point of them was that they [b]weren't[/b] good enough for John, which is why he swapped the neck for a Fender, and stopped using them entirely after a couple of years.


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